International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: REMINDER: FDSN Working Group V - Portable Instrumentation - Meeting at IASPEI Cape Town

Started: 2009-01-06 16:04:07
Last activity: 2009-01-06 16:04:07

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Dear All,

There will be an FDSN WG V meeting at IASPEI in Cape Town:

FDSN working group V: Portable instrumentation
Wednesday, Jan 14, 2009; 17:00 - 18:30

The meeting will be chaired by Jim Fowler of Passcal.

Following the previous meeting, Jim has been developing a utility for
the community to improve access and cooperation with regards data from
portable instrumentation.

You can see a prototype of the web map at:

The remit of the project is below. Your feedback is requested as this
is still a development tool, and Jim is keen to get people's views (jim<at>

Currently the demo is for Passcal projects only. However, the aim is
to have a generic tool which data centres, instrument facilities or
even institutions can run themselves.


Demonstration Project:
In order to promote more cooperation among PIs and to promote the use
of portable data a small demonstration project was proposed. The
project goal is to develop an application that can track information
related to the status of portable experiments and their data.
Experiments would be plotted on a map with future experiments plotted
as a bounding box and then as more information becomes available
stations would be plotted as actual latitudes and longitudes.
Clicking on station symbols will bring up information on the
experiment and the status of the data availability information on how
to access it.

The initial demonstration project will be developed for handling
future experiments. The application will be simple to implement so
that each facility will be responsible for creating the map of its
experiments. The maps will be created so that they can be displayed
individually or combined as layers to display all of the experiments.

SEIS-UK, Geology, University of Leicester
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tel +44 116 2523627 fax +44 116 2523918
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