International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Map software for projects

Started: 2010-03-02 00:50:12
Last activity: 2010-03-02 00:50:12

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Brisbourne, Alex M. (Dr.)
2010-03-02 00:50:12
Dear FDSN WG5 member,

Jim Fowler and his Passcal colleagues have developed a Google maps based tool for creating a map of experiment locations.

An example of what you can do with the software is shown at:

The newest version of the software is now available for you to download for your own purposes at:

If you install this software for your own purposes please forward a link on to this mailing list so we can put a link on the FDSN website to allow us to start keeping a track of worldwide project activity.

The intention is to help increase coordination between facilities and scientists working in similar regions.



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