International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: FDSN WG III - Products Tools and Services

Started: 2011-05-11 20:13:17
Last activity: 2011-05-11 20:13:17

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Tim Ahern
2011-05-11 20:13:17
Hello everyone. I wanted to bring your attention to activities at the upcoming IUGG meetings in Melbourne.

FDSN Working Group III - Products, Tools and Services will meet on July 3, sometime in the evening. Exact Times are not
yet known.

WG III attempts to coordinate activities across the FDSN in the area of Products, Tools, and Services. To be most effective
it is important to have representation from as many networks as possible. I encourage you to attend the meetings if
you are planning on attending the IUGG. Can you please send me an email and let me know if you are planning to attend
the WG III meeting.

I am attaching a draft agenda of topics to be discussed in FDSN WG III. Can you please take a look at the agenda, suggest additions
and/or changes and send them back to me as soon as possible.

I personally want to begin promoting the concept of Federated Data Centers within the FDSN using FDSN approved web services
as the access method. I have had discussions with several data centers already and it appears there is significant support for this
concept. We will be exploring a variety of new ideas in the area of Products, Tools and Services with a focus on Services this year.

I hope to see you in Melbourne and please suggest additional topics to have included in the agenda.


Program Manager, IRIS Data Management System
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Seattle, WA 98105

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