International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: workng group 1 mailing list

Started: 2007-06-28 00:49:13
Last activity: 2009-03-03 00:16:36

This thread is from a mailing list that has moved to Google Groups. Use the following links to browse the updated archives.
Seiji Tsuboi
2007-06-28 00:49:13
Dear members of FDSN working group 1

I am sending this email to the mailing list of FDSN working group 1. If
you are not supposed to be the member of the WG-1, please let me know.

We will have WG-1 meeting in Perugia at 18:00 on July 9th. I will send
the agenda of the WG-1 meeting later.

Best regards,
Seiji Tsuboi

Yokohama Japan
E-mail: tsuboi<at>

  • Seiji Tsuboi
    2007-06-29 22:11:09
    Dear members of FDSN working group 1

    I should apologize that I did not have a time to update the mailing list
    before the meeting so that some of you, who should not be included in
    the mailing list, will still be receiving this email.

    We will have WG-1 meeting in Perugia at 18:00 on July 9th.
    The issues we should discuss at the meeting should be:
    1) updates of FDSN station inventory.
    2) items that may be added in the station inventory, such as realtime
    data transmission.
    3) current status of replacement of STS-1 seismometer (if any).

    The latest version of the station inventory is posted at the FDSN web
    site. Please download the latest one and check if this file includes
    necessary updates. We are aware of missing various networks, especially
    in Asia, in this inventory. It should be good if we can discuss how we
    can encourage those unidentified network to be included this inventory
    during the meeting. If you have additional issues to be discussed in the
    meeting, please let us know by email. I am sorry that this email is so
    late but I hope that you would have a chance to read this before your

    Best regards,
    Seiji Tsuboi

    Yokohama Japan
    E-mail: tsuboi<at>

    • Seiji Tsuboi
      2009-01-05 22:45:44
      Dear members of FDSN working group 1

      I should apologize that I did not have a time to update the mailing list
      before the meeting so that some of you, who should not be included in
      the mailing list, will still be receiving this email.

      We will have WG-1 meeting in Cape Town at 16:30 on January 12th. Starting time
      of the WG-1 meeting is noticed as 17:00 in the current program found on the
      IASPEI web page, but I was informed that the WG-1 meeting will start at 16:30.
      Please check the latest information at the meeting place.

      The issues we should discuss at the meeting should be:
      1) updates of FDSN station inventory.
      2) updates of FDSN backbone network
      3) items that may be added in the station inventory, such as realtime
      data transmission.
      4) current status of replacement of STS-1 seismometer (if any).

      The latest version of the station inventory is attached with this email.
      Please check if this file includes necessary updates. I have not included some
      stations in the inventory because not all of the information was complete. If
      you have additional
      issues to be discussed in the meeting, please let us know by email. I am
      sorry that this email is so late but I hope that you would have a chance to
      read this before your departure.

      Best regards,
      Seiji Tsuboi

      Yokohama Japan
      E-mail: tsuboi<at>

      • Seiji Tsuboi
        2009-01-21 00:03:04
        Dear members of FDSN working group 1

        Thank you very much for attending the working group meeting last week in Cape
        Town. I was sorry for not attending the second FDSN plenary meeting due to my
        flight schedule. I will send a working group report with this email. If you have
        found any changes and additions to be made on the report, please let me know.
        Also we have agreed to include new backbone stations proposed by Elenore
        Stutzmann and Rhett Butler. I have attached a proposed station list and station
        map with this email. If you have any comments or opinions regarded with this
        matter, please let me know by the end of this month.

        Best regards,
        Seiji Tsuboi

        Yokohama Japan
        E-mail: tsuboi<at>

        • Seiji Tsuboi
          2009-02-24 21:28:13
          Dear members of FDSN working group 1

          I have sent following email on January 20th but did not get any comments by the
          end of January. Thus I have amended the FDSN station inventory to add new
          federation backbone stations. Please check the inventory and let me know if you
          have any comments on this inventory.

          Best regards,
          Seiji Tsuboi

          -----Original Message-----
          From: Seiji Tsuboi [tsuboi<at>]
          Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 4:03 PM
          To: fdsn-wg1-stations<at>
          Subject: working group report

          Dear members of FDSN working group 1

          Thank you very much for attending the working group meeting last week in Cape
          Town. I was sorry for not attending the second FDSN plenary meeting due to my
          flight schedule. I will send a working group report with this email. If you
          found any changes and additions to be made on the report, please let me know.
          Also we have agreed to include new backbone stations proposed by Elenore
          Stutzmann and Rhett Butler. I have attached a proposed station list and
          map with this email. If you have any comments or opinions regarded with this
          matter, please let me know by the end of this month.

          Best regards,
          Seiji Tsuboi

          Yokohama Japan
          E-mail: tsuboi<at>