International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Fwd: WG-V Standardized Digitizer Outputs discussion and the WG-II Evolution of the miniSeed format - Meeting at the EGU

Started: 2016-02-24 00:39:02
Last activity: 2016-02-24 00:39:02

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Hi members of FDSN WG-V, I’d like to bring your attention to the WG-II meeting "Evolution of the miniSeed format - Meeting at the EGU” (see below). This meeting will hopefully bring together many of the seismic instrumentation manufacturers and provide an appropriate venue to begin addressing the recommendation from our 2015 Prague meeting "FDSN (WG - V and perhaps WG - I) will develop a list of standardized digitizer outputs (e.g. SOH channels, meta-data) for vendors to meet when developing new equipment.”

I have been in touch with the organizer of the miniSeed format meeting and we are planning to have a SOH discussion either as a continuation of the miniSeed meeting or as a second meeting depending on room availability. The meeting at EGU will provide an opportunity for WG-V to discuss the list of standardized digitizer output with manufacturers. I expect the outcome of this meeting to be a revised version of the attached document that will then be circulated among the WG-V maillist for further comment. The goal is to have a well vetted list for our meeting next year in Kobe.

If you are interested in participating please register by 26 February 2016 for the “Evolution of the miniSeed format” meeting. Instructions are in the text below.

I have attached a preliminary SOH draft compiled by PASSCAL staff as a first-draft document for our discussion. Please feel free to provide feedback on this document to the maillist before the EGU meeting.

Sincerely, Bruce

Dr. Bruce Beaudoin
IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center
100 East Rd., New Mexico Tech
Socorro, NM 87801 USA
(575) 835-5071

On Feb 17, 2016, at 3:57 PM, Tim Ahern <tim<at> <tim<at>>> wrote:

Evolution of the miniSeed format - Meeting at the EGU


You are receiving this email because you are a manufacturer of seismic data acquisition systems, a member of FDSN WGII on formats, on the FDSN executive committee or someone closely involved with equipment within IRIS. Fee free to share this email with others you think would be interested.

IRIS, along with its partners in the FDSN, are organizing a meeting to discuss the future of the time-series portion of the SEED format, namely miniSeed.
As the metadata portion of SEED is changing from dateless SEED to StationXML, it is necessary to consider necessary or desirable changes to the time series portion of SEED as well.

The purpose of this meeting is to get FDSN member networks and manufacturers of seismic acquisition equipment in a meeting where different perspectives can be shared and begin first steps toward a new definition of the time series portion of SEED format. It is important for manufacturers to provide input into this process since many manufacturers produce miniSeed formatted data in the datalogger or through software processing systems external to the data logging process. This meeting will serve as a starting point and it is intended to then follow a standard Request for Comment (RFC) approach as the dialogue continues.

As many of you will be at the EGU in Vienna from April 17-22, 2016 we would like to include all interested parties in the meeting.
Please forward this email to others within your organization or more broadly to groups you think may be interested in participating.

If you or someone in your organization will attend please reply to this email (gale<at> <gale<at>> and tim<at> <tim<at>>) with
Your Name, Organization, number coming from you organization and position within the organization and we will add you to the list of interested parties.

We do not yet have a time or a room reserved as we are waiting to see how many people express an interest in attending.
Please respond by 26 February 2016 at which time we will determine the meeting time and place.


Dr. Tim Ahern
FDSN Archive for Continuous Data
International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN)
1408 NE 45th Street #201
Seattle, WA 98105
(206)547-0393 x118
(206) 547-1093 FAX