International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Re: FDSN station inventory

Started: 2008-11-17 17:58:22
Last activity: 2008-11-17 17:58:22

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Dr. Pawel Wiejacz
2008-11-17 17:58:22
Dear Seiji,

I am sorry to be mixing up, but as of Polish stations the list is not up-to-date.
I.e. it was until October 20.

On October 20 (2008) we have reopened station BEL after 40 years.
Station was opened at a new vault, about 200 m from the old location.
The coordinates of BEL are Latitude: 51.8355N, Longitude: 20.7888E,
Elevation: 173 m, Depth of vault: 2 m. Equipment is a 24-bit MK-6 type
seismic station and STS-2 seismometer, the very set that worked at
WAR until October 10 (2008). This deployment is considered permanent.

Regarding WAR site, since October 10 recording is shut down. We have
no plans for the site which is noisy and difficult to reach (due to new traffic
regulations one must obtain in-advance permits should one need to drive
there; otherwise access is possible only on foot). The observatory premises
need thorough and costly renovation.
We are now in the process of evacuation old paper recording archive and
are willling to hand over the observatory to any institution willing to take it.
Should any such institution appear, we would be willing to leave back sets
of Kirnos-SKD and BB-13 seismometers and provide initial basic training
in observatory management. However, no such willing institution has appeared,
not even the Institute of Geophysics, Warsaw University (observatory is
located at Warsaw University main=historical campus).
Hence, if the situation does not change before we complete evacuation, we
shall simply return the rooms to the proprietor - Warsaw University. Initial
talks - have been already made. They are not happy to have us leave.
Regarding future plans for the site nothing has been decided; having a winery
- cafe was one of the possible uses considered.

Final decision on WAR is expected before the end of the year or in January
at the latest. To my reason the chances of keeping WAR any form of
seismological observatory are as low as 1%.

Best regards,
Pawel Wiejacz

----- Original Message -----
From: "Seiji Tsuboi" <tsuboi<at>>
To: <fdsn-wg1-stations<at>>
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 8:36 AM
Subject: [fdsn-wg1-stations] FDSN station inventory

Dear FDSN WG1 members,

I have amended the station inventory based on the information I have received so
far. Please check the attached Excel spread sheet and confirm if your
information is correctly reflected. In case you have sent the information
already but the inventory is not updated, I would be grateful if you would send
the information again.
Thank you very much.

Seiji Tsuboi


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