International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Voting for membership

Started: 2018-11-27 08:13:24
Last activity: 2019-01-29 11:08:24

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Michelle Grobbelaar
2018-11-27 08:13:24
Dear All

We have received a request for membership from The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

HVO has operated a seismic network on the Island of Hawaii since its founding in 1912. Today, HVO operates a Tier 1 ANSS network that includes nearly 100 stations with a mixture of short period, broadband, strong motion, and infrasound instrument. This is a key component of HVO's larger volcano monitoring network of over 250 stations that also includes geodesy, gas, and geology sensors. Additionally, HVO coordinates with other seismic network operators in the state to share data through the Hawaii Integrated Seismic Network, consisting of HV, PT, NP, IU, and UH stations. These are collectively represented through the IRIS virtual network _HAWAII.

They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
"Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station. Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

Please could you send me your votes by no later than 12 December 2018 in order for us to make a decision.

Thank you for you cooperation.
Kind regards
  • Jaime Campos
    2018-11-27 16:09:45

    I vote in favour of the new member.

    Jaime CAMPOS
    U de Chile

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from The Hawaiian Volcano

    HVO has operated a seismic network on the Island of Hawaii since its
    founding in 1912. Today, HVO operates a Tier 1 ANSS network that includes
    nearly 100 stations with a mixture of short period, broadband, strong
    motion, and infrasound instrument. This is a key component of HVO's
    larger volcano monitoring network of over 250 stations that also includes
    geodesy, gas, and geology sensors. Additionally, HVO coordinates with
    other seismic network operators in the state to share data through the
    Hawaii Integrated Seismic Network, consisting of HV, PT, NP, IU, and UH
    stations. These are collectively represented through the IRIS virtual
    network _HAWAII.

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one
    broad-band station. Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide
    free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for
    membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting
    members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN
    will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 12 December 2018 in
    order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives
    Topic home:
    | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

    Jaime CAMPOS
    Depto. de Geofísica
    Universidad de Chile
    Blanco Encalada 2002, Casilla 2777
    Santiago - CHILE

  • Reinoud Sleeman
    2018-11-27 16:36:02
    Dear Michelle,

    I'm in favour.

    Best regards
    (KNMI Netherlands)

    -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
    Van: fdsn-representatives-bounce<at> [fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>] Namens Michelle Grobbelaar
    Verzonden: dinsdag 27 november 2018 09:14
    Aan: FDSN Representatives
    Onderwerp: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for membership

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

    HVO has operated a seismic network on the Island of Hawaii since its founding in 1912. Today, HVO operates a Tier 1 ANSS network that includes nearly 100 stations with a mixture of short period, broadband, strong motion, and infrasound instrument. This is a key component of HVO's larger volcano monitoring network of over 250 stations that also includes geodesy, gas, and geology sensors. Additionally, HVO coordinates with other seismic network operators in the state to share data through the Hawaii Integrated Seismic Network, consisting of HV, PT, NP, IU, and UH stations. These are collectively represented through the IRIS virtual network _HAWAII.

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station. Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 12 December 2018 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • Nikolaus Horn
    2018-11-27 16:43:10
    Dear Michelle,

    I vote in favour of the new member. Best regards,


    Nikolaus Horn
    Abteilung für Geophysik - Seismologie / Departement of Geophysics - Seismology
    ZAMG - Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik
    1190 Wien, Hohe Warte
    Tel.: +43 1 36026 2521
    Fax: +43 1 368 66 21
    E-Mail: nikolaus.horn<at>
    Join us on facebook:
    Von: fdsn-representatives-bounce<at> <fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>> im Auftrag von Michelle Grobbelaar <michelle<at>>
    Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. November 2018 09:13:40
    An: FDSN Representatives
    Betreff: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for membership

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

    HVO has operated a seismic network on the Island of Hawaii since its founding in 1912. Today, HVO operates a Tier 1 ANSS network that includes nearly 100 stations with a mixture of short period, broadband, strong motion, and infrasound instrument. This is a key component of HVO's larger volcano monitoring network of over 250 stations that also includes geodesy, gas, and geology sensors. Additionally, HVO coordinates with other seismic network operators in the state to share data through the Hawaii Integrated Seismic Network, consisting of HV, PT, NP, IU, and UH stations. These are collectively represented through the IRIS virtual network _HAWAII.

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station. Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 12 December 2018 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • Jose Antonio Jara Salvador
    2018-11-27 17:23:55
    I vote in favour.

    Kind Regards,

    Jose A. Jara
    ICGC Spain

    -----Mensaje original-----
    De: fdsn-representatives-bounce<at> [fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>] En nombre de Michelle Grobbelaar
    Enviado el: martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018 9:14
    Para: FDSN Representatives
    Asunto: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for membership

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

    HVO has operated a seismic network on the Island of Hawaii since its founding in 1912. Today, HVO operates a Tier 1 ANSS network that includes nearly 100 stations with a mixture of short period, broadband, strong motion, and infrasound instrument. This is a key component of HVO's larger volcano monitoring network of over 250 stations that also includes geodesy, gas, and geology sensors. Additionally, HVO coordinates with other seismic network operators in the state to share data through the Hawaii Integrated Seismic Network, consisting of HV, PT, NP, IU, and UH stations. These are collectively represented through the IRIS virtual network _HAWAII.

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station. Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 12 December 2018 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • Enrico Priolo
    2018-11-27 17:53:02
    I agree.
    Best regards,
    Enrico Priolo

    Michelle Grobbelaar ha scritto il 27/11/18 alle 09:13:
    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

    HVO has operated a seismic network on the Island of Hawaii since its founding in 1912. Today, HVO operates a Tier 1 ANSS network that includes nearly 100 stations with a mixture of short period, broadband, strong motion, and infrasound instrument. This is a key component of HVO's larger volcano monitoring network of over 250 stations that also includes geodesy, gas, and geology sensors. Additionally, HVO coordinates with other seismic network operators in the state to share data through the Hawaii Integrated Seismic Network, consisting of HV, PT, NP, IU, and UH stations. These are collectively represented through the IRIS virtual network _HAWAII.

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station. Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 12 December 2018 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

    Enrico Priolo
    OGS - Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale
    (National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics)
    Sezione CRS - Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche (Seismological Section)
    Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/c
    I-34010 Sgonico (Trieste)

    e-mail: epriolo<at>
    skype: epriolo
    tel: +39 040 2140.351 (diretto/direct),  +39 040 2140.1 (centralino/main
    fax: +39 040 2140.365

  • Costas Papazachos
    2018-11-27 18:46:15
    Obviously yes...

    Στις 11/27/2018 10:13 AM, ο Michelle Grobbelaar έγραψε:
    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

    HVO has operated a seismic network on the Island of Hawaii since its founding in 1912. Today, HVO operates a Tier 1 ANSS network that includes nearly 100 stations with a mixture of short period, broadband, strong motion, and infrasound instrument. This is a key component of HVO's larger volcano monitoring network of over 250 stations that also includes geodesy, gas, and geology sensors. Additionally, HVO coordinates with other seismic network operators in the state to share data through the Hawaii Integrated Seismic Network, consisting of HV, PT, NP, IU, and UH stations. These are collectively represented through the IRIS virtual network _HAWAII.

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station. Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 12 December 2018 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

    This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

    Costas Papazachos
    Professor of Geophysics, Geophysical Laboratory,
    Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
    PO Box 352-1, GR-54124, Thessaloniki, GREECE
    Email: kpapaza<at>
    Tel.: + 30 2310998510, Fax: + 30 2310998528

    (Greek Web Page)
    (English Web Page)

  • Soren Gregersen
    2018-11-27 20:08:07
    Dear Michelle.
    My vote is yes. Best regards Soren.

    -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
    Fra: fdsn-representatives-bounce<at> [fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>] På vegne af Michelle Grobbelaar
    Sendt: 27. november 2018 09:14
    Til: FDSN Representatives <fdsn-representatives<at>>
    Emne: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for membership

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

    HVO has operated a seismic network on the Island of Hawaii since its founding in 1912. Today, HVO operates a Tier 1 ANSS network that includes nearly 100 stations with a mixture of short period, broadband, strong motion, and infrasound instrument. This is a key component of HVO's larger volcano monitoring network of over 250 stations that also includes geodesy, gas, and geology sensors. Additionally, HVO coordinates with other seismic network operators in the state to share data through the Hawaii Integrated Seismic Network, consisting of HV, PT, NP, IU, and UH stations. These are collectively represented through the IRIS virtual network _HAWAII.

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station. Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 12 December 2018 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

    • Ali Pinar
      2018-11-27 23:26:14
      A positive vote from KOERI.
      Best regards,

      Soren Gregersen <sg<at>>, 27 Kas 2018 Sal, 14:08 tarihinde şunu yazdı:

      Dear Michelle.
      My vote is yes. Best regards Soren.

      -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
      Fra: fdsn-representatives-bounce<at> [mailto:
      fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>] På vegne af Michelle
      Sendt: 27. november 2018 09:14
      Til: FDSN Representatives <fdsn-representatives<at>>
      Emne: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for membership

      Dear All

      We have received a request for membership from The Hawaiian Volcano

      HVO has operated a seismic network on the Island of Hawaii since its
      founding in 1912. Today, HVO operates a Tier 1 ANSS network that includes
      nearly 100 stations with a mixture of short period, broadband, strong
      motion, and infrasound instrument. This is a key component of HVO's larger
      volcano monitoring network of over 250 stations that also includes geodesy,
      gas, and geology sensors. Additionally, HVO coordinates with other seismic
      network operators in the state to share data through the Hawaii Integrated
      Seismic Network, consisting of HV, PT, NP, IU, and UH stations. These are
      collectively represented through the IRIS virtual network _HAWAII.

      They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
      "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one
      broad-band station. Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide
      free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

      At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for
      membership, we could send out an email for voting.

      Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting
      members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN
      will constitute a quorum.

      Please could you send me your votes by no later than 12 December 2018 in
      order for us to make a decision.

      Thank you for you cooperation.
      Kind regards

      FDSN Representatives
      Topic home:
      | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

      Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
      Update subscription preferences at

      FDSN Representatives
      Topic home:
      | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

      Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
      Update subscription preferences at

      • Timo Tiira
        2018-11-27 23:05:40
        I vote in favour of the new member.


        Timo Tiira
        Johtaja Director
        Seismologian instituutti Institute of Seismology
        Geotieteiden ja maantieteen osasto Department of Geosciences and Geography
        PL 68 (Pietari Kalminkatu 5) P.O. Box 68 (Pietari Kalminkatu 5)
        00014 Helsingin yliopisto FI-00014 University of Helsinki
        tel. +358 29 4151610, +358 50 4480268

        From: fdsn-representatives-bounce<at> <fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>> on behalf of Ali Pinar <pinara<at>>
        Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 2:22:39 PM
        To: FDSN Representatives
        Subject: Re: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for membership

        A positive vote from KOERI.
        Best regards,

        Soren Gregersen <sg<at><sg<at>>>, 27 Kas 2018 Sal, 14:08 tarihinde şunu yazdı:
        Dear Michelle.
        My vote is yes. Best regards Soren.

        -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
        Fra: fdsn-representatives-bounce<at><fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>> [fdsn-representatives-bounce<at><fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>>] På vegne af Michelle Grobbelaar
        Sendt: 27. november 2018 09:14
        Til: FDSN Representatives <fdsn-representatives<at><fdsn-representatives<at>>>
        Emne: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for membership

        Dear All

        We have received a request for membership from The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

        HVO has operated a seismic network on the Island of Hawaii since its founding in 1912. Today, HVO operates a Tier 1 ANSS network that includes nearly 100 stations with a mixture of short period, broadband, strong motion, and infrasound instrument. This is a key component of HVO's larger volcano monitoring network of over 250 stations that also includes geodesy, gas, and geology sensors. Additionally, HVO coordinates with other seismic network operators in the state to share data through the Hawaii Integrated Seismic Network, consisting of HV, PT, NP, IU, and UH stations. These are collectively represented through the IRIS virtual network _HAWAII.

        They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
        "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station. Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

        At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

        Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

        Please could you send me your votes by no later than 12 December 2018 in order for us to make a decision.

        Thank you for you cooperation.
        Kind regards

        FDSN Representatives
        Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at><fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>>

        Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
        Update subscription preferences at

        FDSN Representatives
        Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at><fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>>

        Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
        Update subscription preferences at

        • Branden Christensen
          2018-11-27 19:10:29
          A positive from OSOP (now Raspberry Shake) in Panamá. HVO does great work
          and records a myriad of volcanic sources. The advent of the "Swarm"
          software, developed by HVO staff, was and remains an important contribution
          to the community.

          *Branden Christensen*
          CEO, Raspberry Shake, Social Media: @raspishake

          *"Vive a tu manera" - Herencia de Timbiquí*

          On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 10:07 AM Timo Tiira <timo.tiira<at>> wrote:

          I vote in favour of the new member.


          Timo Tiira
          Johtaja Director
          Seismologian instituutti Institute of Seismology
          Geotieteiden ja maantieteen osasto Department of Geosciences and Geography
          PL 68 (Pietari Kalminkatu 5) P.O. Box 68 (Pietari Kalminkatu 5)
          00014 Helsingin yliopisto FI-00014 University of Helsinki
          tel. +358 29 4151610, +358 50 4480268

          *From:* fdsn-representatives-bounce<at> <
          fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>> on behalf of Ali Pinar <
          *Sent:* Tuesday, November 27, 2018 2:22:39 PM
          *To:* FDSN Representatives
          *Subject:* Re: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for membership

          A positive vote from KOERI.
          Best regards,

          Soren Gregersen <sg<at>>, 27 Kas 2018 Sal, 14:08 tarihinde şunu yazdı:

          Dear Michelle.
          My vote is yes. Best regards Soren.

          -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
          Fra: fdsn-representatives-bounce<at> [mailto:
          fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>] På vegne af Michelle
          Sendt: 27. november 2018 09:14
          Til: FDSN Representatives <fdsn-representatives<at>>
          Emne: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for membership

          Dear All

          We have received a request for membership from The Hawaiian Volcano

          HVO has operated a seismic network on the Island of Hawaii since its
          founding in 1912. Today, HVO operates a Tier 1 ANSS network that includes
          nearly 100 stations with a mixture of short period, broadband, strong
          motion, and infrasound instrument. This is a key component of HVO's larger
          volcano monitoring network of over 250 stations that also includes geodesy,
          gas, and geology sensors. Additionally, HVO coordinates with other seismic
          network operators in the state to share data through the Hawaii Integrated
          Seismic Network, consisting of HV, PT, NP, IU, and UH stations. These are
          collectively represented through the IRIS virtual network _HAWAII.

          They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
          "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one
          broad-band station. Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide
          free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

          At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for
          membership, we could send out an email for voting.

          Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting
          members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN
          will constitute a quorum.

          Please could you send me your votes by no later than 12 December 2018 in
          order for us to make a decision.

          Thank you for you cooperation.
          Kind regards

          FDSN Representatives
          Topic home:
          Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

          Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
          Update subscription preferences at

          FDSN Representatives
          Topic home:
          Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

          Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
          Update subscription preferences at

          FDSN Representatives
          Topic home:
          | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

          Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
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  • Ali Pinar
    2018-11-27 20:19:26
    Doğan merhaba,

    Hawaii Rasathanesi FDSN üyesi olmak için başvurmuş. Evet/Hayır oyu vermek
    Genelde bu gibi başvurulara evet oyu veriliyor. İstersen ben evet oyu
    Daha sonra sen FDSN'e yazarak KOERI network mudürü olduğunu ve kurumun FDSN
    olarak yer değiştirmemiz gerektiğini yazarsın.
    Tam hatırlamıyorum ama temsilcilik için FDSN web sayfasından başvuru



    Belki bu yazıyı

    Michelle Grobbelaar <michelle<at>>, 27 Kas 2018 Sal, 10:13
    tarihinde şunu yazdı:

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from The Hawaiian Volcano

    HVO has operated a seismic network on the Island of Hawaii since its
    founding in 1912. Today, HVO operates a Tier 1 ANSS network that includes
    nearly 100 stations with a mixture of short period, broadband, strong
    motion, and infrasound instrument. This is a key component of HVO's larger
    volcano monitoring network of over 250 stations that also includes geodesy,
    gas, and geology sensors. Additionally, HVO coordinates with other seismic
    network operators in the state to share data through the Hawaii Integrated
    Seismic Network, consisting of HV, PT, NP, IU, and UH stations. These are
    collectively represented through the IRIS virtual network _HAWAII.

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one
    broad-band station. Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide
    free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for
    membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting
    members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN
    will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 12 December 2018 in
    order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives
    Topic home:
    | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • Won-Young Kim
    2018-11-28 04:34:55
    The Lamont-Doherty Cooperative Seismographic Network (LCSN),

    New York, USA is happy to cast a YES vote for HVO application.


    Won-Young Kim

    On 11/27/2018 08:13 AM, Michelle Grobbelaar wrote:
    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

    HVO has operated a seismic network on the Island of Hawaii since its founding in 1912. Today, HVO operates a Tier 1 ANSS network that includes nearly 100 stations with a mixture of short period, broadband, strong motion, and infrasound instrument. This is a key component of HVO's larger volcano monitoring network of over 250 stations that also includes geodesy, gas, and geology sensors. Additionally, HVO coordinates with other seismic network operators in the state to share data through the Hawaii Integrated Seismic Network, consisting of HV, PT, NP, IU, and UH stations. These are collectively represented through the IRIS virtual network _HAWAII.

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station. Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 12 December 2018 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives
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    • Natalia Mikhailova
      2018-11-28 18:09:00
      The Institute of Geophysical Research (IGR), Kazakhstan, says YES for HVO

      Natalya Mikhailova

      On 11/27/2018 08:13 AM, Michelle Grobbelaar wrote:
      Dear All

      We have received a request for membership from The Hawaiian Volcano

      HVO has operated a seismic network on the Island of Hawaii since its
      founding in 1912. Today, HVO operates a Tier 1 ANSS network that
      includes nearly 100 stations with a mixture of short period, broadband,
      strong motion, and infrasound instrument. This is a key component of
      HVO's larger volcano monitoring network of over 250 stations that also
      includes geodesy, gas, and geology sensors. Additionally, HVO
      coordinates with other seismic network operators in the state to share
      data through the Hawaii Integrated Seismic Network, consisting of HV, PT,
      NP, IU, and UH stations. These are collectively represented through the
      IRIS virtual network _HAWAII.

      They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
      "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one
      broad-band station. Members agree to coordinate station siting and
      provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

      At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for
      membership, we could send out an email for voting.

      Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting
      members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the
      FDSN will constitute a quorum.

      Please could you send me your votes by no later than 12 December 2018 in
      order for us to make a decision.

      Thank you for you cooperation.
      Kind regards

      FDSN Representatives
      Topic home: |
      Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

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      Update subscription preferences at

      FDSN Representatives
      Topic home:
      | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

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  • Alexandros Savvaidis
    2018-11-28 10:12:44
    Dear Michelle,

    A positive vote for HVO to be a member from TexNet.

    Best Regards,

    Alexandros Savvaidis, Ph.D., Research Scientist
    Manager of Texas Seismological Network (TexNet)
    PI in Seismology, Center of Integrated Seismicity Research (CISR)

    From: <fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>> on behalf of Michelle Grobbelaar <michelle<at>>
    Date: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 at 2:13 AM
    To: FDSN Representatives <fdsn-representatives<at>>
    Subject: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for membership

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

    HVO has operated a seismic network on the Island of Hawaii since its founding in 1912. Today, HVO operates a Tier 1 ANSS network that includes nearly 100 stations with a mixture of short period, broadband, strong motion, and infrasound instrument. This is a key component of HVO's larger volcano monitoring network of over 250 stations that also includes geodesy, gas, and geology sensors. Additionally, HVO coordinates with other seismic network operators in the state to share data through the Hawaii Integrated Seismic Network, consisting of HV, PT, NP, IU, and UH stations. These are collectively represented through the IRIS virtual network _HAWAII.

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station. Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 12 December 2018 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at><fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • Seiji Tsuboi
    2018-11-28 23:58:49
    I vote in favor of the new member.

    Seiji Tsuboi

    2018年11月27日(火) 17:14 Michelle Grobbelaar <michelle<at>>:

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from The Hawaiian Volcano

    HVO has operated a seismic network on the Island of Hawaii since its
    founding in 1912. Today, HVO operates a Tier 1 ANSS network that includes
    nearly 100 stations with a mixture of short period, broadband, strong
    motion, and infrasound instrument. This is a key component of HVO's larger
    volcano monitoring network of over 250 stations that also includes geodesy,
    gas, and geology sensors. Additionally, HVO coordinates with other seismic
    network operators in the state to share data through the Hawaii Integrated
    Seismic Network, consisting of HV, PT, NP, IU, and UH stations. These are
    collectively represented through the IRIS virtual network _HAWAII.

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one
    broad-band station. Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide
    free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for
    membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting
    members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN
    will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 12 December 2018 in
    order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives
    Topic home:
    | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • Michelle Grobbelaar
    2019-01-29 11:08:24
    Dear All

    We have received a 100% positive vote in favour of including The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) as a member. Thank you to all who participated in the voting.

    Kind regards