International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: FDSN station invemtory

Started: 2013-07-10 21:31:41
Last activity: 2013-07-10 21:31:41

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Seiji Tsuboi
2013-07-10 21:31:41
Members of FDSN WG I on stations

Attached please find the latest version of FDSN station inventory.
Please send me any amendments regarded with this inventory. I will try
to include the corrections before the FDSN assembly.

Best regards,
Seiji Tsuboi

-----Original Message-----
From: fdsn-wg1-stations-bounces<at>
[fdsn-wg1-stations-bounces<at>] On Behalf Of
Seiji Tsuboi
Sent: Friday, July 5, 2013 4:34 PM
To: fdsn-wg1-stations<at>
Subject: [fdsn-wg1-stations] FDSN station invemtory

Members of FDSN WG I on stations

I have included several contributions to my previous email. Please check
if the amendments are correctly reflected in the attached file and send
me further corrections.

Best regards,
Seiji Tsuboi

-----Original Message-----
From: fdsn-wg1-stations-bounces<at>
[fdsn-wg1-stations-bounces<at>] On Behalf Of
Seiji Tsuboi
Sent: Thursday, July 4, 2013 5:57 PM
To: fdsn-wg1-stations<at>
Subject: [fdsn-wg1-stations] FDSN station invemtory

Members of FDSN WG I on stations

Attached please find the latest version of FDSN station inventory.
Please send me any amendments regarded with this inventory. I will try
to include the corrections before the FDSN assembly. Please not that
there are still incorrect dates for open/close date, which were
pointed out already. Also, the line number of column 1 is not
renumbered yet. I will try to fix these points.

Best regards,
Seiji Tsuboi
