International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Questions relating to voting for membership

Started: 2020-11-18 07:45:04
Last activity: 2020-11-19 03:12:45

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Michelle Grobbelaar
2020-11-18 07:45:04
Dear All

My previous email seemed to have gone missing, so I will try once again.

There have been a number of questions relating to the membership of University of Beira Interior, in Portugal. They is a concern that it may be premature to vote for their membership and perhaps we should rather wait until data transfer is established.

So I went to the Terms of Reference and dug out the following statements in order to assist us in making the decision:

Under the Introduction:
"The federation is open to all organisations committed to the deployment of broad-band seismographs and organisations involved in management of data from digital seismograph networks, willing to contribute to the establishment of an optimum global system with open and timely data exchange."

Under the Goals:
"In view of the above and to take advantage of existing and developing global and regional networks the “International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN)” provides a forum for...."

Under the Membership:
"Membership in the FDSN is open to national and international organisations committed to both the development and operation of the broad-band digital networks as well as organisations involved in management of data from digital seismograph networks consistent with the goals of the Federation..."

With these a paragraphs in mind, we could view the University as an organisation developing the network and willing to share data (once the data transfer has been established).

All members, thus far, have already voted in favor of the University, but I though that we should address the concerns raised and agree whether to proceed with the application from the University of Beira, or to rather advise them to reapply once the data transfer has been established.

Please could you share your thoughts.

thank you
kind regards
  • Mladen Zivcic
    2020-11-18 10:22:02

    Dear Michelle,

    considering that the wording in the ToR is "It is *required *that each
    network member will contribute digital waveform data.." I suggest that
    we advise them to reapply once the data transfer is established.

    Best regards,

    On 18.11.2020 7:45, Michelle Grobbelaar (via FDSN) wrote:
    Dear All

    My previous email seemed to have gone missing, so I will try once again.

    There have been a number of questions relating to the membership of University of Beira Interior, in Portugal. They is a concern that it may be premature to vote for their membership and perhaps we should rather wait until data transfer is established.

    So I went to the Terms of Reference and dug out the following statements in order to assist us in making the decision:

    Under the Introduction:
    "The federation is open to all organisations committed to the deployment of broad-band seismographs and organisations involved in management of data from digital seismograph networks, willing to contribute to the establishment of an optimum global system with open and timely data exchange."

    Under the Goals:
    "In view of the above and to take advantage of existing and developing global and regional networks the “International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN)” provides a forum for...."

    Under the Membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to national and international organisations committed to both the development and operation of the broad-band digital networks as well as organisations involved in management of data from digital seismograph networks consistent with the goals of the Federation..."

    With these a paragraphs in mind, we could view the University as an organisation developing the network and willing to share data (once the data transfer has been established).

    All members, thus far, have already voted in favor of the University, but I though that we should address the concerns raised and agree whether to proceed with the application from the University of Beira, or to rather advise them to reapply once the data transfer has been established.

    Please could you share your thoughts.

    thank you
    kind regards

    FDSN representatives
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    Mladen Živčić


    Vojkova 1b, 1000 Ljubljana
    T: 01 478 72 70

  • Alexandros Savvaidis
    2020-11-19 03:12:45
    Dear Michelle,

    TexNet votes in favor of membership for the IPE, Masaryk University, Czech Republic.

    Best Regards,

    Alexandros Savvaidis, Ph.D., Research Scientist
    Manager of Texas Seismological Network (TexNet)
    PI in Seismology, Center of Integrated Seismicity Research (CISR)

    Bureau of Economic Geology
    John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences
    University of Texas at Austin
    University Station, Box X
    Austin, TX  78712-8924

    Phone: (512) 475-9549
    Cell: (737) 202-8750

    -----Original Message-----
    From: fdsn-representatives-bounce<at> <fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>> On Behalf Of Michelle Grobbelaar (via FDSN)
    Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 1:45 AM
    To: FDSN representatives <fdsn-representatives<at>>
    Subject: [fdsn-representatives] Questions relating to voting for membership

    Dear All

    My previous email seemed to have gone missing, so I will try once again.

    There have been a number of questions relating to the membership of University of Beira Interior, in Portugal. They is a concern that it may be premature to vote for their membership and perhaps we should rather wait until data transfer is established.

    So I went to the Terms of Reference and dug out the following statements in order to assist us in making the decision:

    Under the Introduction:
    "The federation is open to all organisations committed to the deployment of broad-band seismographs and organisations involved in management of data from digital seismograph networks, willing to contribute to the establishment of an optimum global system with open and timely data exchange."

    Under the Goals:
    "In view of the above and to take advantage of existing and developing global and regional networks the “International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN)” provides a forum for...."

    Under the Membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to national and international organisations committed to both the development and operation of the broad-band digital networks as well as organisations involved in management of data from digital seismograph networks consistent with the goals of the Federation..."

    With these a paragraphs in mind, we could view the University as an organisation developing the network and willing to share data (once the data transfer has been established).

    All members, thus far, have already voted in favor of the University, but I though that we should address the concerns raised and agree whether to proceed with the application from the University of Beira, or to rather advise them to reapply once the data transfer has been established.

    Please could you share your thoughts.

    thank you
    kind regards

    FDSN representatives
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