International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Re: FDSN staion inventory updates

Started: 2013-08-15 01:25:37
Last activity: 2013-08-15 01:25:37

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2013-08-15 01:25:37
Dear Seiji

Apologies for not responding sooner. Unfortunately we are experiencing a very busy time here at Geoscience Australia with restructuring, elections, new financial year and reporting. As such we haven't yet had an opportunity to consider how we could contribute from the Au network. However, given the distribution of the stations in our network on a global scale we should be able to provide some proposals for inclusion. Hopefully we will be able to examine this in the next month or so.

I would welcome any suggestions from others on stations in our network that would complement the backbone. Most have been upgraded in the last few years to Q330's with BB sensors and we have added a few new ones.

Kind Regards

Tim Barton 
Section Leader  |  Observatory Networks | GA Observatories & Engineering Services Group | Minerals and Natural Hazards Division  |  GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA
Phone:  +61 2 6249 9625    Mobile +61 412 501 836  Fax:  +61 2 6249 9999
Email:  Tim.Barton<at>    Web:
Cnr Jerrabomberra Avenue and Hindmarsh Drive Symonston ACT
GPO Box 378 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia
Applying geoscience to Australia's most important challenges

-----Original Message-----
From: fdsn-wg1-stations-bounces<at> [fdsn-wg1-stations-bounces<at>] On Behalf Of Seiji Tsuboi
Sent: Wednesday, 14 August 2013 12:16 PM
To: fdsn-wg1-stations<at>
Subject: [fdsn-wg1-stations] FDSN staion inventory updates

Dear Members of FDSN WG-I,

I have attached an Excel spread sheet, which I have added proposed backbone stations provided by GEOSCOPE group. There are candidates of backbone stations proposed by Kent Anderson, Eleonore Stutzmann and Damiano Pesaresi, now. Please consider the list and let us know if these additional backbone stations are OK. If there will be no objections, these stations will be accepted as backbone stations and designated in the inventory. I also will welcome your comments on minutes for 2011 and 2013 meetings.

Best regards,
Seiji Tsuboi

-----Original Message-----
From: fdsn-wg1-stations-bounces<at>
[fdsn-wg1-stations-bounces<at>] On Behalf Of
Seiji Tsuboi
Sent: Friday, August 9, 2013 4:21 PM
To: fdsn-wg1-stations<at>
Subject: [fdsn-wg1-stations] FDSN staion inventory updates

Dear Members of FDSN WG-I,

I have attached an Excel spread sheet, which I have added and modified
entries upon requests. This spread sheet also includes a list of
proposed backbone stations sent by Kent Anderson. There also are
candidates of backbone stations proposed by Eleonore Stutzmann and Damiano Pesaresi.
Please consider the list and let us know if these additional backbone
stations are OK. If there will be no objections, these stations will
be accepted as backbone stations and designated in the inventory. I
also will welcome your comments on minutes for 2011 and 2013 meetings.

Best regards,
Seiji Tsuboi

Geoscience Australia Disclaimer: This e-mail (and files transmitted with it) is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, then you have received this e-mail by mistake and any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this e-mail and its file attachments is prohibited. The security of emails transmitted cannot be guaranteed; by forwarding or replying to this email, you acknowledge and accept these risks.

  • Seiji Tsuboi
    2013-08-15 01:11:54
    Dear Tim,

    Thank you very much for letting us know your current situation in your
    institution. I would be grateful if you would send us a proposal when you
    will have a time within next month or so. I hope that I will keep my
    attention regarded with this matter until we will have sufficient number of
    additional backbone stations.

    Best regards,
    Seiji Tsuboi

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Tim.Barton<at> [Tim.Barton<at>]
    Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 5:26 PM
    To: tsuboi<at>; fdsn-wg1-stations<at>
    Subject: RE: [fdsn-wg1-stations] FDSN staion inventory updates

    Dear Seiji

    Apologies for not responding sooner. Unfortunately we are experiencing a
    very busy time here at Geoscience Australia with restructuring, elections,
    new financial year and reporting. As such we haven't yet had an
    to consider how we could contribute from the Au network. However, given
    the distribution of the stations in our network on a global scale we
    be able to provide some proposals for inclusion. Hopefully we will be able
    to examine this in the next month or so.

    I would welcome any suggestions from others on stations in our network
    would complement the backbone. Most have been upgraded in the last few
    to Q330's with BB sensors and we have added a few new ones.

    Kind Regards

    Tim Barton
    Section Leader  |  Observatory Networks | GA Observatories & Engineering
    Services Group | Minerals and Natural Hazards Division  |  GEOSCIENCE
    AUSTRALIA ____________________________________________________________
    Phone:  +61 2 6249 9625    Mobile +61 412 501 836  Fax:  +61 2 6249 9999
    Email:  Tim.Barton<at>    Web: Cnr Jerrabomberra
    Avenue and Hindmarsh Drive Symonston ACT GPO Box 378 Canberra ACT 2601
    Australia Applying geoscience to Australia's most important challenges

    -----Original Message-----
    From: fdsn-wg1-stations-bounces<at>
    [fdsn-wg1-stations-bounces<at>] On Behalf Of
    Seiji Tsuboi
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 August 2013 12:16 PM
    To: fdsn-wg1-stations<at>
    Subject: [fdsn-wg1-stations] FDSN staion inventory updates

    Dear Members of FDSN WG-I,

    I have attached an Excel spread sheet, which I have added proposed
    stations provided by GEOSCOPE group. There are candidates of backbone
    stations proposed by Kent Anderson, Eleonore Stutzmann and Damiano
    now. Please consider the list and let us know if these additional backbone
    stations are OK. If there will be no objections, these stations will be
    accepted as backbone stations and designated in the inventory. I also will
    welcome your comments on minutes for 2011 and 2013 meetings.

    Best regards,
    Seiji Tsuboi

    -----Original Message-----
    From: fdsn-wg1-stations-bounces<at>
    [fdsn-wg1-stations-bounces<at>] On Behalf Of
    Seiji Tsuboi
    Sent: Friday, August 9, 2013 4:21 PM
    To: fdsn-wg1-stations<at>
    Subject: [fdsn-wg1-stations] FDSN staion inventory updates

    Dear Members of FDSN WG-I,

    I have attached an Excel spread sheet, which I have added and modified
    entries upon requests. This spread sheet also includes a list of
    proposed backbone stations sent by Kent Anderson. There also are
    candidates of backbone stations proposed by Eleonore Stutzmann and
    Please consider the list and let us know if these additional backbone
    stations are OK. If there will be no objections, these stations will
    be accepted as backbone stations and designated in the inventory. I
    also will welcome your comments on minutes for 2011 and 2013 meetings.

    Best regards,
    Seiji Tsuboi

    Geoscience Australia Disclaimer: This e-mail (and files transmitted with
    it) is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed.
    If you are not the intended recipient, then you have received this e-mail
    by mistake and any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of
    this e-mail and its file attachments is prohibited. The security of emails
    transmitted cannot be guaranteed; by forwarding or replying to this email,
    you acknowledge and accept these risks.