International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Re: Action group for OBS data/metadata references

Started: 2024-02-08 16:03:24
Last activity: 2024-02-09 08:12:43

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Wayne Crawford
2024-02-08 16:03:24

Dear Colleagues,

We now have 7 members in the OBS data/metadata standards action group, all from North America and Europe.  We will now go forward with our work, but if anyone from an unrepresented region wants to join in at a later date, you are welcome.


On January 18, 2024 at 12:08:00, Wayne Crawford (via FDSN) (fdsn-wg5-portable-bounce<at> wrote:

Dear all,

During the 2023 Berlin FDSN meeting, we decided to create an action group to define OBS data/metadata standards and put the reference in the new "Guidelines for specifc datasets" within the StationXML and miniSEED documentation.

I'd like to form this action group now.  If you are interested in participating, please contact me.

For information, I have attached the latest (and unvalidated) version of the standards and a potential user summary.

Wayne Crawford

Wayne Crawford
CNRS Researcher
Bureau 341
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
1, rue Jussieu
75238 Paris Cedex 05
+33 6 14 42 77 70

FDSN Working Group V
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  • Dear Wayne,

    Sorry to reply the message so late, I would like to participate in this action group, and thank you!


    Yinshuang Ai

    发件人:"Wayne Crawford (via FDSN)" <fdsn-wg5-portable-bounce<at>>
    发送时间:2024-02-08 23:04:00 (星期四)
    收件人: "FDSN Working Group V" <fdsn-wg5-portable<at>>
    主题: Re: [fdsn-wg5-portable] Action group for OBS data/metadata references

    Dear Colleagues,

    We now have 7 members in the OBS data/metadata standards action group, all from North America and Europe. We will now go forward with our work, but if anyone from an unrepresented region wants to join in at a later date, you are welcome.


    On January 18, 2024 at 12:08:00, Wayne Crawford (via FDSN) (fdsn-wg5-portable-bounce<at> wrote:

    Dear all,

    During the 2023 Berlin FDSN meeting, we decided to create an action group to define OBS data/metadata standards and put the reference in the new "Guidelines for specifc datasets" within the StationXML and miniSEED documentation.

    I'd like to form this action group now. If you are interested in participating, please contact me.

    For information, I have attached the latest (and unvalidated) version of the standards and a potential user summary.

    Wayne Crawford

    Wayne Crawford
    CNRS Researcher
    Bureau 341
    Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
    1, rue Jussieu
    75238 Paris Cedex 05
    +33 6 14 42 77 70

    FDSN Working Group V
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg5-portable-unsubscribe<at>

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    Update subscription preferences at

    Prof. Yinshuang Ai
    Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS
    No. 19, Beitucheng Western Road, Chaoyang District
    Beijing, 100029
    Tel 86-10-82998356
    Fax 86-10-62010846