International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: revised terms of reference: vote by June 6, 2024

Started: 2024-05-16 20:32:56
Last activity: 2024-05-22 13:09:03

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Ackerley, Nicholas
2024-05-16 20:32:56

Dear FDSN Steering Committee,

Thanks to Tim Ahern for pointing out that the previously-proposed revision did not require that the executive committee be elected from within member organizations, and should. The FDSN Executive Committee had an ad hoc meeting on May 3 and agreed that this was an oversight, and that instead it is sufficient to remove the spurious requirement that executive committee members be steering committee members.

Below is the new proposed wording, for your approval:

"The FDSN executive committee consists of is headed by a chair, who will be assisted by a secretary, a treasurer and the chairs of all FDSN working groups. The chair of the executive committee will preside over the meetings of the steering committee. Members of the executive committee shall be elected by from within the steering committee or the member organizations. Elections take place during steering committee meetings."

Please vote by responding to fdsn-representatives<at><fdsn-representatives<at>> with YES or NO, to indicate that your organization approves of the revised wording. Voting will close June 6, 2024, three weeks from now.


Nick Ackerley
(he, him, il, lui)

Seismologist, Canadian Hazard Information Service
Secretary, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

  • Jonathan Bathgate
    2024-05-17 03:05:26
    Geoscience Australia votes YES.


    Jonathan Bathgate | Director
    Observatory Operations and Data | Community Safety Branch
    Place and Communities Division
    t +61 2 6249 9690

    From: message-center-bounce<at> <message-center-bounce<at>>
    Sent: Friday, May 17, 2024 6:34 AM
    To: FDSN Message Center <message-center<at>>
    Subject: [fdsn-representatives][fdsn-execom] revised terms of reference: vote by June 6, 2024


    Dear FDSN Steering Committee,

    Thanks to Tim Ahern for pointing out that the previously-proposed revision did not require that the executive committee be elected from within member organizations, and should. The FDSN Executive Committee had an ad hoc meeting on May 3 and agreed that this was an oversight, and that instead it is sufficient to remove the spurious requirement that executive committee members be steering committee members.

    Below is the new proposed wording, for your approval:

    "The FDSN executive committee consists of is headed by a chair, who will be assisted by a secretary, a treasurer and the chairs of all FDSN working groups. The chair of the executive committee will preside over the meetings of the steering committee. Members of the executive committee shall be elected by from within the steering committee or the member organizations. Elections take place during steering committee meetings."

    Please vote by responding to fdsn-representatives<at><fdsn-representatives<at>> with YES or NO, to indicate that your organization approves of the revised wording. Voting will close June 6, 2024, three weeks from now.


    Nick Ackerley
    (he, him, il, lui)

    Seismologist, Canadian Hazard Information Service
    Secretary, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

    Geoscience Australia Disclaimer: This e-mail (and files transmitted with it) is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, then you have received this e-mail by mistake and any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this e-mail and its file attachments is prohibited. The security of emails transmitted cannot be guaranteed; by forwarding or replying to this email, you acknowledge and accept these risks.

  • EarthScope-Oceans votes YES.

    On May 16, 2024, at 1:34 PM, Ackerley, Nicholas (via FDSN) <message-center-bounce<at>> wrote:


    Dear FDSN Steering Committee,

    Thanks to Tim Ahern for pointing out that the previously-proposed revision did not require that the executive committee be elected from within member organizations, and should. The FDSN Executive Committee had an ad hoc meeting on May 3 and agreed that this was an oversight, and that instead it is sufficient to remove the spurious requirement that executive committee members be steering committee members.

    Below is the new proposed wording, for your approval:

    “The FDSN executive committee consists of is headed by a chair, who will be assisted by a secretary, a treasurer and the chairs of all FDSN working groups. The chair of the executive committee will preside over the meetings of the steering committee. Members of the executive committee shall be elected by from within the steering committee or themember organizations. Elections take place during steering committee meetings.”

    Please vote by responding to fdsn-representatives<at> <fdsn-representatives<at>> with YES or NO, to indicate that your organization approves of the revised wording. Voting will close June 6, 2024, three weeks from now.


    Nick Ackerley
    (he, him, il, lui)

    Seismologist, Canadian Hazard Information Service
    Secretary, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

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  • Hi Nick, thanks for getting this out to the FDSN. I just voted bot did note there is a slight wording problem. It has the words “by from”. I don’t think it changes anything materially but when modifying the Terms of Reference it should be corrected to “by and from” or something like that

    Thanks again
    On May 16, 2024, at 1:34 PM, Ackerley, Nicholas (via FDSN) <message-center-bounce<at>> wrote:


    Dear FDSN Steering Committee,

    Thanks to Tim Ahern for pointing out that the previously-proposed revision did not require that the executive committee be elected from within member organizations, and should. The FDSN Executive Committee had an ad hoc meeting on May 3 and agreed that this was an oversight, and that instead it is sufficient to remove the spurious requirement that executive committee members be steering committee members.

    Below is the new proposed wording, for your approval:

    “The FDSN executive committee consists of is headed by a chair, who will be assisted by a secretary, a treasurer and the chairs of all FDSN working groups. The chair of the executive committee will preside over the meetings of the steering committee. Members of the executive committee shall be elected by from within the steering committee or themember organizations. Elections take place during steering committee meetings.”

    Please vote by responding to fdsn-representatives<at> <fdsn-representatives<at>> with YES or NO, to indicate that your organization approves of the revised wording. Voting will close June 6, 2024, three weeks from now.


    Nick Ackerley
    (he, him, il, lui)

    Seismologist, Canadian Hazard Information Service
    Secretary, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

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  • Graça Silveira
    2024-05-17 08:25:52
    Dear colleagues,


    Wish you all a pleasant weekend.

    Graça Silveira

    Professor Coordenador/Investigador
    Departamento de Física
    Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa
    Rua Conselheiro Emidio Navarro,1
    1959-007 Lisbon
    Instituto Dom Luiz IDL
    Edif. C8, FCUL, Campo Grande
    1749-016 LISBOA
    Email: mdsilveira<at><mdsilveira<at>>
    Tel.: +351.217500812
    Fax: +351.217500977

    No dia 16/05/2024, às 21:34, Ackerley, Nicholas (via FDSN) <message-center-bounce<at><message-center-bounce<at>>> escreveu:


    Dear FDSN Steering Committee,

    Thanks to Tim Ahern for pointing out that the previously-proposed revision did not require that the executive committee be elected from within member organizations, and should. The FDSN Executive Committee had an ad hoc meeting on May 3 and agreed that this was an oversight, and that instead it is sufficient to remove the spurious requirement that executive committee members be steering committee members.

    Below is the new proposed wording, for your approval:

    “The FDSN executive committee consists of is headed by a chair, who will be assisted by a secretary, a treasurer and the chairs of all FDSN working groups. The chair of the executive committee will preside over the meetings of the steering committee. Members of the executive committee shall be elected by from within the steering committee or the member organizations. Elections take place during steering committee meetings.”

    Please vote by responding to fdsn-representatives<at><fdsn-representatives<at>> with YES or NO, to indicate that your organization approves of the revised wording. Voting will close June 6, 2024, three weeks from now.


    Nick Ackerley
    (he, him, il, lui)

    Seismologist, Canadian Hazard Information Service
    Secretary, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

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  • Johannes Schweitzer
    2024-05-17 08:46:33

    NORSAR (NO) votes « YES».



    Dr. Johannes Schweitzer
    Principal Research Geophysicist
    Assoc. Professor (PHAB, University of Oslo)


    Gunnar Randers vei 15
    PO Box 53, N-2007 Kjeller
    Email: Johannes.schweitzer<at>
    Mobile: +47 41614946
    Phone: +47 63 80 59 00

    From: message-center-bounce<at> <message-center-bounce<at>>
    Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2024 10:34 PM
    To: FDSN Message Center <message-center<at>>
    Subject: [fdsn-representatives][fdsn-execom] revised terms of reference: vote by June 6, 2024

    Det er ikke ofte du mottar e-post fra message-center-bounce<at><message-center-bounce<at>>. Finn ut hvorfor dette er viktig.


    Dear FDSN Steering Committee,

    Thanks to Tim Ahern for pointing out that the previously-proposed revision did not require that the executive committee be elected from within member organizations, and should. The FDSN Executive Committee had an ad hoc meeting on May 3 and agreed that this was an oversight, and that instead it is sufficient to remove the spurious requirement that executive committee members be steering committee members.

    Below is the new proposed wording, for your approval:

    "The FDSN executive committee consists of is headed by a chair, who will be assisted by a secretary, a treasurer and the chairs of all FDSN working groups. The chair of the executive committee will preside over the meetings of the steering committee. Members of the executive committee shall be elected by from within the steering committee or the member organizations. Elections take place during steering committee meetings."

    Please vote by responding to fdsn-representatives<at><fdsn-representatives<at>> with YES or NO, to indicate that your organization approves of the revised wording. Voting will close June 6, 2024, three weeks from now.


    Nick Ackerley
    (he, him, il, lui)

    Seismologist, Canadian Hazard Information Service
    Secretary, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

  • Constantin Ionescu
    2024-05-17 08:53:16
    Dear all,
    National Institute for Earth Physics (NIEP), Romania, votes YES.
    Best regards,
    Constantin Ionescu

    Yahoo Mail: Căutare, organizare, reușită

    Pe joi, mai 16, 2024 la 23:34, Ackerley, Nicholas (via FDSN)<message-center-bounce<at>> a scris:

    Dear FDSN Steering Committee,


    Thanks to Tim Ahern for pointing out that the previously-proposed revision did not require that the executive committee be elected from within member organizations, and should. The FDSN Executive Committee had an ad hoc meeting on May 3 and agreed that this was an oversight, and that instead it is sufficient to remove the spurious requirement that executive committee members be steering committee members.


    Below is the new proposed wording, for your approval:


    “The FDSN executive committee consists of is headed by a chair, who will be assisted by a secretary, a treasurer and the chairs of all FDSN working groups. The chair of the executive committee will preside over the meetings of the steering committee. Members of the executive committee shall be elected by from within the steering committee orthe member organizations. Elections take place during steering committee meetings.”


    Please vote by responding to fdsn-representatives<at> with YES or NO, to indicate that your organization approves of the revised wording. Voting will close June 6, 2024, three weeks from now.




    Nick Ackerley 

    (he, him, il, lui) 


    Seismologist, Canadian Hazard Information Service 

    Secretary, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks



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  • Philip Crotwell
    2024-05-17 11:03:21
    South Carolina Seismic Network votes yes.

    Philip Crotwell

    On Thu, May 16, 2024 at 4:34 PM Ackerley, Nicholas (via FDSN) <
    message-center-bounce<at>> wrote:


    Dear FDSN Steering Committee,

    Thanks to Tim Ahern for pointing out that the previously-proposed revision
    did not require that the executive committee be elected from within member
    organizations, and should. The FDSN Executive Committee had an ad hoc
    meeting on May 3 and agreed that this was an oversight, and that instead it
    is sufficient to remove the spurious requirement that executive committee
    members be steering committee members.

    Below is the new proposed wording, for your approval:

    “The FDSN executive committee consists of is headed by a chair, who will
    be assisted by a secretary, a treasurer and the chairs of all FDSN
    working groups. The chair of the executive committee will preside over the
    meetings of the steering committee. Members of the executive committee
    shall be elected by from within the steering committee or the member
    organizations. Elections take place during steering committee meetings.”

    Please vote by responding to fdsn-representatives<at> with YES
    or NO, to indicate that your organization approves of the revised wording.
    Voting will close June 6, 2024, three weeks from now.


    Nick Ackerley

    (he, him, il, lui)

    Seismologist, Canadian Hazard Information Service

    Secretary, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

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    2024-05-17 15:11:30
    YES from CTBTO

    Xyoli Perez Campos
    International Monitoring System, CTBTO

    From: message-center-bounce<at> <message-center-bounce<at>> on behalf of Ackerley, Nicholas (via FDSN) <message-center-bounce<at>>
    Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2024 10:34 PM
    To: FDSN Message Center <message-center<at>>
    Subject: [fdsn-representatives][fdsn-execom] revised terms of reference: vote by June 6, 2024


    Dear FDSN Steering Committee,

    Thanks to Tim Ahern for pointing out that the previously-proposed revision did not require that the executive committee be elected from within member organizations, and should. The FDSN Executive Committee had an ad hoc meeting on May 3 and agreed that this was an oversight, and that instead it is sufficient to remove the spurious requirement that executive committee members be steering committee members.

    Below is the new proposed wording, for your approval:

    “The FDSN executive committee consists of is headed by a chair, who will be assisted by a secretary, a treasurer and the chairs of all FDSN working groups. The chair of the executive committee will preside over the meetings of the steering committee. Members of the executive committee shall be elected by from within the steering committee or the member organizations. Elections take place during steering committee meetings.”

    Please vote by responding to fdsn-representatives<at><fdsn-representatives<at>> with YES or NO, to indicate that your organization approves of the revised wording. Voting will close June 6, 2024, three weeks from now.


    Nick Ackerley

    (he, him, il, lui)

    Seismologist, Canadian Hazard Information Service

    Secretary, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

    This message contains information that may be privileged or confidential and is intended only for the use of the named recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not authorized to read, copy, disseminate or use the information in this message, in whole or in part. If you receive this message in error, please notify the sender immediately by a reply email and delete all copies of the message from your system.

  • Renate Hartog
    2024-05-17 16:49:49
    PNSN also votes YES

    Dr. J. Renate Hartog
    Pacific Northwest Seismic Network manager
    Affiliate associate professor
    Earth and Space Sciences Department
    University of Washington

    Johnson Hall, Rm 070
    Box 351310
    Seattle, WA 98195-1310

    206-685-7079 (office)
    206 335 6784 (cell)

    From: message-center-bounce<at> <message-center-bounce<at>> on behalf of Ackerley, Nicholas (via FDSN) <message-center-bounce<at>>
    Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2024 1:34 PM
    To: FDSN Message Center <message-center<at>>
    Subject: [fdsn-representatives][fdsn-execom] revised terms of reference: vote by June 6, 2024

    UNCLASSIFIED - NON CLASSIFIÉ Dear FDSN Steering Committee, Thanks to Tim Ahern for pointing out that the previously-proposed revision did not require that the executive committee be elected from within member organizations, and should. 
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    Dear FDSN Steering Committee,

    Thanks to Tim Ahern for pointing out that the previously-proposed revision did not require that the executive committee be elected from within member organizations, and should. The FDSN Executive Committee had an ad hoc meeting on May 3 and agreed that this was an oversight, and that instead it is sufficient to remove the spurious requirement that executive committee members be steering committee members.

    Below is the new proposed wording, for your approval:

    “The FDSN executive committee consists of is headed by a chair, who will be assisted by a secretary, a treasurer and the chairs of all FDSN working groups. The chair of the executive committee will preside over the meetings of the steering committee. Members of the executive committee shall be elected by from within the steering committee or the member organizations. Elections take place during steering committee meetings.”

    Please vote by responding to fdsn-representatives<at><fdsn-representatives<at>> with YES or NO, to indicate that your organization approves of the revised wording. Voting will close June 6, 2024, three weeks from now.


    Nick Ackerley

    (he, him, il, lui)

    Seismologist, Canadian Hazard Information Service

    Secretary, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

  • Ai Yinshuang
    2024-05-19 08:06:21

    Yinshuang Ai

    发件人:"Ackerley, Nicholas (via FDSN)" <message-center-bounce<at>>
    发送时间:2024-05-17 04:34:00 (星期五)
    收件人: "FDSN Message Center" <message-center<at>>
    主题: [fdsn-representatives][fdsn-execom] revised terms of reference: vote by June 6, 2024


    Dear FDSN Steering Committee,

    Thanks to Tim Ahern for pointing out that the previously-proposed revision did not require that the executive committee be elected from within member organizations, and should. The FDSN Executive Committee had an ad hoc meeting on May 3 and agreed that this was an oversight, and that instead it is sufficient to remove the spurious requirement that executive committee members be steering committee members.

    Below is the new proposed wording, for your approval:

    “The FDSN executive committee consists of is headed by a chair, who will be assisted by a secretary, a treasurer and the chairs of all FDSN working groups. The chair of the executive committee will preside over the meetings of the steering committee. Members of the executive committee shall be elected by from within the steering committee or themember organizations. Elections take place during steering committee meetings.”

    Please vote by responding to fdsn-representatives<at> with YES or NO, to indicate that your organization approves of the revised wording. Voting will close June 6, 2024, three weeks from now.


    Nick Ackerley

    (he, him, il, lui)

    Seismologist, Canadian Hazard Information Service

    Secretary, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

    Prof. Yinshuang Ai
    Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS
    No. 19, Beitucheng Western Road, Chaoyang District
    Beijing, 100029
    Tel 86-10-82998356
    Fax 86-10-62010846
  • Didem Cambaz
    2024-05-22 08:33:38
    Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute (KOERI) votes YES.

    Musavver Didem Cambaz

    From: message-center-bounce<at>
    Sent: 16 Mayıs 2024 Perşembe 23:34
    To: FDSN Message Center <message-center<at>>
    Subject: [fdsn-representatives][fdsn-execom] revised terms of reference:
    vote by June 6, 2024


    Dear FDSN Steering Committee,

    Thanks to Tim Ahern for pointing out that the previously-proposed revision
    did not require that the executive committee be elected from within member
    organizations, and should. The FDSN Executive Committee had an ad hoc
    meeting on May 3 and agreed that this was an oversight, and that instead it
    is sufficient to remove the spurious requirement that executive committee
    members be steering committee members.

    Below is the new proposed wording, for your approval:

    "The FDSN executive committee consists of is headed by a chair, who will be
    assisted by a secretary, a treasurer and the chairs of all FDSN working
    groups. The chair of the executive committee will preside over the meetings
    of the steering committee. Members of the executive committee shall be
    elected by from within the steering committee or the member organizations.
    Elections take place during steering committee meetings."

    Please vote by responding to fdsn-representatives<at>
    <fdsn-representatives<at>> with YES or NO, to indicate
    that your organization approves of the revised wording. Voting will close
    June 6, 2024, three weeks from now.


    Nick Ackerley

    (he, him, il, lui)

    Seismologist, Canadian Hazard Information Service

    Secretary, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

  • Martin Vallee
    2024-05-22 11:03:08
    Geoscope (France) votes YES for the content of the modification. But I think that there are some typos that should be corrected in the sentences.

    Regards, Martin Vallée
  • Seiji Tsuboi
    2024-05-22 11:41:00
    JAMSTEC votes YES.

    Seiji Tsuboi

    2024年5月17日(金) 5:34 Ackerley, Nicholas (via FDSN) <


    Dear FDSN Steering Committee,

    Thanks to Tim Ahern for pointing out that the previously-proposed revision
    did not require that the executive committee be elected from within member
    organizations, and should. The FDSN Executive Committee had an ad hoc
    meeting on May 3 and agreed that this was an oversight, and that instead it
    is sufficient to remove the spurious requirement that executive committee
    members be steering committee members.

    Below is the new proposed wording, for your approval:

    “The FDSN executive committee consists of is headed by a chair, who will
    be assisted by a secretary, a treasurer and the chairs of all FDSN
    working groups. The chair of the executive committee will preside over the
    meetings of the steering committee. Members of the executive committee
    shall be elected by from within the steering committee or the member
    organizations. Elections take place during steering committee meetings.”

    Please vote by responding to fdsn-representatives<at> with YES
    or NO, to indicate that your organization approves of the revised wording.
    Voting will close June 6, 2024, three weeks from now.


    Nick Ackerley

    (he, him, il, lui)

    Seismologist, Canadian Hazard Information Service

    Secretary, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

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  • John Clinton
    2024-05-22 13:09:03
    The Swiss Seismological Service at ETH Zurich votes YES

    John Clinton