Dear FDSN colleague,
Attached, please, find the agenda of the FDSN General Assembly (also
called Steering Committee).
You are very welcome to attend and contribute to the discussions.
Note that the meeting will be held in a series of three occasions;
Thursday, Friday and Monday
The meetings are informal and consider relevant issues considering
coordination of Digital Seismological Networks in the world.
The FDSN executive is looking forward meeting you in Melbourne
Best regards,
Dear all,
(I have copied Tim Ahern's distribution list from his WG III email - please apologize for any irrelevant or duplicate posting)
The FDSN WG IV on CTBTO coordination will meet during IUGG/IASPEI in Melbourne on Monday 4 July, during lunchtime (12 p.m. - 1;30 p.m.) in room MR 110.
(no catered lunch, unfortunately, but I hope to organize some drinks & cookies...)
Please find attached the draft agenda proposed for this meeting.
There are a few interesting developments that were discuss…