Dear All
Once again, we have received a request for membership, but this time from the Spanish Seismic Network operated by Instituto Geográfico Nacional.
The ES Network has around 100 stations, most of them provided with a BB sensor, 100 sps and real-time acquisition. Their data is stored in miniseed format and all of them have a related dataless seed file. Please, find in the following link, ( a list of them and in the following l…
Dear All
We have received a request for membership from The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.
HVO has operated a seismic network on the Island of Hawaii since its founding in 1912. Today, HVO operates a Tier 1 ANSS network that includes nearly 100 stations with a mixture of short period, broadband, strong motion, and infrasound instrument. This is a key component of HVO's larger volcano monitoring network of over 250 stations that also includes geodesy, gas, and geology sensors. Additional…
Dear Michelle
On behalf of Geoscience Australia, I vote in favour
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Michelle Grobbelaar
Sent: Tuesday, 27 November 2018 11:01 PM
To: FDSN Representatives
Subject: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for membership #2
Dear All
Once again, we have received a request for membership, but this time from the Spanish Seismic Network operated by Instit…
Supported (vote in favour) by Geoscience Australia
Adrienne Moseley
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From: on behalf of Jose Antonio Jara Salvador <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 8:24 pm
To: FDSN Representatives
Subject: RE: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for membership
I vote in favour.
Kind Regards,
Jose A. Jara
ICGC Spain
-----Mensaje original-----
De: fdsn-represe…