Dear All
We have received a request for membership from The Australian National University - Research School of Earth Sciences.
They operate the Warraumunga seismic array that is part of the CTBTO network, the data is already sent to IRIS DMC through the AU network code, as well as the Australian Seismometers in Schools array, the data from which is also sent to IRIS DMC.
They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
"Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate…
Dear All,
Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city (RS RAS) votes in support of the Australian National University for their
membership to FDSN.
Best regards
Anatoly Rybin
Dear All,
the Austrian National Network supports the FDSN membership of the Australian National University.
Best regards,
Niko Horn
Nikolaus Horn
Abteilung für Geophysik - Seismologie / Departement of Geophysics - Seismology
ZAMG - Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik
1190 Wien, Hohe Warte
Tel.: +43 1 36026 2521
Fax: +43 1 368 66 21
Join us on facebook:
Von: …
Hi Michelle
Yes, in support, on behalf of Geoscience Australia.
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Michelle Grobbelaar
Sent: Saturday, 17 March 2018 10:09 PM
To: FDSN Representatives
Subject: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for membership
Dear All
We have received a request for membership from The Australian National University - Research School of Earth Sciences.
They op…
Dear all,
I vote ‘yes’.
Best regards,
Delivered to you by KNMI Mobile environment
From: "" <>
Sent: 17 mrt. 2018 12:08
To: "FDSN Representatives" <>
Subject: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for membership
Dear All
We have received a request for membership from The Australian National University - Research School of E…