Dear All
Once again, we have received a request for membership, but this time from the Botswana Seismological Network (BSN) operated by Botswana Geoscience Institute.
The BSN consists of 21 Broadband stations that were installed between 2014 and 2017 across the country. Eighteen (18) of these are telemetered, sending near-real time data to the server at the BGI in Lobatse. The other three (3) are stand-alone, being located in remote areas without cellphone network. In November 2018, the …
Hi Michelle
Supported by Geoscience Australia
Regards, Adrienne
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From: <> on behalf of Michelle Grobbelaar <>
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 1:31:59 PM
To: FDSN Representatives
Subject: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for membership
Dear All
Once again, we have received a request for membership, but this time from the Botsw…