I am attaching three documents for your information and consideration. The first is the powerpoint prepared by Michelle and presented by Goran at the first plenary. Floriand and I worked on two options for voting and they are also attached. Option 1 captures what was initially presented at the plenary. Option 2 captures the alternative that was brought up at the plenary meeting. I presume there will be a vote for one of these two options at the second plenary.
I am sending this to the F…
Dear All
I apologise for the late message.
There are a number of chairs and vice chairs whose terms are coming to an end and thus we will need to vote during the IUGG meetings for new/continuing candidates.
The positions are:
1. WG1 vice
2. WG3 Chair
3. WG3 vice
4. WG4 Chair
5. WG4 vice
6. WG5 vice
The following people have kindly agreed to be nominated again for their current roles:
WG1 Vice-Chair: Ludek Vecsey
WG3 Vice-Chair: Mark Chadwick
WG 4 Chair: Istvan Bondar