Dear All
My previous email seemed to have gone missing, so I will try once again.
There have been a number of questions relating to the membership of University of Beira Interior, in Portugal. They is a concern that it may be premature to vote for their membership and perhaps we should rather wait until data transfer is established.
So I went to the Terms of Reference and dug out the following statements in order to assist us in making the decision:
Under the Introduction:
"The fe…
Dear All
We have received another request for membership from the Institute of Physics of the Earth (IPE), Masaryk University, Czech Republic.
CZ Czech Regional Seismic Network: a network of ~22 BB stations in the Czech Republic operated by several institutions. IPE operates 5 of them (MORC, KRUC, VRAC, JAVC and STAC).
M1 Moravia Network (MONET): local network of 9 SP stations for monitoring of seismic activity in the NE Czech Republic.
T1 IPE_ETE Network: local network of 5 SP stations…
Dear All
After the last message requesting members to vote for the University of Beira Interior, in Portugal, there were a number of questions about whether this is a bit premature and if we should rather wait until data is being transferred.
So I referred to the Terms of Reference and found the following text:
In the introduction, it states:
"The federation is open to all organisations committed to the deployment of broad-band seismographs and organisations involved in management of …
Dear All
We have received another request for membership from the University of Beira Interior, in Portugal.
As part of their project SHAZAM (Seismicity and HAzards of the sub-Saharian Atlantic Margin), they are installing four stations in Sao Tome and Principe islands, Gulf of Guinea. The stations have been installed, and they are working on the stabilization of real-time data transfer.
They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
"Membership in the FDSN is open to all gr…
South Carolina Seismic Network votes to approve.
On Mon, Nov 9, 2020 at 2:01 AM Michelle Grobbelaar (via FDSN) <> wrote:
> Dear All
> We have received another request for membership from the Institute of
> Physics of the Earth (IPE), Masaryk University, Czech Republic.
> CZ Czech Regional Seismic Network: a network of ~22 BB stations in the
> Czech Republic operated by several institutions. IPE operates 5 of them
Thank you for your votes.
It was an unanimous "Yes" for the University of Bergen and the University of Memphis!
I shall send them a welcoming email!
Kind regards