Good day
I hope that you are well.
As was announced during our plenaries in Berlin last week, IUGG is in the process of establishing a bank account for all its associations and their commissions to use, which they hope to have operational by January 2024.
As you will recall, we approved changes to the Terms Of Reference in 2019 that included membership fees (Please see the text below for the exact wording).
The idea for membership fees was anticipated to be used for, but not limite…
Dear All
Please find below a link to our closing plenary if you cannot attend in person.
Kind regards
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting<…
On behalf of Javier:
Dear FDSN members,
following what has been already mentioned in the 1st Plenary and after
the presentation we had today in the WG3 Meeting, I'm attaching here the
updated version of the "FDSN Recommendations for DOIs".
This has been the result of long discussions between members of data
centres like IRIS, GFZ, RESIF, GEONET-GNS, ETH, NOA, ANU, CSIRO and more
that I'm forgetting now.
We respected the original document and only introduced updates related
to t…
Thank you
From: Mohamed El-Gabry <>
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2023 2:20 AM
To: Michelle Grobbelaar <>
Cc:;; MEGHRAOUI Mustapha (EOST) <>; Paulina Amponsah <>
Subject: Re: FDSN plenary 1
Dear Michelle
I would like to confirm that I will be attending the meeting virtually, and I attach my presentation in case of any problems.
Good day
Please find below the agenda for the first plenary that will be held on 13 July at 15:15 (Berlin time) in room M4 (City Cube):
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Adoption of the agenda
3. Message from the Chair
4. Regional reports
* Europe
* Asia
* Africa
* Latin America and Caribbean
* North America
5. Current Status and improvements of the System of Federated Data
Centers? – encourage more data centres
6. Working Group updates (preview of WG meeting issues)
* WG I
Good day
I hope that you are well.
Please find below a link to our plenary on 13 July for those who cannot attend in person.
We will be sending out the agenda shortly.
Kind regards
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting<…
Good day I hope that you are well.
Once again, we have been notified of a number of phishing emails that have been sent out supposedly by myself. Please ignore them and if you are uncertain, please check the email addresses or send me an email to confirm.
Kind regards Michelle