Dear FDSN WG1 members,
Here are some suggestions for discussion on increasing the size of the
FDSN Backbone.
Best regards,
First, a very brief history. The FDSN Backbone was "originally" the
FDSN network. At the Potsdam meeting in 2004, FDSN members expressed
their interest that their networks actually become part of the FDSN
network. To include this concept and still to maintain a globally-
distributed, high-quality, openly-exchange subset of the FDSN network,
the for…
Dear Seiji,
I am sorry to be mixing up, but as of Polish stations the list is not up-to-date.
I.e. it was until October 20.
On October 20 (2008) we have reopened station BEL after 40 years.
Station was opened at a new vault, about 200 m from the old location.
The coordinates of BEL are Latitude: 51.8355N, Longitude: 20.7888E,
Elevation: 173 m, Depth of vault: 2 m. Equipment is a 24-bit MK-6 type
seismic station and STS-2 seismometer, the very set that worked at
WAR until October 10 (2008). T…