Dear Matt
Thank you very much for your email regarded with the inventory.
Your suggestions to move several rows to such as Pacific Ocean etc. is
meaningful. I would be grateful if you could modify the inventory file and send
me again since I am leaving soon to Melbourne.
Thank you very much.
Seiji Tsuboi
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 10:17 AM
> To:; fdsn-wg1-stations@iris.washi…
Dear members of FDSN WG-1
I have included further corrections to the station inventory.
Please review the attached file and send me further corrections, although this
might be the last version, which I can send before my departure.
Thank you very much.
Seiji Tsuboi
Dear Tim,
I have included amendments to the station inventory and attached to this email.
Please check the file and let me know if the modifications are correct or not.
Thank you very much.
Seiji Tsuboi
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2011 9:46 AM
> To:;
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: [fdsn-wg1-stations] Working Group 1 (Station siting
> …
Dear members of FDSN WG-1
I have included corrections that I forgot to include in the previous version.
Please review the attached file and send me further corrections.
Thank you very much.
Seiji Tsuboi
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Seiji
> Tsuboi
> Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 4:27 PM
> To:
> Subject: [fdsn-wg1-stations] Working Group…
Dear FDSN colleague,
Attached, please, find the agenda of the FDSN General Assembly (also
called Steering Committee).
You are very welcome to attend and contribute to the discussions.
Note that the meeting will be held in a series of three occasions;
Thursday, Friday and Monday
The meetings are informal and consider relevant issues considering
coordination of Digital Seismological Networks in the world.
The FDSN executive is looking forward meeting you in Melbourne
Best regards,
Dear members of FDSN WG-1
This is the latest version. Please review the attached file and send me further
corrections. Please send me necessary corrections as soon as possible.
Thank you very much.
Seiji Tsuboi