Hi WG-V, thank you to all those that participated in last week’s meeting. One topic of discussion last week was keeping our web page relevant (http://www.fdsn.org/wg/wgV/). This discussion was, in part, spurred by several broken links and sections thin on content. My email today is a request for appropriate links for the following sections on the WG-V website:
- Inventory - pointers to instrumentation, both land based and OBS, available for portable deployments
- Best practices - categories s…
Hi All, attached please find draft minutes from today’s WG-V meeting. Please send me comments/corrections no later than Aug. 31st, 2017. I will post the minutes and meeting materials in early September.
Sincerely, Bruce
Dr. Bruce Beaudoin
IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center
100 East Rd., New Mexico Tech
Socorro, NM 87801 USA
(575) 835-5071