Hi All, the minutes and presentations from our recent meeting at IUGG in Montreal are now posted on the fdsn,org website Please let me know if there are any corrections or additions to the meeting minutes.
Sincerely, Bruce
Dr. Bruce Beaudoin
IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center
100 East Rd., New Mexico Tech
Socorro, NM 87801 USA
(575) 835-5071
Below is a tentative agenda in preparation for our upcoming FSDN WG-V meeting in July during the IUGG meeting in Montreal, Canada July 11-17, 2019. If you have additional topics you would like WG-V to discuss, please send me your suggestions.
The FDSN WG-V meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 16 July from 12:00-13:30 in MCC room 513D
Tentative Agenda:
1. Proposal for standardize data logger state of health reporting (see attached pdf).
Sincerely, Bruce
Bruce B…