Dear colleagues,
Please find attached the minutes from our biannual Work Group meeting, during the 2021 IAGA-IASPEI meeting. Also a Framework proposal to use the GeoCSV format for metadata that don't fit/belong in StationXML.
These documents will soon be be put on the WGV webpage, as well as presentations about the GeoCSV format and the effects of digital filters on decimated data, plus a summary of our WG session presented at the FDSN plenary session. If you can't wait for them to come on…
Dear all,
The biannual FDSN WG5 (portable instrumentation) meeting will be held this Wednesday, August 25th at 20:15-22:15 India Standard Time. Starting times for a few other time zones are: 23:45 Tokyo (JST), 22:45 Beijing (CST), 16:45 Paris (CEST), 10:45 New York (EDT), 7:45 Los Angeles (PDT).
The meeting link is:
Zoom Link:
Meeting: ID 84216550590
Password: 12345
The preliminary agenda is:
Acceptance of agenda
Approve 2019 (Montreal) minutes…