Dear WG5 members,
In July of last year, I asked for a vote on Tim Ahern's concept for a GeoCSV format for rapidly changing parameters not handled well in SEED. Unfortunately, we did not obtain enough responses for quorum, my apologies. This is a call for a new vote:
Our proposal review team approved the concept (see attached review): I'd like to thank Adam Ringler, Chin-Jen Lin and Joachim Wassermann for their conscientious work.
I ask all FDSN Member representatives to vote "Yes" or "No"…
Hi Wayne,
I vote yes for the PASSCAL Instrument Center.
> From: "Wayne Crawford (via FDSN)" < <>>
> Subject: [fdsn-wg5-portable] Voting phase (25 April to 5 May) on the Proposal for a GeoCSV format for rapidly changing parameters
> Date: April 25, 2023 at 7:57:00 AM PDT
> To: FDSN Working Group V < <>>
> Reply-To: …