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BDF - Brasilia, Brazil(photo1, photo2)

  Information for BDF as of February 1994
Station: Brasilia, Brazil
Director: Prof. Alberto Veloso Network Affiliation: USGS - GDSN, Project IDA
Universidade de Brasilia
Estacao Sismologica
Departamento de Geosciences
70910 Brasilia D.F., Brazil
Network Contact:
Albuquerque Seismic Laboratory
Building 10002 Kirtland AFB east
Albuquerque NM 87115
Telephone: 55 61 274 5927 Open Station: No
Fax: 55 61 272 1053 Parent Organization:
Universidade de Brasilia
Latitude: 15.6637S
Longitude: 47.9032W
Elevation to Sensor: 1260
Depth to Sensor: 2
Geology: Pre-Cambrian alternating folded quartzite and slate (Banbui Series).
Vault Conditions: The vault is located in a concrete block building which is buried underground with approximately 2 meters of soil on top. Piers are isolated from the floor and attached to bedrock. A dehumidifier is used when the humidity is high.
Site Description: N/A
  Addresses from which to obtain data.
Station Instrumentation
1. Digital World Wide Standardized
Seismomgraph Network - DWWSSN: [ DW ]
08 Jun 1982 to 16 Jun 1993
2. Project IDA: [ ID ] April 1977 to 09 Jun 1995