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AAE - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

  Information for AAE as of November 1996
Station: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Director: Prof. Laike M. Asfaw Network Affiliation: IRIS/USGS - GSN
Director's Office
Geophysical Observatory
Addis Ababa University
PO Box 1176
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Network Contact:
Albuquerque Seismic Laboratory
Building 10002 Kirtland AFB East
Albuquerque, NM 87115
Telephone: 251 1 550-844 Open Station: No
Fax: 251 1 551-863 Parent Organization:
Addis Ababa University
Latitude: 9.0292N
Longitude: 38.7656E
Elevation to Sensor: 2442
Depth to Sensor: 0
Geology: Tertiary Trap Series - primarily composed of stratoid olivine basalts and minor amounts of alkaline trachytes and more siliceous lavas and pyroclasts.
Vault Conditions: The vault is located with in a building. The concrete pier, which is attached to the underlying basalt, is isolated from the building floor.
Site Description: N/A
  Addresses from which to obtain data.
Station Instrumentation
1. Global Seismograph Network - GSN: [IU] 12 Dec 1994 to 15 Sep 1997