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GEOSCOPE Network (G)

The following list represents stations in the GEOSCOPE Network. These pages are maintained by GEOSCOPE. (i.e. The links below are to pages on the GEOSCOPE server in France - the format will be slightly different than the pages maintained by the FDSN Webmaster.)

Click on the station name to obtain station information.

AGD Arta grotte, Republique de Djibouti
AIS New Amsterdam Island, Indian Ocean
ATD Arta Tunnel, Republique de Djibouti
BNG Bangui, Centra Afrique
CAN Canberra, Australia
CAY Cayenne, French Guyana
CRZF Base Alfred Faure, Crozet Islands, Indian Ocean
DRV Base Dumont Durville, Terre-Adelie, Antarctica
ECH Echery, France
FDF Fort de France, Martinique
HDC Heredia, Costa Rica
HDC2 Heredia, Costa Rica
HYB Hyderabad, India
ICC Iquique, Chile
INU Inuyama, Japan
KIP Kipapa, Hawaii (also part of the GSN [IU] and HGLP [HG] Networks)
KOG Kourou, Guyane Francaise
MBO M'bour, Senegal
NOC Noumea, Nouvelle Caledonie
NOUC Port Laguerre, Nouvelle Caledonie
PAF Base Port aux Francais, Kerguelen, Indian Ocean
PCR Plaine des Cafres, La Reunion Island, Indian Ocean
PEL Peldehue, Chile
PPT Pamataii, Tahiti Islands
PVC Port Vila, Vanuatu Islands
RER Riviere de l'Est, La Reunion Island, Indian Ocean
SCZ Santa Cruz, California
SEY Seymchan, CEI
SPB Sao Paulo, Brazil
SSB Saint-Sauveur Badol, France
TAM Tamanresset, Algeria
UNM Unam, Mexico City, Mexico
WFM Westford, Massachusetts
WUS Wushi, Xinjang, China

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