International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: ACTION REQUIRED: FDSN WG III proposal for small edit to the web service specification regarding fdsnws-station text output

Started: 2015-02-23 19:04:13
Last activity: 2015-04-08 02:27:49

This thread is from a mailing list that has moved to Google Groups. Use the following links to browse the updated archives.
Dear FDSN WG members. (I believe this relates to both WGII and WGIII so I am sending it to both lists)

Please study this recommendation coming from our colleagues in France with a specific recommendation from Chad Trabant from IRIS that addresses this shortcoming.

Please respond if you agree or disagree with the proposed recommendation by March 13 and be sure to include Gale Cox who will tally the responses.

Dr. Tim Ahern

Chair of FDSN WG III on
Products, Tools and Services

Begin forwarded message:

Date: February 13, 2015 at 4:42:36 PM PST
From: Chad Trabant <chad<at>>
To: Tim Ahern <tim<at>>
Subject: FDSN WG III proposal for small edit to the web service specification regarding fdsnws-station text output

Hi Tim,

The Grenoble group has identified an inconsistency in the FDSN Web Services specification. The issue is that there is a mismatch between the "template" and example for station-level text output from the fdsnws-station specification. Specifically the example contains an extra field for "SiteName" that is not included in the template. The original intention was to include the SiteName column as illustrated by the example.

To resolve this inconsistency and avoid future confusion I propose the following:

a) Modify the station-level text "template" on page 12 of the specification to include a SiteName column matching the example on page 13.

b) Internally change the specification version from "1.1 to "1.1b" and describe the modification in the Changes section of the document. The file name and URL to the specification will not change.

The IRIS service and services based on SeisComP, representing a majority of FDSN WS implementations, include the SiteName column and would not be effected by this change.

Please forward to the Working Group as needed.


Current station-level template:

Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|StartTime|EndTime Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|StartTime|EndTime

Current station-level example:
#Network | Station | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | SiteName | StartTime | EndTime
IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|1989-08-29T00:00:00|1995-07-14T00:00:00
IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|1995-07-14T00:00:00|2000-10-19T16:00:00
IU|ANMO|34.9502|-106.4602|1839.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|2000-10-19T16:00:00|2002-11-19T21:07:00

Proposed new station-level template:

Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|SiteName|StartTime|EndTime Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|SiteName|StartTime|EndTime

Note new "SiteName" column.

  • Dear FDSN partners:
    I approve of this administrative clarification and update to the template.
    I appreciate that the site name is fully supported.

    Thank you,
    Rick Benson
    IRIS Data Management Center

    On Feb 23, 2015, at 11:04 AM, Tim Ahern <tim<at>> wrote:

    Dear FDSN WG members. (I believe this relates to both WGII and WGIII so I am sending it to both lists)

    Please study this recommendation coming from our colleagues in France with a specific recommendation from Chad Trabant from IRIS that addresses this shortcoming.

    Please respond if you agree or disagree with the proposed recommendation by March 13 and be sure to include Gale Cox who will tally the responses.

    Dr. Tim Ahern
    tim<at> <tim<at>>

    Chair of FDSN WG III on
    Products, Tools and Services

    Begin forwarded message:

    Date: February 13, 2015 at 4:42:36 PM PST
    From: Chad Trabant <chad<at> <chad<at>>>
    To: Tim Ahern <tim<at> <tim<at>>>
    Subject: FDSN WG III proposal for small edit to the web service specification regarding fdsnws-station text output

    Hi Tim,

    The Grenoble group has identified an inconsistency in the FDSN Web Services specification. The issue is that there is a mismatch between the "template" and example for station-level text output from the fdsnws-station specification. Specifically the example contains an extra field for "SiteName" that is not included in the template. The original intention was to include the SiteName column as illustrated by the example.

    To resolve this inconsistency and avoid future confusion I propose the following:

    a) Modify the station-level text "template" on page 12 of the specification to include a SiteName column matching the example on page 13.

    b) Internally change the specification version from "1.1 to "1.1b" and describe the modification in the Changes section of the document. The file name and URL to the specification will not change.

    The IRIS service and services based on SeisComP, representing a majority of FDSN WS implementations, include the SiteName column and would not be effected by this change.

    Please forward to the Working Group as needed.


    Current station-level template:

    Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|StartTime|EndTime Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|StartTime|EndTime

    Current station-level example:
    #Network | Station | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | SiteName | StartTime | EndTime
    IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|1989-08-29T00:00:00|1995-07-14T00:00:00
    IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|1995-07-14T00:00:00|2000-10-19T16:00:00
    IU|ANMO|34.9502|-106.4602|1839.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|2000-10-19T16:00:00|2002-11-19T21:07:00

    Proposed new station-level template:

    Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|SiteName|StartTime|EndTime Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|SiteName|StartTime|EndTime

    Note new "SiteName" column.

    fdsn-wg2-data mailing list

    Rick Benson
    Director of Data Management
    (206)547-0393 ext. 119(office)
    rick<at> <rick<at>>

  • Dear FDSN members,

    UCSD supports this change. Thanks to all who worked on this issue.


    Dr. Peter Davis
    Executive Director, Project IDA
    University of California, San Diego
    (o) 858-534-2839
    (f) 858-534-6354

    On Feb 23, 2015, at 11:04 AM, Tim Ahern <tim<at>> wrote:

    Dear FDSN WG members. (I believe this relates to both WGII and WGIII so I am sending it to both lists)

    Please study this recommendation coming from our colleagues in France with a specific recommendation from Chad Trabant from IRIS that addresses this shortcoming.

    Please respond if you agree or disagree with the proposed recommendation by March 13 and be sure to include Gale Cox who will tally the responses.

    Dr. Tim Ahern

    Chair of FDSN WG III on
    Products, Tools and Services

    Begin forwarded message:

    Date: February 13, 2015 at 4:42:36 PM PST
    From: Chad Trabant <chad<at>>
    To: Tim Ahern <tim<at>>
    Subject: FDSN WG III proposal for small edit to the web service specification regarding fdsnws-station text output

    Hi Tim,

    The Grenoble group has identified an inconsistency in the FDSN Web Services specification. The issue is that there is a mismatch between the "template" and example for station-level text output from the fdsnws-station specification. Specifically the example contains an extra field for "SiteName" that is not included in the template. The original intention was to include the SiteName column as illustrated by the example.

    To resolve this inconsistency and avoid future confusion I propose the following:

    a) Modify the station-level text "template" on page 12 of the specification to include a SiteName column matching the example on page 13.

    b) Internally change the specification version from "1.1 to "1.1b" and describe the modification in the Changes section of the document. The file name and URL to the specification will not change.

    The IRIS service and services based on SeisComP, representing a majority of FDSN WS implementations, include the SiteName column and would not be effected by this change.

    Please forward to the Working Group as needed.


    Current station-level template:

    Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|StartTime|EndTime Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|StartTime|EndTime

    Current station-level example:
    #Network | Station | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | SiteName | StartTime | EndTime
    IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|1989-08-29T00:00:00|1995-07-14T00:00:00
    IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|1995-07-14T00:00:00|2000-10-19T16:00:00
    IU|ANMO|34.9502|-106.4602|1839.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|2000-10-19T16:00:00|2002-11-19T21:07:00

    Proposed new station-level template:

    Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|SiteName|StartTime|EndTime Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|SiteName|StartTime|EndTime

    Note new "SiteName" column.

    fdsn-wg3-products mailing list

  • Dear Tim, dear all,

    thank you for following up swiftly on this issue.

    RESIF supports the proposed change


    Helle Pedersen

    Le 23/02/2015 20:04, Tim Ahern a écrit :
    Dear FDSN WG members. (I believe this relates to both WGII and WGIII
    so I am sending it to both lists)

    Please study this recommendation coming from our colleagues in France
    with a specific recommendation from Chad Trabant from IRIS that
    addresses this shortcoming.

    Please respond if you agree or disagree with the proposed
    recommendation by *March 13* and be sure to include Gale Cox who will
    tally the responses.

    Dr. Tim Ahern
    tim<at> <tim<at>>

    Chair of FDSN WG III on
    Products, Tools and Services

    Begin forwarded message:

    *Date: *February 13, 2015 at 4:42:36 PM PST
    *From: *Chad Trabant <chad<at>
    *To: *Tim Ahern <tim<at>
    *Subject: **FDSN WG III proposal for small edit to the web service
    specification regarding fdsnws-station text output*

    Hi Tim,

    The Grenoble group has identified an inconsistency in the FDSN Web
    Services specification. The issue is that there is a mismatch
    between the "template" and example for station-level text output from
    the fdsnws-station specification. Specifically the example contains
    an extra field for "SiteName" that is not included in the template.
    The original intention was to include the SiteName column as
    illustrated by the example.

    To resolve this inconsistency and avoid future confusion I propose
    the following:

    a) Modify the station-level text "template" on page 12 of the
    specification to include a SiteName column matching the example on
    page 13.

    b) Internally change the specification version from "1.1 to "1.1b"
    and describe the modification in the Changes section of the
    document. The file name and URL to the specification will not change.

    The IRIS service and services based on SeisComP, representing a
    majority of FDSN WS implementations, include the SiteName column and
    would not be effected by this change.

    Please forward to the Working Group as needed.


    Current station-level template:



    Current station-level example:

    #Network | Station | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | SiteName |
    StartTime | EndTime
    IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico,
    IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico,
    IU|ANMO|34.9502|-106.4602|1839.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico,

    Proposed new station-level template:



    Note new "SiteName" column.

    fdsn-wg3-products mailing list

    Helle Pedersen

    Directrice de RESIF
    Déléguée Scientifique au CNRS-INSU

    Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
    BP 53
    F-38041 Grenoble Cedex
    Tel +33 (0)4 76 63 52 59
    Fax +33 (0)4 76 63 52 01

    Mon adresse email a changé.
    Merci d'utiliser Helle.Pedersen<at>
    Merci de supprimer l'adresse contenant '' de vos adresse collectés.

    My email address has changed.
    Please use Helle.Pedersen<at>
    Please delete the addresses with '' from your collected addresses.

  • Hello Tim,

    GFZ appreciates the proposed change to the specification.
    Fortunately, AFAICS, all (?) existing fdsnws-station services
    produce the SiteName column already.


  • Dear FDSN members,

    The NCEDC supports this recommendation.


    Stephane Zuzlewski University of California, Berkeley
    stephane<at> Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
    Phone: 510-664-9029 215 McCone Hall # 4760
    Fax: 510-643-5811 Berkeley, CA 94720-4760

    On 02/23/2015 11:04 AM, Tim Ahern wrote:
    Dear FDSN WG members. (I believe this relates to both WGII and WGIII
    so I am sending it to both lists)

    Please study this recommendation coming from our colleagues in France
    with a specific recommendation from Chad Trabant from IRIS that
    addresses this shortcoming.

    Please respond if you agree or disagree with the proposed
    recommendation by *March 13*and be sure to include Gale Cox who will
    tally the responses.

    Dr. Tim Ahern
    tim<at> <tim<at>>

    Chair of FDSN WG III on
    Products, Tools and Services

    Begin forwarded message:

    *Date: *February 13, 2015 at 4:42:36 PM PST
    *From: *Chad Trabant <chad<at>
    *To: *Tim Ahern <tim<at>
    *Subject: **FDSN WG III proposal for small edit to the web service
    specification regarding fdsnws-station text output*

    Hi Tim,

    The Grenoble group has identified an inconsistency in the FDSN Web
    Services specification. The issue is that there is a mismatch
    between the "template" and example for station-level text output from
    the fdsnws-station specification. Specifically the example contains
    an extra field for "SiteName" that is not included in the template.
    The original intention was to include the SiteName column as
    illustrated by the example.

    To resolve this inconsistency and avoid future confusion I propose
    the following:

    a) Modify the station-level text "template" on page 12 of the
    specification to include a SiteName column matching the example on
    page 13.

    b) Internally change the specification version from "1.1 to "1.1b"
    and describe the modification in the Changes section of the
    document. The file name and URL to the specification will not change.

    The IRIS service and services based on SeisComP, representing a
    majority of FDSN WS implementations, include the SiteName column and
    would not be effected by this change.

    Please forward to the Working Group as needed.


    Current station-level template:



    Current station-level example:

    #Network | Station | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | SiteName |
    StartTime | EndTime
    IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico,
    IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico,
    IU|ANMO|34.9502|-106.4602|1839.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico,

    Proposed new station-level template:



    Note new "SiteName" column.

    fdsn-wg2-data mailing list

  • Dear Tim and colleagues,

    GNS Science (New Zealand) agrees with the proposed changes.

    Mark Chadwick

    GNS Science
    New Zealand GeoNet

    [fdsn-wg3-products] ACTION REQUIRED: FDSN WG III proposal for small edit
    to the web service specification regarding fdsnws-station text output

    Tim Ahern
    fdsn-wg3-products<at> III-Products,
    fdsn-wg2-data<at> II-Data, Gale Cox
    24/02/2015 08:05 a.m.

    Sent by:

    Dear FDSN WG members. (I believe this relates to both WGII and WGIII so I
    am sending it to both lists)

    Please study this recommendation coming from our colleagues in France with
    a specific recommendation from Chad Trabant from IRIS that addresses this

    Please respond if you agree or disagree with the proposed recommendation
    by March 13 and be sure to include Gale Cox who will tally the responses.

    Dr. Tim Ahern

    Chair of FDSN WG III on
    Products, Tools and Services

    Begin forwarded message:

    Date: February 13, 2015 at 4:42:36 PM PST
    From: Chad Trabant <chad<at>>
    To: Tim Ahern <tim<at>>
    Subject: FDSN WG III proposal for small edit to the web service
    specification regarding fdsnws-station text output

    Hi Tim,

    The Grenoble group has identified an inconsistency in the FDSN Web
    Services specification. The issue is that there is a mismatch between the
    "template" and example for station-level text output from the
    fdsnws-station specification. Specifically the example contains an extra
    field for "SiteName" that is not included in the template. The original
    intention was to include the SiteName column as illustrated by the

    To resolve this inconsistency and avoid future confusion I propose the

    a) Modify the station-level text "template" on page 12 of the
    specification to include a SiteName column matching the example on page

    b) Internally change the specification version from "1.1 to "1.1b" and
    describe the modification in the Changes section of the document. The
    file name and URL to the specification will not change.

    The IRIS service and services based on SeisComP, representing a majority
    of FDSN WS implementations, include the SiteName column and would not be
    effected by this change.

    Please forward to the Working Group as needed.


    Current station-level template:
    Current station-level example:
    #Network | Station | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | SiteName |
    StartTime | EndTime
    IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico,
    IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico,
    IU|ANMO|34.9502|-106.4602|1839.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico,
    Proposed new station-level template:
    Note new "SiteName" column.

    fdsn-wg3-products mailing list

    Notice: This email and any attachments are confidential.
    If received in error please destroy and immediately notify us.
    Do not copy or disclose the contents.

  • Dear FDSN WG members,

    the SED at ETHZ supports this proposal,




    Dr. John Clinton
    Director of Seismic Networks

    +41-(0)44-633-4436 - phone
    +41-(0)44-633-1065 - fax

    Swiss Seismological Service (SED)
    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETHZ)
    ETH, NO FO69.3, Sonneggstrasse 5,
    CH-8092 Zürich


    On 23 Feb 2015, at 20:04, Tim Ahern <tim<at><tim<at>>> wrote:

    Dear FDSN WG members. (I believe this relates to both WGII and WGIII so I am sending it to both lists)

    Please study this recommendation coming from our colleagues in France with a specific recommendation from Chad Trabant from IRIS that addresses this shortcoming.

    Please respond if you agree or disagree with the proposed recommendation by March 13 and be sure to include Gale Cox who will tally the responses.

    Dr. Tim Ahern

    Chair of FDSN WG III on
    Products, Tools and Services

    Begin forwarded message:

    Date: February 13, 2015 at 4:42:36 PM PST
    From: Chad Trabant <chad<at><chad<at>>>
    To: Tim Ahern <tim<at><tim<at>>>
    Subject: FDSN WG III proposal for small edit to the web service specification regarding fdsnws-station text output

    Hi Tim,

    The Grenoble group has identified an inconsistency in the FDSN Web Services specification. The issue is that there is a mismatch between the "template" and example for station-level text output from the fdsnws-station specification. Specifically the example contains an extra field for "SiteName" that is not included in the template. The original intention was to include the SiteName column as illustrated by the example.

    To resolve this inconsistency and avoid future confusion I propose the following:

    a) Modify the station-level text "template" on page 12 of the specification to include a SiteName column matching the example on page 13.

    b) Internally change the specification version from "1.1 to "1.1b" and describe the modification in the Changes section of the document. The file name and URL to the specification will not change.

    The IRIS service and services based on SeisComP, representing a majority of FDSN WS implementations, include the SiteName column and would not be effected by this change.

    Please forward to the Working Group as needed.


    Current station-level template:


    Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|StartTime|EndTime Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|StartTime|EndTime

    Current station-level example:

    #Network | Station | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | SiteName | StartTime | EndTime
    IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|1989-08-29T00:00:00|1995-07-14T00:00:00
    IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|1995-07-14T00:00:00|2000-10-19T16:00:00
    IU|ANMO|34.9502|-106.4602|1839.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|2000-10-19T16:00:00|2002-11-19T21:07:00

    Proposed new station-level template:


    Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|SiteName|StartTime|EndTime Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|SiteName|StartTime|EndTime

    Note new "SiteName" column.

    fdsn-wg3-products mailing list

  • Hello,

    The CNDC supports this change.

    This may be a good time to mention that we're working on a web service for the Canadian CNSN data, modeled on the FDSN service.
    This is still in the early phases.


    Khalil Hayek

    Leader, Infrastructure & Development Group, Canadian Hazards Information Service
    Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada
    khalil.hayek<at> / Tel: +1-613-992-5699

    Chef du groupe de l'infrastructure et du developpement, Service canadien d'informations sur les risques
    Ressources naturelles Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
    khalil.hayek<at> / Tél: +1-613-992-5699

    From: fdsn-wg2-data-bounces<at> [fdsn-wg2-data-bounces<at>] On Behalf Of Tim Ahern
    Sent: February-23-15 2:04 PM
    To: fdsn-wg3-products<at> III-Products; fdsn-wg2-data<at> II-Data; Gale Cox
    Subject: [fdsn-wg2-data] ACTION REQUIRED: FDSN WG III proposal for small edit to the web service specification regarding fdsnws-station text output

    Dear FDSN WG members. (I believe this relates to both WGII and WGIII so I am sending it to both lists)

    Please study this recommendation coming from our colleagues in France with a specific recommendation from Chad Trabant from IRIS that addresses this shortcoming.

    Please respond if you agree or disagree with the proposed recommendation by March 13 and be sure to include Gale Cox who will tally the responses.

    Dr. Tim Ahern

    Chair of FDSN WG III on
    Products, Tools and Services

    Begin forwarded message:

    Date: February 13, 2015 at 4:42:36 PM PST
    From: Chad Trabant <chad<at><chad<at>>>
    To: Tim Ahern <tim<at><tim<at>>>
    Subject: FDSN WG III proposal for small edit to the web service specification regarding fdsnws-station text output

    Hi Tim,

    The Grenoble group has identified an inconsistency in the FDSN Web Services specification. The issue is that there is a mismatch between the "template" and example for station-level text output from the fdsnws-station specification. Specifically the example contains an extra field for "SiteName" that is not included in the template. The original intention was to include the SiteName column as illustrated by the example.

    To resolve this inconsistency and avoid future confusion I propose the following:

    a) Modify the station-level text "template" on page 12 of the specification to include a SiteName column matching the example on page 13.

    b) Internally change the specification version from "1.1 to "1.1b" and describe the modification in the Changes section of the document. The file name and URL to the specification will not change.

    The IRIS service and services based on SeisComP, representing a majority of FDSN WS implementations, include the SiteName column and would not be effected by this change.

    Please forward to the Working Group as needed.


    Current station-level template:
    Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|StartTime|EndTime Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|StartTime|EndTime
    Current station-level example:
    #Network | Station | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | SiteName | StartTime | EndTime
    IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|1989-08-29T00:00:00|1995-07-14T00:00:00
    IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|1995-07-14T00:00:00|2000-10-19T16:00:00
    IU|ANMO|34.9502|-106.4602|1839.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|2000-10-19T16:00:00|2002-11-19T21:07:00
    Proposed new station-level template:
    Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|SiteName|StartTime|EndTime Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|SiteName|StartTime|EndTime
    Note new "SiteName" column.

  • Hi,

    All the proposed changes are fine with us.


    For NORSAR, network code NO

    Dr. Johannes Schweitzer
    Senior Research Geophysicist

    Gunnar Randers vei 15
    PO Box 53, N-2007 Kjeller
    Mobile: +47 41614946
    Phone: +47 63 80 59 00
    Email: johannes.schweitzer<at>

    From: fdsn-wg3-products-bounces<at> [fdsn-wg3-products-bounces<at>] On Behalf Of Tim Ahern
    Sent: Monday, February 23, 2015 8:04 PM
    To: fdsn-wg3-products<at> III-Products; fdsn-wg2-data<at> II-Data; Gale Cox
    Subject: [fdsn-wg3-products] ACTION REQUIRED: FDSN WG III proposal for small edit to the web service specification regarding fdsnws-station text output

    Dear FDSN WG members. (I believe this relates to both WGII and WGIII so I am sending it to both lists)

    Please study this recommendation coming from our colleagues in France with a specific recommendation from Chad Trabant from IRIS that addresses this shortcoming.

    Please respond if you agree or disagree with the proposed recommendation by March 13 and be sure to include Gale Cox who will tally the responses.

    Dr. Tim Ahern

    Chair of FDSN WG III on
    Products, Tools and Services

    Begin forwarded message:

    Date: February 13, 2015 at 4:42:36 PM PST
    From: Chad Trabant <chad<at><chad<at>>>
    To: Tim Ahern <tim<at><tim<at>>>
    Subject: FDSN WG III proposal for small edit to the web service specification regarding fdsnws-station text output

    Hi Tim,

    The Grenoble group has identified an inconsistency in the FDSN Web Services specification. The issue is that there is a mismatch between the "template" and example for station-level text output from the fdsnws-station specification. Specifically the example contains an extra field for "SiteName" that is not included in the template. The original intention was to include the SiteName column as illustrated by the example.

    To resolve this inconsistency and avoid future confusion I propose the following:

    a) Modify the station-level text "template" on page 12 of the specification to include a SiteName column matching the example on page 13.

    b) Internally change the specification version from "1.1 to "1.1b" and describe the modification in the Changes section of the document. The file name and URL to the specification will not change.

    The IRIS service and services based on SeisComP, representing a majority of FDSN WS implementations, include the SiteName column and would not be effected by this change.

    Please forward to the Working Group as needed.


    Current station-level template:
    Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|StartTime|EndTime Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|StartTime|EndTime
    Current station-level example:
    #Network | Station | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | SiteName | StartTime | EndTime
    IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|1989-08-29T00:00:00|1995-07-14T00:00:00
    IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|1995-07-14T00:00:00|2000-10-19T16:00:00
    IU|ANMO|34.9502|-106.4602|1839.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|2000-10-19T16:00:00|2002-11-19T21:07:00
    Proposed new station-level template:
    Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|SiteName|StartTime|EndTime Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|SiteName|StartTime|EndTime
    Note new "SiteName" column.

  • Dear all,

    the BGR agrees to the proposed changes to the FDSN web services specifications.

    Best regards
    Klaus Stammler

    Dr. Klaus Stammler

    Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe
    Seismologisches Zentralobservatorium
    Geozentrum Hannover
    Stilleweg 2
    30655 Hannover

    Tel: +49 (0)511 643 2045

    Von: fdsn-wg3-products-bounces<at> [fdsn-wg3-products-bounces<at>] Im Auftrag von Tim Ahern
    Gesendet: Montag, 23. Februar 2015 20:04
    An: fdsn-wg3-products<at> III-Products; fdsn-wg2-data<at> II-Data; Gale Cox
    Betreff: [fdsn-wg3-products] ACTION REQUIRED: FDSN WG III proposal for small edit to the web service specification regarding fdsnws-station text output

    Dear FDSN WG members. (I believe this relates to both WGII and WGIII so I am sending it to both lists)

    Please study this recommendation coming from our colleagues in France with a specific recommendation from Chad Trabant from IRIS that addresses this shortcoming.

    Please respond if you agree or disagree with the proposed recommendation by March 13 and be sure to include Gale Cox who will tally the responses.

    Dr. Tim Ahern

    Chair of FDSN WG III on
    Products, Tools and Services

    Begin forwarded message:

    Date: February 13, 2015 at 4:42:36 PM PST
    From: Chad Trabant <chad<at><chad<at>>>
    To: Tim Ahern <tim<at><tim<at>>>
    Subject: FDSN WG III proposal for small edit to the web service specification regarding fdsnws-station text output

    Hi Tim,

    The Grenoble group has identified an inconsistency in the FDSN Web Services specification. The issue is that there is a mismatch between the "template" and example for station-level text output from the fdsnws-station specification. Specifically the example contains an extra field for "SiteName" that is not included in the template. The original intention was to include the SiteName column as illustrated by the example.

    To resolve this inconsistency and avoid future confusion I propose the following:

    a) Modify the station-level text "template" on page 12 of the specification to include a SiteName column matching the example on page 13.

    b) Internally change the specification version from "1.1 to "1.1b" and describe the modification in the Changes section of the document. The file name and URL to the specification will not change.

    The IRIS service and services based on SeisComP, representing a majority of FDSN WS implementations, include the SiteName column and would not be effected by this change.

    Please forward to the Working Group as needed.


    Current station-level template:
    Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|StartTime|EndTime Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|StartTime|EndTime
    Current station-level example:
    #Network | Station | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | SiteName | StartTime | EndTime
    IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|1989-08-29T00:00:00|1995-07-14T00:00:00
    IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|1995-07-14T00:00:00|2000-10-19T16:00:00
    IU|ANMO|34.9502|-106.4602|1839.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|2000-10-19T16:00:00|2002-11-19T21:07:00
    Proposed new station-level template:
    Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|SiteName|StartTime|EndTime Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|SiteName|StartTime|EndTime
    Note new "SiteName" column.

  • Hello members of FDSN working Groups II and III

    I should have reported back to you earlier, but everyone that replied by the March 13, 2015 deadline approved this recommendation from RESIF. So consider it adopted and those needing to implement should move forward on it.


    Tim Ahern

    Director of Data Services

    1408 NE 45th Street #201
    Seattle, WA 98105

    (206)547-0393 x118
    (206) 547-1093 FAX

    Begin forwarded message:

    From: Tim Ahern <tim<at>>
    Date: February 23, 2015 at 11:04:13 AM PST
    To: "fdsn-wg3-products<at> III-Products" <fdsn-wg3-products<at>>, "fdsn-wg2-data<at> II-Data" <fdsn-wg2-data<at>>, Gale Cox <gale<at>>
    Subject: [fdsn-wg2-data] ACTION REQUIRED: FDSN WG III proposal for small edit to the web service specification regarding fdsnws-station text output

    Dear FDSN WG members. (I believe this relates to both WGII and WGIII so I am sending it to both lists)

    Please study this recommendation coming from our colleagues in France with a specific recommendation from Chad Trabant from IRIS that addresses this shortcoming.

    Please respond if you agree or disagree with the proposed recommendation by March 13 and be sure to include Gale Cox who will tally the responses.

    Dr. Tim Ahern
    tim<at> <tim<at>>

    Chair of FDSN WG III on
    Products, Tools and Services

    Begin forwarded message:

    Date: February 13, 2015 at 4:42:36 PM PST
    From: Chad Trabant <chad<at> <chad<at>>>
    To: Tim Ahern <tim<at> <tim<at>>>
    Subject: FDSN WG III proposal for small edit to the web service specification regarding fdsnws-station text output

    Hi Tim,

    The Grenoble group has identified an inconsistency in the FDSN Web Services specification. The issue is that there is a mismatch between the "template" and example for station-level text output from the fdsnws-station specification. Specifically the example contains an extra field for "SiteName" that is not included in the template. The original intention was to include the SiteName column as illustrated by the example.

    To resolve this inconsistency and avoid future confusion I propose the following:

    a) Modify the station-level text "template" on page 12 of the specification to include a SiteName column matching the example on page 13.

    b) Internally change the specification version from "1.1 to "1.1b" and describe the modification in the Changes section of the document. The file name and URL to the specification will not change.

    The IRIS service and services based on SeisComP, representing a majority of FDSN WS implementations, include the SiteName column and would not be effected by this change.

    Please forward to the Working Group as needed.


    Current station-level template:

    Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|StartTime|EndTime Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|StartTime|EndTime

    Current station-level example:
    #Network | Station | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | SiteName | StartTime | EndTime
    IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|1989-08-29T00:00:00|1995-07-14T00:00:00
    IU|ANMO|34.9459|-106.4572|1850.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|1995-07-14T00:00:00|2000-10-19T16:00:00
    IU|ANMO|34.9502|-106.4602|1839.0|Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA|2000-10-19T16:00:00|2002-11-19T21:07:00

    Proposed new station-level template:

    Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|SiteName|StartTime|EndTime Network|Station|Latitude|Longitude|Elevation|SiteName|StartTime|EndTime

    Note new "SiteName" column.

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