International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: FDSN StationXML schema management using GitHub

Started: 2015-05-01 15:51:44
Last activity: 2015-06-01 15:49:17

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Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI)
2015-05-01 15:51:44

Dea WG-II members,

please find this kind offer from Chad Trabant (IRIS) to manage the FDSN StationXML schema
throug GitHub. I fully support the concept and like to thank Chad for his offer to remain the
gatekeeper for incorporating the changes in the schema. Please let us know if you have other


In order to make the editing and change management of the FDSN StationXML schema a more collaborative
exercise I have created a an "organizational" account for the FDSN and then a repository for the StationXML

This allows individuals and organizations to create modifications of the schema as branches. The changes
can then be proposed to and reviewed by FDSN WG II in their final form before being accepted. In addition,
this will allow for open and transparent tracking of issues and proposed changes.

As for my IRIS-supported involvement, I do not mind continuing to act as the gatekeeper for merging changes
approved by WG II into the master branch, tagging and generating point releases as guided by the WG if this
is what the WG desires. This framework allows more than one gatekeeper if this is ever needed or desired.
Importantly, this system will allow individuals/organizations to create patches/modifications to the schema,
effectively sharing the responsibility of editing, which are then ready for review.


Best regards

  • Not surprisingly I support the approach Chad is suggesting… it would become a shared responsibility within the FDSN, a good idea

    Tim Ahern

    Director of Data Services

    1408 NE 45th Street #201
    Seattle, WA 98105

    (206)547-0393 x118
    (206) 547-1093 FAX

    On May 1, 2015, at 1:51 AM, Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI) <reinoud.sleeman<at>> wrote:

    Dea WG-II members,

    please find this kind offer from Chad Trabant (IRIS) to manage the FDSN StationXML schema
    throug GitHub. I fully support the concept and like to thank Chad for his offer to remain the
    gatekeeper for incorporating the changes in the schema. Please let us know if you have other


    In order to make the editing and change management of the FDSN StationXML schema a more collaborative
    exercise I have created a an "organizational" account for the FDSN and then a repository for the StationXML

    This allows individuals and organizations to create modifications of the schema as branches. The changes
    can then be proposed to and reviewed by FDSN WG II in their final form before being accepted. In addition,
    this will allow for open and transparent tracking of issues and proposed changes.

    As for my IRIS-supported involvement, I do not mind continuing to act as the gatekeeper for merging changes
    approved by WG II into the master branch, tagging and generating point releases as guided by the WG if this
    is what the WG desires. This framework allows more than one gatekeeper if this is ever needed or desired.
    Importantly, this system will allow individuals/organizations to create patches/modifications to the schema,
    effectively sharing the responsibility of editing, which are then ready for review.


    Best regards

    fdsn-wg2-data mailing list

  • Doug Neuhauser
    2015-05-01 20:00:39
    I approve this action. Thanks!
    - Doug N

    On 05/01/2015 01:51 AM, Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI) wrote:

    Dea WG-II members,

    please find this kind offer from Chad Trabant (IRIS) to manage the FDSN StationXML schema
    throug GitHub. I fully support the concept and like to thank Chad for his offer to remain the
    gatekeeper for incorporating the changes in the schema. Please let us know if you have other


    In order to make the editing and change management of the FDSN StationXML schema a more collaborative
    exercise I have created a an "organizational" account for the FDSN and then a repository for the StationXML

    This allows individuals and organizations to create modifications of the schema as branches. The changes
    can then be proposed to and reviewed by FDSN WG II in their final form before being accepted. In addition,
    this will allow for open and transparent tracking of issues and proposed changes.

    As for my IRIS-supported involvement, I do not mind continuing to act as the gatekeeper for merging changes
    approved by WG II into the master branch, tagging and generating point releases as guided by the WG if this
    is what the WG desires. This framework allows more than one gatekeeper if this is ever needed or desired.
    Importantly, this system will allow individuals/organizations to create patches/modifications to the schema,
    effectively sharing the responsibility of editing, which are then ready for review.


    Best regards

    fdsn-wg2-data mailing list

    Doug Neuhauser University of California, Berkeley
    doug<at> Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
    Office: 510-642-0931 215 McCone Hall # 4760
    Fax: 510-643-5811 Berkeley, CA 94720-4760
    Remote: 530-752-5615 (Wed,Fri)

    • This is a good way to proceed.

      Dr. Peter Davis
      Executive Director, Project IDA
      University of California, San Diego
      (o) 858-534-2839
      (f) 858-534-6354

      On May 1, 2015, at 1:00 PM, Doug Neuhauser <doug<at>> wrote:

      I approve this action. Thanks!
      - Doug N

      On 05/01/2015 01:51 AM, Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI) wrote:

      Dea WG-II members,

      please find this kind offer from Chad Trabant (IRIS) to manage the FDSN StationXML schema
      throug GitHub. I fully support the concept and like to thank Chad for his offer to remain the
      gatekeeper for incorporating the changes in the schema. Please let us know if you have other


      In order to make the editing and change management of the FDSN StationXML schema a more collaborative
      exercise I have created a an "organizational" account for the FDSN and then a repository for the StationXML

      This allows individuals and organizations to create modifications of the schema as branches. The changes
      can then be proposed to and reviewed by FDSN WG II in their final form before being accepted. In addition,
      this will allow for open and transparent tracking of issues and proposed changes.

      As for my IRIS-supported involvement, I do not mind continuing to act as the gatekeeper for merging changes
      approved by WG II into the master branch, tagging and generating point releases as guided by the WG if this
      is what the WG desires. This framework allows more than one gatekeeper if this is ever needed or desired.
      Importantly, this system will allow individuals/organizations to create patches/modifications to the schema,
      effectively sharing the responsibility of editing, which are then ready for review.


      Best regards

      fdsn-wg2-data mailing list

      Doug Neuhauser University of California, Berkeley
      doug<at> Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
      Office: 510-642-0931 215 McCone Hall # 4760
      Fax: 510-643-5811 Berkeley, CA 94720-4760
      Remote: 530-752-5615 (Wed,Fri)
      fdsn-wg2-data mailing list

  • Philip Crotwell
    2015-05-01 22:14:53
    +1 This is a great idea.

    Is there any chance that the quakeml schema could also be put there? The
    current site hosting quakeml,, is only available via
    https, and the certificate is self-signed and expired 4 years ago. So when
    you open it in the browser, you get a scarey warning that says: uses an invalid security certificate.

    The certificate is not trusted because it is self-signed.
    The certificate expired on 12/17/11, 8:18 AM. The current time is 5/1/15,
    3:10 PM.

    (Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer)

    Putting the quakeml schema on github as well would be a real benefit I


    On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 4:51 AM, Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI) <
    reinoud.sleeman<at>> wrote:

    Dea WG-II members,

    please find this kind offer from Chad Trabant (IRIS) to manage the FDSN
    StationXML schema
    throug GitHub. I fully support the concept and like to thank Chad for his
    offer to remain the
    gatekeeper for incorporating the changes in the schema. Please let us know
    if you have other


    In order to make the editing and change management of the FDSN StationXML
    schema a more collaborative
    exercise I have created a an "organizational" account for the FDSN and
    then a repository for the StationXML

    This allows individuals and organizations to create modifications of the
    schema as branches. The changes
    can then be proposed to and reviewed by FDSN WG II in their final form
    before being accepted. In addition,
    this will allow for open and transparent tracking of issues and proposed

    As for my IRIS-supported involvement, I do not mind continuing to act as
    the gatekeeper for merging changes
    approved by WG II into the master branch, tagging and generating point
    releases as guided by the WG if this
    is what the WG desires. This framework allows more than one gatekeeper if
    this is ever needed or desired.
    Importantly, this system will allow individuals/organizations to create
    patches/modifications to the schema,
    effectively sharing the responsibility of editing, which are then ready
    for review.


    Best regards

    fdsn-wg2-data mailing list

  • Marcelo Belentani de Bianchi
    2015-05-02 04:46:20
    I also support the idea.

    Marcelo Bianchi
    Centro de Sismologia da USP
    Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas (IAG/USP)
    Rua do matão, 1226 São Paulo/SP 05508-090 Brasil
    Phone: +55 11 3091-4743 Cel: +55 11 9820-10-930

    On 01-05-2015 05:51, Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI) wrote:

    Dea WG-II members,

    please find this kind offer from Chad Trabant (IRIS) to manage the
    FDSN StationXML schema throug GitHub. I fully support the concept and
    like to thank Chad for his offer to remain the gatekeeper for
    incorporating the changes in the schema. Please let us know if you
    have other ideas.


    In order to make the editing and change management of the FDSN
    StationXML schema a more collaborative exercise I have created a an
    "organizational" account for the FDSN and then a repository for the
    StationXML schema:

    This allows individuals and organizations to create modifications of
    the schema as branches. The changes can then be proposed to and
    reviewed by FDSN WG II in their final form before being accepted. In
    addition, this will allow for open and transparent tracking of issues
    and proposed changes.

    As for my IRIS-supported involvement, I do not mind continuing to act
    as the gatekeeper for merging changes approved by WG II into the
    master branch, tagging and generating point releases as guided by the
    WG if this is what the WG desires. This framework allows more than
    one gatekeeper if this is ever needed or desired. Importantly, this
    system will allow individuals/organizations to create
    patches/modifications to the schema, effectively sharing the
    responsibility of editing, which are then ready for review.


    Best regards Reinoud

  • Helle Pedersen
    2015-06-01 15:49:17
    Sorry for the late response - RESIF of course supports this initiative.


    Helle Pedersen

    Le 01/05/2015 10:51, Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI) a écrit :
    Dea WG-II members,

    please find this kind offer from Chad Trabant (IRIS) to manage the FDSN StationXML schema
    throug GitHub. I fully support the concept and like to thank Chad for his offer to remain the
    gatekeeper for incorporating the changes in the schema. Please let us know if you have other


    In order to make the editing and change management of the FDSN StationXML schema a more collaborative
    exercise I have created a an "organizational" account for the FDSN and then a repository for the StationXML

    This allows individuals and organizations to create modifications of the schema as branches. The changes
    can then be proposed to and reviewed by FDSN WG II in their final form before being accepted. In addition,
    this will allow for open and transparent tracking of issues and proposed changes.

    As for my IRIS-supported involvement, I do not mind continuing to act as the gatekeeper for merging changes
    approved by WG II into the master branch, tagging and generating point releases as guided by the WG if this
    is what the WG desires. This framework allows more than one gatekeeper if this is ever needed or desired.
    Importantly, this system will allow individuals/organizations to create patches/modifications to the schema,
    effectively sharing the responsibility of editing, which are then ready for review.


    Best regards

    fdsn-wg2-data mailing list

    Helle Pedersen

    Directrice de RESIF
    Déléguée Scientifique au CNRS-INSU

    Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
    BP 53
    F-38041 Grenoble Cedex
    Tel +33 (0)4 76 63 52 59
    Fax +33 (0)4 76 63 52 01

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    Merci d'utiliser Helle.Pedersen<at>
    Merci de supprimer l'adresse contenant '' de vos adresse collectés.

    My email address has changed.
    Please use Helle.Pedersen<at>
    Please delete the addresses with '' from your collected addresses.