International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: FDSN WG III on products

Started: 2007-08-13 15:11:25
Last activity: 2007-08-13 15:11:25

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Tim Ahern
2007-08-13 15:11:25
Greetings, you are registered as a member of the FDSN WG III Products
Working Group.
I have posted the draft minutes and the summary presentation from our
first meeting
in Perugia on the FDSN web site.

On this same page you can view other information. If you don't wish
to remain on the WG III listserver, there is information there that
will allow
yourself to be removed from the list.

Please read over the minutes and give me your feedback by the end of
August 2007. I will make the corrections and post the final minutes
on the FDSN web site.


Program Manager, IRIS Data Management System
1408 NE 45th Street #201
Seattle, WA 98105

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