International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: FDSN Working Group on Products

Started: 2008-06-17 23:01:11
Last activity: 2008-06-19 19:28:52

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Tim Ahern
2008-06-17 23:01:11
Dear members of the FDSN WG III on Products

You are receiving this email because you are a member of FDSN Working
Group III on Products.
If you wish to have your email address removed, you can request this
yourself at the following location
where a variety of options are available.

At the last FDSN meeting in Perugia, this group was formed and we
took some initial first steps.

We identified that we should attempt to have FDSN networks produce
Probability Density Functions (PDF) images of Power Spectral Density
(PSD) measurements. We selected
this as the first FDSN product since freely available software to
produce the PDF plots exist. The PQLX
software has been written by Richard Boaz with primary support from
Data Management System. The PDFs are also very useful products that
help estimate the quality of a seismic station.

A recent article in the ORFEUS Newsletter describes the PQLX software,
what it does and where users
can download it. Please refer to
for more information.

The next FDSN meeting will be held in conjunction with the IASPEI
meeting in Capetown, South Africa. The WG III
meeting is presently scheduled to take place on Tuesday January 13,

I am writing to you to determine if you will be able to participate in
the installation of the PQLX software and
the generation of the PDF plots for stations in your network. We
still have more than 6 months until the meeting and
this would allow for some statistically significant results to be

I would appreciate it if each of you can answer this email and let me
know your intentions with respect to
the generation of this first FDSN Data Product. I know that some of
you are already doing this at your centers but
your response is still requested. Please let me know what networks
and/or stations you will be generating
the PDF's for.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Wishes

Tim Ahern
Chair, FDSN WG III on Products

FDSN Archive for Continuous Data
International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN)
1408 NE 45th Street #201
Seattle, WA 98105
(206)547-0393 x118
(206) 547-1093 FAX

An example of a PDF plot for 2006 from the IRIS/IDA station OBN

  • Reinoud Sleeman
    2008-06-18 16:20:09
    Dear all,

    Recently the PQLX software has been installed at ORFEUS Data Center
    ( ) to produce PDF's ( )
    for (almost) all stations in the Virtual European Broadband Seismograph Network (VEBSN)
    ( ). The VEBSN is the pool of BB
    stations that presently includes stations from the following networks:

    AI - Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network
    BE - Belgian Seismic Network
    BN - UK-Net, Blacknest Array
    BS - National Network of Bulgaria
    BW - BayernNetz, Germany
    CA - Catalan Seismic Network
    CH - Switzerland Seismological Network
    CR - Croatian Seismograph Network
    CZ - Czech Seismic Network
    DK - Danish Seismological Network
    FN - Northen Finland Seismological Network
    FR - French Broadband Seismological Network
    GB - Great Britain Seismograph Network
    GR - German Regional Seismic Network
    HE - Finnish National Seismic Network (HEL)
    HF - Swedish Seismic Array Network
    HL - National Observatory of Athens Digital Broadband network
    HP - University of Patras, Seismological Laboratory
    HT - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Seismology
    HU - Hungarian Seismological Network
    II - IRIS/IDA Network
    IP - Instituto Superior Tecnico Broadband Seismic
    IU - IRIS/USGS Network
    KO - Kandilli Observatory
    NA - Netherlands Antilles Seismic Network
    NL - Netherlands Seismic Network
    NO - Norwegian Seismic Array Network
    NR - NARS Array
    NS - Norwegian National Seismic Network
    OE - Austrian Seismic Network
    PM - Portuguese National Seismograph Network
    RO - Romanian Seismic Network
    SK - Slovak National Seismic Network
    SL - Slovenia Seismic Network
    VI - SIL-Icelandic National Digital Seismograph Network

    Best regards,
    Reinoud Sleeman


    Van: fdsn-wg3-products-bounces<at> namens Tim Ahern
    Verzonden: wo 18-6-2008 1:01
    Aan: FDSN WG III-Products
    CC: Gerardo Suarez
    Onderwerp: [fdsn-wg3-products] FDSN Working Group on Products

    Dear members of the FDSN WG III on Products

    You are receiving this email because you are a member of FDSN Working Group III on Products.
    If you wish to have your email address removed, you can request this yourself at the following location
    where a variety of options are available.

    At the last FDSN meeting in Perugia, this group was formed and we took some initial first steps.

    We identified that we should attempt to have FDSN networks produce
    Probability Density Functions (PDF) images of Power Spectral Density (PSD) measurements. We selected
    this as the first FDSN product since freely available software to produce the PDF plots exist. The PQLX
    software has been written by Richard Boaz with primary support from the USGS, IRIS PASSCAL and the IRIS
    Data Management System. The PDFs are also very useful products that help estimate the quality of a seismic station.

    A recent article in the ORFEUS Newsletter describes the PQLX software, what it does and where users
    can download it. Please refer to
    for more information.

    The next FDSN meeting will be held in conjunction with the IASPEI meeting in Capetown, South Africa. The WG III
    meeting is presently scheduled to take place on Tuesday January 13, 2009.

    I am writing to you to determine if you will be able to participate in the installation of the PQLX software and
    the generation of the PDF plots for stations in your network. We still have more than 6 months until the meeting and
    this would allow for some statistically significant results to be generated.

    I would appreciate it if each of you can answer this email and let me know your intentions with respect to
    the generation of this first FDSN Data Product. I know that some of you are already doing this at your centers but
    your response is still requested. Please let me know what networks and/or stations you will be generating
    the PDF's for.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Best Wishes

    Tim Ahern
    Chair, FDSN WG III on Products

    FDSN Archive for Continuous Data

    International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN)

    c/o IRIS DMC

    1408 NE 45th Street #201

    Seattle, WA 98105

    (206)547-0393 x118

    (206) 547-1093 FAX

    An example of a PDF plot for 2006 from the IRIS/IDA station OBN

  • Winfried Hanka
    2008-06-19 16:56:16
    Dear all,

    the present situation at GFZ is that PQLX is installed and operating in
    testing mode, but no web page yet. We have also almost all VEBSN
    networks from Reinoud's list plus some non-public European stations and
    many non-European RT networks. However, we are not permanently archiving
    and distributing (and therefore also not calulating PDFs for) those
    networks, where the primary responsibility is somewhere else (at ODC,
    INGV, IPGP or IRIS DMC). In addition, we will in future apply PQLX to
    our comprehensive temporary network archive.

    For explanation of the general situation in Europe let me add that we
    are presently establishing the EIDA, the European Integrated Data
    Archive, with ODC, INGV, IPGP and GFZ as primary nodes and hopefully a
    set of individual network data centers as secondary nodes. IPGP and
    INGV, as it looks now, will be responsible for the archives of
    GEOSCOPE/MedNet plus their different national networks while ODC and GFZ
    share primary responsibility for about half of the other European
    networks each. In addition, GFZ archives a number of RT networks from
    outside of Europe such as NU - Nicaragua, CX - N. Chile, AF - South
    Africa and IA - Indonesia, certainly more in future. For all of those
    networks PQLX products will be available soon.



  • Eleonore Stutzmann
    2008-06-19 19:28:52
    dear all,
    Since January 2007, daily noise PDF are computed
    for channels BH and LH of every GEOSCOPE stations
    using our own software.
    Noise level are computed at date day+8 for real time data
    and whenever data are archived for the other stations.
    Noise PDF are accessible on GEOSCOPE web site -> stations -> noise level
    We are not planning for the moment to install pqlx
    at GEOSCOPE data center.

    Best regards
    Eleonore Stutzmann

    director of GEOSCOPE observatory
    Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
    4 place Jussieu
    75005 Paris
    tel 33 1 44 27 24 13