International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: ECEES session on data models, metadata and services in seismology

Started: 2014-03-25 15:13:17
Last activity: 2014-03-25 15:13:17

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Dear colleagues affiliated with FDSN wg 2&3,

Dear colleagues,

we would like to draw your attention to the following special session (ESC-17) on
data models, metadata handling and data services in seismology, to be held at the
Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (August
24-29, 2014) in Istanbul/Turkey.

We are looking forward to any spotlights on your recent theoretical insights or
practical experience in this field, be it from recent or ongoing developments under
the umbrella of FDSN, or from your home institutions.

The deadline for abstract submission is April 1, 2014.

Best regards,

Alessandro, Fabian, Reinoud, Tim, Philipp


Share your data with the community: Data models, metadata and services in

Philipp Kästli (ETHZ)
Tim Ahern (IRIS)
Fabian Euchner (ETHZ)
Reinoud Sleeman (ORFEUS)
Alessandro Spinuso (ORFEUS)

Oral and Posters

Recent computer technologies promote data access from anywhere to anywhere,
allowing new approaches to data analysis and research which strech far beyond
looking at your own local data in your own local file.

However, making these technologies useful for seismological practice requires
compatible data models, standardized exchange formats, service interfaces, and
metadata frameworks allowing users to discover and understand the data offered
to him.

Technical capabilities are not enough: data standards and service user
experience must be close enough to the pre-existing experience of domain
scientists in order to be picked up, while yet generic enough to allow bridging
between content domains for more interdisciplinary research. Community-driven
standardisation processes can help to strengthen the link between scientific and
technical enthusiasts.

There are many ongoing projects, all on continental, national, and institute
level in this domain. Standards like QuakeML or OGC services gained broad
acceptance, others like NRML are still on the way. European infrastructure
projects like EPOS investigate in adopting metadata standards and
infrastructures, and discovery services for the geophysical community. However,
small, single institution projects are often the fastest to test-implement new
concepts, contributing very valuable insigth to hotly debated fields of
crowdsourcing and social-networking type services.

This session tries to give an overview of this very dynamic field of
seismological data exchange, and to network protagonists in order to profit from
each other's developments, experience, and ideas.

We solicit contributions that deal with one or more of the following topics:
- data modelling in general
- particular data models and data exchange formats in seismology
- advances in metadata formats and applications
- thesauri and ontologies, metadata languages and other semantic web - related
- web service technology and application.
- use cases of the application of these techniques in seismological research or
observatory practice.

In particular we welcome contributions that focus on community aspects of data
model development and standardization.
