International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: FDSN WG IV CTBTO meeting during IUGG Melbourne

Started: 2011-01-22 01:36:36
Last activity: 2011-01-22 01:36:36
Florian Haslinger
2011-01-22 01:36:36
Dear Members and friends of FDSN WG-IV on CTBTO coordination,

first, apologies for any cross-postings - the WG-IV mailing list is small, so I decided to send this also to FDSN-General.

I have been asked to chair the FDSN WG IV ad interim, until we have a chance at the next FDSN general meeting to properly elect the successor of Jim Lyons as chair of this working group.
Which brings me right to the first point of this message: While I would be honored to serve as next chair of WG IV I certainly ask all of you to think of other candidates for this position. If you can identify suitable individuals, please contact Gerardo Suarez (gerardo<at> and Torild van Eck (torild.van.eck<at>, who will have to organize the voting.

My initial ideas for our WG-IV meeting, scheduled for Monday, 4 July 2011, lunchtime, are:

- review current status of affairs between the FDSN and CTBTO;

- review ways where the FDSN (and/or its members) can potentially support CTBTO, e.g. in collaborations with station operators of auxiliary seismic network stations, and /or National Data Centers with less developed technical capacities;

- review recent developments at the CTBTO (I hope that we have in the FDSN general meeting someone from the PTS presenting), among others the vDEC (virtual Data Exploitation Center) project, and the 2011 CTBTO Science & Technology Conference (which will happen just 3 weeks before the IUGG, please check - abstract deadline is 25 Feb);

- discuss future "work", identify specific activities we might want to undertake.

Please feel free to distribute this message further to other interested groups or individuals.
Also if you have specific issues that you would find worth considering during our meeting please let me know so that we can put them on the agenda.

I intend to distribute a more comprehensive agenda shortly before the meeting.

Thanks a lot and best regards,


[once again - following Torild's recent email - please note that the abstract deadline for IUGG is Tuesday, 1 February]

Dr. Florian Haslinger
Swiss Seismological Service
ETH Zurich, NO H 65
Sonneggstr. 5
CH - 8092 Zürich

ph: +41-44-633 4670
fax: +41-44 633 1065
cell: +41-79 759 8157