International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: FDSN WG III meetings at EGU

Started: 2016-02-11 18:16:45
Last activity: 2016-02-27 07:12:25

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Tim Ahern
2016-02-11 18:16:45

As many of you will be attending the EGU it seems like an opportunity meet to discuss some topics that are relevant to FDSN WG III.
Several of you have contacted me about organizing such a meeting and that is the purpose of sending you this email.

Topics that I think are useful are

1. Federation of FDSN Data Centers
- leveraging the FDSN Web services that are installed at several centers, the possibility exists to create a federated service where an outside user can seamlessly access data from all web see vice enabled centers.
- what are the rules about setting priorities concerning which data center is primary for various datasets
- what are expected levels of performance for a data center to be included in the federated system
- I am sure there are many other things that require discussion

2. Status of FDSN DOIs
- lets review how this system is working and get input from everyone

3. Discussion about adding additional services in the FDSN web services suite.

4. Other topics
- Please send me other items that you wish to discuss.

While this will not be an official working group meeting I do think there will be a large number of WGIII members there and we can take advantage of this time to get together and discuss various WGIII related issues.

Please let me know the following by February 26, 2016

1. Will you be able to attend the meeting
2. topics you would like to have discussed.
3. Identify 5 times during EGU when you will be able to meet

Feel free to reply to the WGIII list so all can see the conversation. fdsn-wg3-products<at>

At the end of this month I will draft an agenda and arrange an appropriately sized room for the WG discussions.


Dr. Tim Ahern

Chair of FDSN WG III on
Products, Tools and Services

  • Helle Pedersen
    2016-02-16 00:47:44
    Dear all,

    Excellent idea to meet at EGU, if possible. The topics that you list are
    indeed key issues at present.

    RESIF will be present at EGU.



    Le 11/02/2016 19:17, Tim Ahern a écrit :

    As many of you will be attending the EGU it seems like an opportunity
    meet to discuss some topics that are relevant to FDSN WG III.
    Several of you have contacted me about organizing such a meeting and
    that is the purpose of sending you this email.

    Topics that I think are useful are

    1. Federation of FDSN Data Centers
    - leveraging the FDSN Web services that are installed at several
    centers, the possibility exists to create a federated service where an
    outside user can seamlessly access data from all web see vice enabled
    - what are the rules about setting priorities concerning which data
    center is primary for various datasets
    - what are expected levels of performance for a data center to be
    included in the federated system
    - I am sure there are many other things that require discussion

    2. Status of FDSN DOIs
    - lets review how this system is working and get input from everyone

    3. Discussion about adding additional services in the FDSN web
    services suite.

    4. Other topics
    - Please send me other items that you wish to discuss.

    While this will not be an official working group meeting I do think
    there will be a large number of WGIII members there and we can take
    advantage of this time to get together and discuss various WGIII
    related issues.

    *Please let me know the following by February 26, 201*6

    1. Will you be able to attend the meeting
    2. topics you would like to have discussed.
    3. Identify 5 times during EGU when you will be able to meet

    Feel free to reply to the WGIII list so all can see the conversation.
    fdsn-wg3-products<at> <fdsn-wg3-products<at>>

    At the end of this month I will draft an agenda and arrange an
    appropriately sized room for the WG discussions.


    Dr. Tim Ahern
    tim<at> <tim<at>>

    Chair of FDSN WG III on
    Products, Tools and Services

    FDSN Working Group III (

    Sent via IRIS Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

    Helle Pedersen

    Directrice de RESIF
    Déléguée Scientifique au CNRS-INSU

    Université Grenoble Alpes
    BP 53
    F-38041 Grenoble Cedex
    Tel +33 (0)4 76 63 52 59
    Fax +33 (0)4 76 63 52 01

    Mon adresse email a changé.
    Merci d'utiliser Helle.Pedersen<at>
    Merci de supprimer l'adresse contenant '' de vos adresse collectés.

    My email address has changed.
    Please use Helle.Pedersen<at>
    Please delete the addresses with '' from your collected addresses.

  • Angelo Strollo
    2016-02-27 07:12:25
    Dear Tim and WG III members,

    this is certainly a good idea to meet at the EGU, the topics you
    suggested as mentioned by Helle are indeed among the most important for
    the moment.

    Regarding your questions:

    > 1. Will you be able to attend the meeting

    Yes, depending on the timing also other ORFEUS/EIDA colleagues may attend

    > 2. topics you would like to have discussed.

    - How to proceed with the Task Forces identified at the Prague meeting
    last year in particular #2 Federated Data Centers and #3 Quality Assurance

    - Completeness of the DOI metadata

    - We may touch also the point mentioned by Joachim Saul on the mailing
    list a few days ago ( if
    not addressed on the mailing list already by the time of the meeting.

    > 3. Identify 5 times during EGU when you will be able to meet

    This is still difficult at the moment, tentatively I should be there the
    entire week. I would suggest to wait one more week to have a better idea
    of suitable time slots once the meeting programme will be available
    Nevertheless if you need to fix already the time slot for the meeting
    please avoid the following dates: 20/04 (08:00-19:00) and 21/04 after 17:00.

    Looking forward to meeting you in Vienna.

    On 11.02.2016 19:17, Tim Ahern wrote:

    As many of you will be attending the EGU it seems like an opportunity
    meet to discuss some topics that are relevant to FDSN WG III.
    Several of you have contacted me about organizing such a meeting and
    that is the purpose of sending you this email.

    Topics that I think are useful are

    1. Federation of FDSN Data Centers
    - leveraging the FDSN Web services that are installed at several
    centers, the possibility exists to create a federated service where an
    outside user can seamlessly access data from all web see vice enabled
    - what are the rules about setting priorities concerning which data
    center is primary for various datasets
    - what are expected levels of performance for a data center to be
    included in the federated system
    - I am sure there are many other things that require discussion

    2. Status of FDSN DOIs
    - lets review how this system is working and get input from everyone

    3. Discussion about adding additional services in the FDSN web services

    4. Other topics
    - Please send me other items that you wish to discuss.

    While this will not be an official working group meeting I do think
    there will be a large number of WGIII members there and we can take
    advantage of this time to get together and discuss various WGIII related

    *Please let me know the following by February 26, 201*6

    1. Will you be able to attend the meeting
    2. topics you would like to have discussed.
    3. Identify 5 times during EGU when you will be able to meet

    Feel free to reply to the WGIII list so all can see the conversation.
    fdsn-wg3-products<at> <fdsn-wg3-products<at>>

    At the end of this month I will draft an agenda and arrange an
    appropriately sized room for the WG discussions.


    Dr. Tim Ahern
    tim<at> <tim<at>>

    Chair of FDSN WG III on
    Products, Tools and Services

    FDSN Working Group III (

    Sent via IRIS Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

    Department 2 Geophysics
    Section 2.4 Seismology - GEOFON
    Tel.: +49 (0)331/2881285
    Mob.: +49 (0)172/8590874
    Fax : +49 (0)331/2881277
    Email: strollo<at>

    Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
    GFZ German Research Centre For Geosciences
    Public Law Foundation State of Brandenburg
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    House A3 Room 207