International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: FDSN Meetings regarding Federated Centers, etc

Started: 2016-02-29 16:38:29
Last activity: 2016-02-29 16:38:29

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Tim Ahern
2016-02-29 16:38:29
Greetings WG III members

I have heard back from some of you but not everyone. Nevertheless the deadline was last Friday and rooms are becoming quite scarce at the EGU.

We have arranged to have
Room 2.17 available from
10:30 to 12:00noon on
Tuesday 19 April 2016

for WG III discussions. The time is short and most likely the main topic will be concepts of Federation.

Others have suggested that we might take advantage of this time to also discuss how the Task Forces formed in Prague for WGIII should proceed.
Very few people actually expressed interest in the task forces after Prague so no real work has been done since. Can I ask you again if you are interested in working on
any of the Task Forces. Remember the following Task Forces were identified
Task Force 1. Needed changes to StationXML to be considered by WG II on formats (Trabant lead)
Task Force 2. FDSN Federated System task force
Task Force 3. Standardization of the Quality Assurance approach within the FDSN -
So may I ask you again to indicate your interest in being involved in one of these task forces. Please reply to this email with a cc to gale<at> <gale<at>> as well.

Thanks and I am looking forward to seeing you in April


Dr. Tim Ahern
tim<at> <tim<at>>

Chair of FDSN WG III on
Products, Tools and Services