International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Re: fdsnws-event - add support for event type in query and text format

Started: 2016-07-22 06:55:13
Last activity: 2016-07-22 06:55:13
Ok, could be a good approach. Thanks.

On Jul 21, 2016, at 11:03 PM, Jeremy Fee <jmfee<at>> wrote:

We're having similar discussions over more specific landslide event types.

I suspect the simplest way forward is to use a generic quakeml event type, and implement a quakeml extension that allows more flexibility.



On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 3:52 PM, Glenn Thompson <thompsong<at>> wrote:
QuakeML, but it is a generic point too for any system or data format that aims to be useful for volcano-seismology. Much of my own work at different observatories has involved taking systems and database schema designed for regional earthquake monitoring and expanding them to support volcano-seismic monitoring needs. But maybe QuakeML isn't meant to support the exchange of volcano-seismic event metadata because many such events are small - which leads to other issues.

On Jul 21, 2016, at 9:32 PM, Jeremy Fee <jmfee<at>> wrote:

Are you asking why those are omitted from the Quakeml spec, or from the USGS event web service?



On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 2:13 PM, Glenn Thompson <thompsong<at>> wrote:
Slightly off topic perhaps but I am wondering why volcano-seismic event types are omitted? By this I mean some labels that identify events as volcano-tectonic, hybrid, long-period, and rockfall/pyroclastic flow. These are common to most volcano observatories. For example, I classified much of the Montserrat catalog (a 15 year eruption) and there were several tens of thousands of events in each of these categories, and much of the downstream automated and manual analysis relies on these categorizations.

On Jul 21, 2016, at 6:31 PM, Jeremy Fee <jmfee<at>> wrote:


The USGS fdsnws-event web service already supports an "eventtype" parameter as an extension, and it is included in our extension output formats csv and geojson:

I recommend using the actual quakeml values ("earthquake" instead of "Earthquake").



On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 11:23 AM, John Clinton <jclinton<at>> wrote:

I would like to propose a change to fdsnws-event. Currently, there is very limited support for event type. This information is given in the quakeML XML output, but it is missing from the text output. Also, it would be very useful to be able to query catalogues by event type.

I know there is a long story about what is the correct nomenclature for event type, but quakeML1.2 supports the following event types as seen in

I would suggest if eventype is not specified in a query, the default would be ‘Earthquake’ (many of us offering fdsnws-event only support EventType=Earthquake anyway).

Is there any established procedure to manage changing versions of fdsnws? It hasn’t changed since 4/2013.


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