International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Next generation miniSEED - 2016-3-30 straw man change proposal 9 - Reserve space in header for post-realtime flags

Started: 2016-08-11 19:55:32
Last activity: 2016-08-23 20:46:57

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Hi all,

Change proposal #9 to the 2016-3-30 straw man (iteration 1) is attached: Reserve space in header for post-realtime (e.g. archive) flags.

Please use this thread to provide your feedback on this proposal by Wednesday August 24th.


  • I also feel this would be better suited to the opaque headers instead
    of a fixed bit array.


    On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 3:57 PM, Chad Trabant <chad<at>> wrote:

    Hi all,

    Change proposal #9 to the 2016-3-30 straw man (iteration 1) is attached:
    Reserve space in header for post-realtime (e.g. archive) flags.

    Please use this thread to provide your feedback on this proposal by
    Wednesday August 24th.


    Posted to multiple topics:
    FDSN Working Group II
    FDSN Working Group III

    Sent via IRIS Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • Agree

    From: Chad Trabant [chad<at>]
    Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 3:56 PM
    To: Tim Ahern <tim<at>>; Bob Hutt <Hutt<at>>;
    Bruce Beaudoin <bruce<at>>; Pete Davis
    <pdavis<at>>; Kent Anderson <kent<at>>; Bob Woodward
    <woodward<at>>; Katrin Hafner <hafner<at>>; Justin Sweet
    <jrsweet<at>>; Brent.Evers<at>; David Wilson <dwilson<at>>;
    Mathias Franke <mathias.franke<at>>; Ogie Kuraica <ogie<at>>; Neil
    Spriggs <NeilSpriggs<at>>; Angel Rodriguez
    <angel<at>>; Leonid Zimakov <L.Zimakov<at>>; Edelvays
    Spassov <ens<at>>; Branden Christensen
    <branden.christensen<at>>; Dieter Stoll
    <dstoll<at>>; Seiji Tsuboi <tsuboi<at>>; Jara
    Salvador, Jose Antonio <JoseAntonio.Jara<at>>; David Easton
    <davideaston<at>>; timparker<at>; John Clinton
    <jclinton<at>>; Vallee Martin <vallee<at>>; Constantin Ionescu
    <viorel<at>>; Marmureanu.Alexandru<at>; Bogdan Grecu
    <bgrecu<at>>; Cristian Neagoe <cristian.neagoe<at>>; Helle Pedersen
    <Helle.Pedersen<at>>; Catherine Pequegnat
    <catherine.pequegnat<at>>; Pierre Volcke
    <pierre.volcke<at>>; Angelo Strollo
    <strollo<at>>; Sébastien Judenherc
    <Sebastien.Judenherc<at>>; Tony Russell
    <tony.russell<at>>; Robert Leugoud <rleugoud<at>>; Jiang Li
    <lijiang01<at>>; Lani Oncescu <lani<at>>; Shawn Goessen
    <support<at>>; Dennis Pumphrey <dp<at>>; Suzan Kowalski
    <suzankowalski<at>>; Bruce Townsend
    <brucetownsend<at>>; Joseph Steim <steim<at>>; Ian
    Billings <reftek_support<at>>; Claudio Parma <c.parma<at>>
    Cc: fdsn Group II <fdsn-wg2-data<at>>; FDSN Working Group III
    Subject: Next generation miniSEED - 2016-3-30 straw man change proposal 9 -
    Reserve space in header for post-realtime flags

    Hi all,

    Change proposal #9 to the 2016-3-30 straw man (iteration 1) is attached:
    Reserve space in header for post-realtime (e.g. archive) flags.

    Please use this thread to provide your feedback on this proposal by
    Wednesday August 24th.

