International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Fwd: fdsn event changes

Started: 2017-06-15 18:43:55
Last activity: 2017-06-16 22:05:18

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Nick Ackerley
2017-06-15 18:43:55
Fabian et al.,

There is a Geological Survey of Canada open file, currently under review,
explaining that the GSC is adopting a subset of the QuakeML 1.2 event
types. It includes the procedures we use in routine processing for
assigning each type (we make heavy use of "suspected" - a key innovation of
the QuakeML event type ontology, IMHO) and cites basic references in the
literature for each type. Let me know if that may be of help to you. I am
glad that QuakeML is pushing beyond a simple "enumerated type" to include
simple definitions, synonyms and hierarchical relationships.

I can't find a "Request for Comments" page relating to event types at . If one exists or could be
created I would prefer to comment further there; if not, I can post my
comments to this list.

Nick Ackerley

Seismic Analyst, Canadian Hazard Information Service

Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada

Analyste Sismique, Service canadien d’information sur les risques

Ressources naturelles Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 8:34 AM, Fabian Euchner <fabian.euchner<at>>

There will also be an updated BasicEventDescription package (QuakeML-BED
v1.3). This will include mild changes to the well-known QuakeML 1.2. In
particular, the event type enumeration needs to be revised. We would like
to introduce precise definitons with literature references, and a hierarchy
of terms with clear semantics. Suggestions are welcome!

  • Fabian Euchner
    2017-06-16 22:05:18
    Hello Nick,

    (this is getting slightly out-of-topic on this list, which is mainly on web services, not so
    much on data models, so I'm cross-posting to the QuakeML list)

    There is a Geological Survey of Canada open file, currently under review,
    explaining that the GSC is adopting a subset of the QuakeML 1.2 event
    types. It includes the procedures we use in routine processing for
    assigning each type (we make heavy use of "suspected" - a key innovation of
    the QuakeML event type ontology, IMHO) and cites basic references in the
    literature for each type. Let me know if that may be of help to you.

    Nice to hear this, and yes, I think this will be of great help for the commnuity. Would be
    great if you could share the document when review is finished.

    I am
    glad that QuakeML is pushing beyond a simple "enumerated type" to include
    simple definitions, synonyms and hierarchical relationships.

    Note that the XML Schema will still use a simple enumeration, but in addition we will
    provide an SKOS definition in which the semantic relations can be seen.

    I can't find a "Request for Comments" page relating to event types at . If one exists or could be
    created I would prefer to comment further there; if not, I can post my
    comments to this list.

    Discussion on the next generation of QuakeML "Basic Event Description" (which includes
    EventType) is here:
    BasicEventDescriptionTypesDiscussion#class_EventType . I took the liberty to propose a
    simplified classification scheme as a starting point.

    This is not yet an official RfC, but of course comments and suggestions can be posted and
    are very welcome! (everybody who needs an account for this Wiki please let me know by e-
    mail, automatic account creation is disabled because of uncontrollable spam).

    In addition, suggestions and comments should be posted on the QuakeML mailing list at
    quakeml<at> in order to get a higher visibility.
    (sign up to the mailing list at )

    Best regards,

    Nick Ackerley

    Seismic Analyst, Canadian Hazard Information Service

    Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada

    Analyste Sismique, Service canadien d’information sur les risques

    Ressources naturelles Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

    On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 8:34 AM, Fabian Euchner <fabian.euchner<at>>
    There will also be an updated BasicEventDescription package (QuakeML-BED
    v1.3). This will include mild changes to the well-known QuakeML 1.2. In
    particular, the event type enumeration needs to be revised. We would like
    to introduce precise definitons with literature references, and a
    of terms with clear semantics. Suggestions are welcome!

    Fabian Euchner phone +41 44 633 7178
    Institute of Geophysics fax +41 44 633 1065
    ETH Zurich, NO F5 e-mail fabian<at>
    Sonneggstrasse 5
    8092 Zurich (Switzerland)
    QuakeML QuakePy