Dear All, our WG-V bi-annual meeting will be held during the upcoming Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly 2017. The FDSN WG-V will meet on Thursday August 3rd from 12-1:30pm. An agenda for the WG-V meeting will be distributed closer to the meeting. At this point I’d like to solicit input from the group on several topics.
-Again this year I would like to start the meeting with 5 minute slots for groups/facilities to present highlights and developments. If you are interested, please let me know.
-Topics that you would like to add to our meeting agenda and are willing to lead the discussion.
-To gather comments on the Recommendation from our 2015 Prague meeting:
"FDSN (WG - V and perhaps WG - I) will develop a list of standardized digitizer outputs (e.g. SOH channels, meta-data) for vendors to meet when developing new equipment.”
We held a follow up meeting at EGU 2016 and during that meeting it was suggested that I circulate a list of proposed SOH channels for comment. I have attached a spreadsheet with a tentative list of SOH. Please take some time to review and comment, fill in the blanks or edit existing fields. If you could respond by July 15, 2017 I will collate all responses and distribute prior to our meeting in early August.
If you could please respond to the above requests no later than July 15th I will be able to include them in our meeting.
Sincerely, Bruce
Dr. Bruce Beaudoin
IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center
100 East Rd., New Mexico Tech
Socorro, NM 87801 USA
(575) 835-5071