International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Draft Agenda

Started: 2017-07-21 19:29:12
Last activity: 2017-07-28 22:49:35

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Tim Ahern
2017-07-21 19:29:12
Greetings members of FDSN WG III on Products, Tools, and Services.

In preparation for the WG III meeting I am attaching the draft agenda and a few documents. If there are other issues to be discussed they can be considered at the meeting. Time will be short as this meeting is only 90 minutes long.

There are three attachments

1) the draft agenda with the all the topics recommended by various parties, and the time and place of our meeting in Kobe

This attachment that covers Phillips Crotwell’s wish to make times specified in the services ISO compliant

And finally a document to be referred to for the change recommended by John Clinton regarding the event_type for fads-event service

I hope I got this correct John, please let us know if I didn’t. I think it is straightforwardo

I hope to see many of you in Kobe.

Until then

Tim Ahern

Director of Data Services

1408 NE 45th Street #201
Seattle, WA 98105

(206)547-0393 x118
(206) 547-1093 FAX

  • Jean-Marie Saurel
    2017-07-22 11:18:45
    Hello Tim,

    Thanks for the documents.

    I will unfortunately not be there in Kobé.
    However, I have just a little question on the third document from John.

    Does this option will allow to select several event types in the same
    request ?

    Like, for example "eventtype=landslide,rockslide,collapse".

    Have a nice week-end.

    Jean-Marie SAUREL.

    Le 21.07.2017 19:29, Tim Ahern a écrit :
    Greetings members of FDSN WG III on Products, Tools, and Services.

    In preparation for the WG III meeting I am attaching the draft agenda
    and a few documents. If there are other issues to be discussed they
    can be considered at the meeting. Time will be short as this meeting
    is only 90 minutes long.

    There are three attachments

    1) the draft agenda with the all the topics recommended by various
    parties, and the time and place of our meeting in Kobe

    This attachment that covers Phillips Crotwell’s wish to make times
    specified in the services ISO compliant

    And finally a document to be referred to for the change recommended
    by John Clinton regarding the event_type for fads-event service

    I hope I got this correct John, please let us know if I didn’t.
    I think it is straightforwardo

    I hope to see many of you in Kobe.

    Until then

    Tim Ahern

    Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
    Observatoires Volcanologiques et Sismologiques
    +33 1 83 95 74 37
    1 rue Jussieu
    75238 Paris cédex 5

    • John Clinton
      2017-07-28 18:20:39
      sorry for the late reaction on this due taking vacation right before the Kobe meeting:

      @ Tim, thanks for creating the template document for the changes to the event service. I review the proposed changes, and would like to add changes / actions. The first is to do with the standard used for Event Type descriptions. quakeMl2.0 is still at RFC stage, so we should refer to quakeMl1.2, the currently agreed standard.

      @ Jean-Marie, thank you for your comment. Of course there should be an option to allow selection of multiple event types.

      to be consistent with the conventions in the specifications document (if I understand them correctly), I have amended the file send by Tim, with new changes in green. I hope we can agree these at the meeting in Kobe, I will present these briefly at the WGIII meeting.


      On 22 Jul 2017, at 05:25, Jean-Marie Saurel <saurel<at>> wrote:

      Hello Tim,

      Thanks for the documents.

      I will unfortunately not be there in Kobé.
      However, I have just a little question on the third document from John.

      Does this option will allow to select several event types in the same
      request ?

      Like, for example "eventtype=landslide,rockslide,collapse".

      Have a nice week-end.

      Jean-Marie SAUREL.

      Le 21.07.2017 19:29, Tim Ahern a écrit :
      Greetings members of FDSN WG III on Products, Tools, and Services.

      In preparation for the WG III meeting I am attaching the draft agenda
      and a few documents. If there are other issues to be discussed they
      can be considered at the meeting. Time will be short as this meeting
      is only 90 minutes long.

      There are three attachments

      1) the draft agenda with the all the topics recommended by various
      parties, and the time and place of our meeting in Kobe

      This attachment that covers Phillips Crotwell’s wish to make times
      specified in the services ISO compliant

      And finally a document to be referred to for the change recommended
      by John Clinton regarding the event_type for fads-event service

      I hope I got this correct John, please let us know if I didn’t.
      I think it is straightforwardo

      I hope to see many of you in Kobe.

      Until then

      Tim Ahern

      Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
      Observatoires Volcanologiques et Sismologiques
      +33 1 83 95 74 37
      1 rue Jussieu
      75238 Paris cédex 5

      FDSN Working Group III (

      Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
      Update subscription preferences at

      • Joachim Saul
        2017-07-28 22:31:29
        John Clinton wrote on 07/28/2017 01:21 PM:
        quakeMl2.0 is still at RFC stage, so we should refer to quakeMl1.2, the currently agreed standard.

        Hi John,

        it shouldn't even refer to QuakeML at all as QuakeML adopted its event
        type list from a list compiled by the ISC [1], which I would regard as
        more "authoritative" instance on this matter than any QuakeML
        specification adopting it. Perhaps the ISC can elaborate on the status
        of this event type list and whether a revision / addition is planned.
        IIRC there were comments about some kinds of volcanic events missing on
        that list (and consequently the QuakeML list, too).

        Another potential source for confusion may be the spelling even if said
        QuakeML event type list shall be used. The default value of the event
        type is "Earthquake". In the QuakeML list, however, we have either
        "EARTHQUAKE" or "earthquake". This may be solved by specifying that the
        event type must be case insensitive but that still wouldn't resolve
        "NuclearExplosion" vs. "nuclear explosion" vs. "NUCLEAR_EXPLOSION".

        IMHO these issues should be resolved before the adoption as a standard



        • Fabian Euchner
          2017-07-28 22:49:35
          Hi Joachim, hi all,

          the QuakeML standard document
          action=AttachFile&do=view&target=QuakeML-BED-20130214a.pdf (pages 27/28/29)
          contains a reference to the Storchak et al. whitepaper (without the URL, since
          it was not known/available when the standard was written).

          The standard document lists the "correct" spelling of the EventTypes: all
          lowercase, separated with one blank space. I would suggest that in the event
          web service, we make the match case insensitive and allow also word separation
          by underscores:

          'induced event' matches 'induced_event' matches 'INDUCED_EVENT' matches
          'INDUCED event'

          I would not allow camel case, since it is typically used for element/attribute
          names, and not the values.


          it shouldn't even refer to QuakeML at all as QuakeML adopted its event
          type list from a list compiled by the ISC [1], which I would regard as
          more "authoritative" instance on this matter than any QuakeML
          specification adopting it. Perhaps the ISC can elaborate on the status
          of this event type list and whether a revision / addition is planned.
          IIRC there were comments about some kinds of volcanic events missing on
          that list (and consequently the QuakeML list, too).

          Another potential source for confusion may be the spelling even if said
          QuakeML event type list shall be used. The default value of the event
          type is "Earthquake". In the QuakeML list, however, we have either
          "EARTHQUAKE" or "earthquake". This may be solved by specifying that the
          event type must be case insensitive but that still wouldn't resolve
          "NuclearExplosion" vs. "nuclear explosion" vs. "NUCLEAR_EXPLOSION".

          IMHO these issues should be resolved before the adoption as a standard



          FDSN Working Group III

          Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
          Update subscription preferences at

          Fabian Euchner phone +41 44 633 7178
          Institute of Geophysics fax +41 44 633 1065
          ETH Zurich, NO F5 e-mail fabian<at>
          Sonneggstrasse 5
          8092 Zurich (Switzerland)
          QuakeML QuakePy