International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: TexNet FDSN Web Services

Started: 2017-08-11 00:12:58
Last activity: 2017-08-11 00:12:58

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Alexandros Savvaidis
2017-08-11 00:12:58
Dear all,

I would like to thank you for accepting TexNet request to be a member of FDSN.

We would like to add our FDSN WS into the Data Centers Supporting FDSNWS.
TexNet - Texas Earthquake Data Center -

ยท fdsnws-dataselect:

* fdsnws-station:
* contact: TexNet<at><TexNet<at>>

Best Regards,

Alexandros Savvaidis, Ph.D.
Manager of Texas Seismological Network (TexNet)

Bureau of Economic Geology
John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences
University of Texas at Austin
University Station, Box X
Austin, TX 78712-8924

Phone: (512) 475-9549<tel:%2B1%20512%20475%209549>