International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Technical Evaluation for the next generation of miniSEED

Started: 2018-01-04 22:11:04
Last activity: 2018-02-16 18:27:44

This thread is from a mailing list that has moved to Google Groups. Use the following links to browse the updated archives.
Dear members of the FDSN WGII,

as previously discussed on this mailing list we'll now enter stage 2 of the "Next Generation Format's" design which is about the technical evaluation of the requirements agreed upon during stage 1.

It will take place in this GitHub repository and its issues:

Discussions will start immediately until January 29th and voting on the requirements will be open until January 31st. For further details, please have a look at the GitHub repository.

All the best,

  • Dear all,

    the discussion has been broadened to also include potential expansions
    and conventions of the FDSN codes (network/station/location/channel) -
    of course under the assumption that these will also be used in the new
    data format which is being discussed in another issue.

    If you care about the new data format or the use of FDSN codes please
    join the discussion. If you want to follow the discussion just press the
    "Watch" button on top of the GitHub repository.

    All the best,

    Lion + John and Chad

    On 04.01.18 23:11, Lion Krischer wrote:
    Dear members of the FDSN WGII,

    as previously discussed on this mailing list we'll now enter stage 2 of the "Next Generation Format's" design which is about the technical evaluation of the requirements agreed upon during stage 1.

    It will take place in this GitHub repository and its issues:

    Discussions will start immediately until January 29th and voting on the requirements will be open until January 31st. For further details, please have a look at the GitHub repository.

    All the best,


    FDSN Working Group II
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

    • Dear Colleagues,

      the phase of technical evaluation on NGA format is drawing to a close - we proposed starting ‘voting’ this coming Monday with decisions taken by the end of the month.

      The discussion has generally proceeded well, however there are a few issues to highlight
      - participation is good - at least 20 people are actively following the conversation, though the list of active contributors is smaller
      - only 5 persons from FDSN institutions have as-of-yet registered to vote. Even some teams who are participating heavily in the discussion have not registered to vote.

      I would urgently request that if anyone intends to participate, they should:
      - indicate this immediately by registering to vote on behalf of their institution (here: )
      - contact myself and Lion directly if you wish to participate, but cannot reasonably contribute to the conversation in the remaining time
      We can consider an extension to the deadline, but only in the event that its clear a delay will result in improved participation.

      I would like to highlight an issue added to the discussion that is particularly important for our community - the topics of the expanded identifiers/ SNCL codes. For example, a channel code change probably has the biggest potential change and wrinkle for all stakeholders. Though we will not resolve this issue in the few days remaining, and conventions will reside in documentation that will come later, the current discussion will result in limitations on how these can be described in NGF. We welcome all opinions on these topics:
      (see issues 27-30 at )

      The name of the new format is also still unfortunately not decided, good suggestions are very welcome! Current proposals range from sticking with 'miniSEED3' all the way to 'notSEED' :)
      ( )

      best regards,

      John and Lion

      • Dear members of the FDSN WG2 working group,

        please note that the voting on phase 2, the technical evaluation of the
        next generation data format, has begun. If you have not yet done so (and
        you are interested in the discussion) please sign up for voting here:

        The discussion will close end of this week and I'll produce a summary of
        the results early next week.

        I summarized each issue and tried to phrase the essence of each
        discussion thread into a few questions that can mostly be answered with
        yes/no. Please add your votes for each issue you care about as comments
        - you can find an overview of all issues here:

        Initially we also wanted to enable voting via reaction on Github but
        most issues have been broken up into multiple questions so please have
        another look and vote by commenting.

        The discussions regarding the identifiers will not be voted on yet as
        they are broader issues and the new data format is to some extent an
        independent discussion.

        All the best,


        On 25.01.18 22:52, John Clinton wrote:
        Dear Colleagues,

        the phase of technical evaluation on NGA format is drawing to a close - we proposed starting ‘voting’ this coming Monday with decisions taken by the end of the month.

        The discussion has generally proceeded well, however there are a few issues to highlight
        - participation is good - at least 20 people are actively following the conversation, though the list of active contributors is smaller
        - only 5 persons from FDSN institutions have as-of-yet registered to vote. Even some teams who are participating heavily in the discussion have not registered to vote.

        I would urgently request that if anyone intends to participate, they should:
        - indicate this immediately by registering to vote on behalf of their institution (here: )
        - contact myself and Lion directly if you wish to participate, but cannot reasonably contribute to the conversation in the remaining time
        We can consider an extension to the deadline, but only in the event that its clear a delay will result in improved participation.

        I would like to highlight an issue added to the discussion that is particularly important for our community - the topics of the expanded identifiers/ SNCL codes. For example, a channel code change probably has the biggest potential change and wrinkle for all stakeholders. Though we will not resolve this issue in the few days remaining, and conventions will reside in documentation that will come later, the current discussion will result in limitations on how these can be described in NGF. We welcome all opinions on these topics:
        (see issues 27-30 at )

        The name of the new format is also still unfortunately not decided, good suggestions are very welcome! Current proposals range from sticking with 'miniSEED3' all the way to 'notSEED' :)
        ( )

        best regards,

        John and Lion

        FDSN Working Group II
        Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

        Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
        Update subscription preferences at

        • Dear members of the FDSN WG2 working group,

          please find the final report of the technical evaluation attached to
          this email. You can also view it online here:

          Thanks to everyone who participated and all the best,


          On 29.01.18 14:44, Lion Krischer wrote:
          Dear members of the FDSN WG2 working group,

          please note that the voting on phase 2, the technical evaluation of the
          next generation data format, has begun. If you have not yet done so (and
          you are interested in the discussion) please sign up for voting here:

          The discussion will close end of this week and I'll produce a summary of
          the results early next week.

          I summarized each issue and tried to phrase the essence of each
          discussion thread into a few questions that can mostly be answered with
          yes/no. Please add your votes for each issue you care about as comments
          - you can find an overview of all issues here:

          Initially we also wanted to enable voting via reaction on Github but
          most issues have been broken up into multiple questions so please have
          another look and vote by commenting.

          The discussions regarding the identifiers will not be voted on yet as
          they are broader issues and the new data format is to some extent an
          independent discussion.

          All the best,


          On 25.01.18 22:52, John Clinton wrote:
          Dear Colleagues,

          the phase of technical evaluation on NGA format is drawing to a close - we proposed starting ‘voting’ this coming Monday with decisions taken by the end of the month.

          The discussion has generally proceeded well, however there are a few issues to highlight
          - participation is good - at least 20 people are actively following the conversation, though the list of active contributors is smaller
          - only 5 persons from FDSN institutions have as-of-yet registered to vote. Even some teams who are participating heavily in the discussion have not registered to vote.

          I would urgently request that if anyone intends to participate, they should:
          - indicate this immediately by registering to vote on behalf of their institution (here: )
          - contact myself and Lion directly if you wish to participate, but cannot reasonably contribute to the conversation in the remaining time
          We can consider an extension to the deadline, but only in the event that its clear a delay will result in improved participation.

          I would like to highlight an issue added to the discussion that is particularly important for our community - the topics of the expanded identifiers/ SNCL codes. For example, a channel code change probably has the biggest potential change and wrinkle for all stakeholders. Though we will not resolve this issue in the few days remaining, and conventions will reside in documentation that will come later, the current discussion will result in limitations on how these can be described in NGF. We welcome all opinions on these topics:
          (see issues 27-30 at )

          The name of the new format is also still unfortunately not decided, good suggestions are very welcome! Current proposals range from sticking with 'miniSEED3' all the way to 'notSEED' :)
          ( )

          best regards,

          John and Lion

          FDSN Working Group II
          Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

          Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
          Update subscription preferences at

          FDSN Working Group II
          Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>

          Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
          Update subscription preferences at
