International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Voting for membership

Started: 2018-03-17 11:08:56
Last activity: 2018-03-20 16:18:54
Michelle Grobbelaar
2018-03-17 11:08:56
Dear All

We have received a request for membership from The Australian National University - Research School of Earth Sciences.

They operate the Warraumunga seismic array that is part of the CTBTO network, the data is already sent to IRIS DMC through the AU network code, as well as the Australian Seismometers in Schools array, the data from which is also sent to IRIS DMC.

They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
"Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station.
Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

Please could you send me your votes by no later than 31 March 2018 in order for us to make a decision.

Thank you for you cooperation.
Kind regards
  • Tim Ahern
    2018-03-17 14:22:17
    This group has been very open and I can personally vouch for their operations and adherence to FDSN Standards. IRIS enthusiastically vote in support of their admission.

    Tim Ahern

    Director of Data Services

    1408 NE 45th Street #201
    Seattle, WA 98105

    (206)547-0393 x118
    (206) 547-1093 FAX

    On Mar 17, 2018, at 4:08 AM, Michelle Grobbelaar <michelle<at>> wrote:

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from The Australian National University - Research School of Earth Sciences.

    They operate the Warraumunga seismic array that is part of the CTBTO network, the data is already sent to IRIS DMC through the AU network code, as well as the Australian Seismometers in Schools array, the data from which is also sent to IRIS DMC.

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station.
    Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 31 March 2018 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives
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    • Constantin Ionescu
      2018-03-18 21:45:59
      The vote from Romanian Seismic Network is YES.
      Best regards, Dr.Eng. Constantin IonescuGENERAL MANAGERNational Institute for Earth Physics Phone;+40214050670, Fax:+40214050673,Mobile phone;0755077704Email; dirgen<at>, viorel<at>,viorel2k<at>

      From: Tim Ahern <tim<at>>
      To: FDSN Representatives <fdsn-representatives<at>>
      Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2018 4:25 PM
      Subject: Re: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for membership

      This group has been very open and I can personally vouch for their operations and adherence to FDSN Standards.  IRIS enthusiastically vote in support of their admission.
      Tim Ahern

      Director of Data Services

      IRIS DMC
      1408 NE 45th Street #201
      Seattle, WA  98105

      (206)547-0393 x118             
      (206) 547-1093 FAX

      On Mar 17, 2018, at 4:08 AM, Michelle Grobbelaar <michelle<at>> wrote:
      Dear All

      We have received a request for membership from The Australian National University - Research School of Earth Sciences.

      They operate the Warraumunga seismic array that is part of the CTBTO network, the data is already sent to IRIS DMC through the AU network code, as well as the Australian Seismometers in Schools array, the data from which is also sent to IRIS DMC.

      They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
      "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station.
      Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

      At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

      Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

      Please could you send me your votes by no later than 31 March 2018 in order for us to make a decision.

      Thank you for you cooperation.
      Kind regards

      FDSN Representatives
      Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

      Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
      Update subscription preferences at

      FDSN Representatives
      Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

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  • Philip Crotwell
    2018-03-17 21:26:38
    South Carolina Seismic Network votes to approve..

    Philip Crotwell

    On Sat, Mar 17, 2018 at 7:08 AM, Michelle Grobbelaar <
    michelle<at>> wrote:

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from The Australian National
    University - Research School of Earth Sciences.

    They operate the Warraumunga seismic array that is part of the CTBTO
    network, the data is already sent to IRIS DMC through the AU network code,
    as well as the Australian Seismometers in Schools array, the data from
    which is also sent to IRIS DMC.

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one
    broad-band station.
    Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open
    access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for
    membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting
    members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN
    will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 31 March 2018 in
    order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives
    Topic home:
    | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
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  • Won-Young Kim
    2018-03-17 23:02:58
    Dear All,

    Lamont-Dhoherty Cooperative Seismographic Network (LCSN)
    votes in support of the Australian National University for their
    membership to FDSN.

    Won-Young Kim

    On 3/17/18 7:08 AM, Michelle Grobbelaar wrote:
    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from The Australian National University - Research School of Earth Sciences.

    They operate the Warraumunga seismic array that is part of the CTBTO network, the data is already sent to IRIS DMC through the AU network code, as well as the Australian Seismometers in Schools array, the data from which is also sent to IRIS DMC.

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station.
    Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 31 March 2018 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

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    Won-Young Kim
    Lamont Research Professor
    Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
    of Columbia University
    61 Route 9W
    Palisades, NY 10964
    Tel: 845-365-8387

    • Alexei Malovichko
      2018-03-19 15:55:54
      Dear All

      Geophysical Survey of Russian Academy of Sciences (GSRAS)
      votes in support of the Australian National University for their
      membership to FDSN.

      Best regards
      Alexey Malovichko

       On 3/17/18 7:08 AM, Michelle Grobbelaar wrote:
      Dear All

      We have received a request for membership from The Australian National University - Research School of Earth Sciences.

      They operate the Warraumunga seismic array that is part of the CTBTO network, the data is already sent to IRIS DMC through the AU network code, as well as the Australian Seismometers in Schools array, the data from which is also sent to IRIS DMC.

      They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
      "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station.
      Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

      At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

      Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

      Please could you send me your votes by no later than 31 March 2018 in order for us to make a decision.

      Thank you for you cooperation.
      Kind regards

      FDSN Representatives
      Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

      Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
      Update subscription preferences at

      Won-Young Kim
      Lamont Research Professor
      Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
      of Columbia University
      61 Route 9W
      Palisades, NY 10964
      Tel: 845-365-8387

      FDSN Representatives
      Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

      Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
      Update subscription preferences at

      • Annakaisa Korja
        2018-03-19 14:15:27
        Dear all,

        The Finnish national seismic network network (FNSN) vote yes .

        Annakaisa Korja


        Annakaisa Korja, Head of Department
        Department of Geosciences and Geography
        P.O. Box 64
        FIN-00014 University of Helsinki

        tel: +358-2941 51606 mobile: +358-50-3185745
        Lähettäjä: fdsn-representatives-bounce<at> <fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>> käyttäjän Alexei Malovichko <amal<at>> puolesta
        Lähetetty: 19. maaliskuuta 2018 7:56:24
        Vastaanottaja: FDSN Representatives
        Aihe: Re: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for membership

        Dear All

        Geophysical Survey of Russian Academy of Sciences (GSRAS)
        votes in support of the Australian National University for their
        membership to FDSN.

        Best regards
        Alexey Malovichko

        On 3/17/18 7:08 AM, Michelle Grobbelaar wrote:
        Dear All

        We have received a request for membership from The Australian National University - Research School of Earth Sciences.

        They operate the Warraumunga seismic array that is part of the CTBTO network, the data is already sent to IRIS DMC through the AU network code, as well as the Australian Seismometers in Schools array, the data from which is also sent to IRIS DMC.

        They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
        "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station.
        Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

        At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

        Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

        Please could you send me your votes by no later than 31 March 2018 in order for us to make a decision.

        Thank you for you cooperation.
        Kind regards

        FDSN Representatives
        Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

        Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
        Update subscription preferences at

        Won-Young Kim
        Lamont Research Professor
        Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
        of Columbia University
        61 Route 9W
        Palisades, NY 10964
        Tel: 845-365-8387

        FDSN Representatives
        Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

        Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
        Update subscription preferences at

        FDSN Representatives
        Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

        Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
        Update subscription preferences at

  • Alexandros Savvaidis
    2018-03-18 05:27:48
    Dear all,

    Texas Seismological Network (TexNet) vote in favor of the request of The Australian National University - Research School of Earth Sciences, to be a member of FDSN.

    Best Regards,

    Alexandros Savvaidis, Ph.D.
    Manager of Texas Seismological Network (TexNet)
    Bu. Jackson School of Geosciences
    University of Texas at Austin
    University Station, Box X, Austin, TX 78712-8924

    Phone: (512) 475-9549<tel:%2B1%20512%20475%209549>
    Cell: (737) 202-8750

    On Mar 17, 2018, at 6:09 AM, Michelle Grobbelaar <michelle<at><michelle<at>>> wrote:

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from The Australian National University - Research School of Earth Sciences.

    They operate the Warraumunga seismic array that is part of the CTBTO network, the data is already sent to IRIS DMC through the AU network code, as well as the Australian Seismometers in Schools array, the data from which is also sent to IRIS DMC.

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station.
    Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 31 March 2018 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at><fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • Jose Antonio Jara Salvador
    2018-03-19 03:01:28
    Dear all, Catalan Seismic Network vote in favor of the application of the Australian National University - Research School of Earth Sciences, to be a member of FDSN.

    Jose A. Jara
    Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia

    El 17 mar 2018, a las 12:11, Michelle Grobbelaar <michelle<at>> escribió:

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from The Australian National University - Research School of Earth Sciences.

    They operate the Warraumunga seismic array that is part of the CTBTO network, the data is already sent to IRIS DMC through the AU network code, as well as the Australian Seismometers in Schools array, the data from which is also sent to IRIS DMC.

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station.
    Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 31 March 2018 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • Ai Yinshuang
    2018-03-19 15:21:34

    Dear All,
    IGGCAS (Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) votes through the FDSN membership application of the Australian National University - Research School of Earth Sciences.

    Best regards,
    Yinshuang Ai

    发件人: "Michelle Grobbelaar" <michelle<at>>
    发送时间: 2018-03-17 19:08:57 (星期六)
    收件人: "FDSN Representatives" <fdsn-representatives<at>>
    主题: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for membership

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from The Australian National University - Research School of Earth Sciences.

    They operate the Warraumunga seismic array that is part of the CTBTO network, the data is already sent to IRIS DMC through the AU network code, as well as the Australian Seismometers in Schools array, the data from which is also sent to IRIS DMC.

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station.
    Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 31 March 2018 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

    Dr. Yinshuang Ai
    Seismic Array Laboratory
    Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS
    Beituchengxilu 19, Chaoyang District
    Beijing, 100029
    Tel 86-10-82998356
    Fax 86-10-62010846

  • Mladen Zivcic
    2018-03-19 18:59:49

    Dear All,

    Seismic Network of the Republic of Slovenia votes in favor.

    Best regards,

    On 17.3.2018 11:08, Michelle Grobbelaar wrote:
    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from The Australian National University - Research School of Earth Sciences.

    They operate the Warraumunga seismic array that is part of the CTBTO network, the data is already sent to IRIS DMC through the AU network code, as well as the Australian Seismometers in Schools array, the data from which is also sent to IRIS DMC.

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station.
    Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 31 March 2018 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

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    Update subscription preferences at

    Mladen Živčić


    Vojkova 1b, 1000 Ljubljana
    T: 01 478 72 70

  • Seiji Tsuboi
    2018-03-20 15:50:38
    Dear all,

    I vote ‘yes’.

    Best regards,
    Seiji Tsuboi

    2018-03-17 20:08 GMT+09:00 Michelle Grobbelaar <michelle<at>>:

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from The Australian National
    University - Research School of Earth Sciences.

    They operate the Warraumunga seismic array that is part of the CTBTO
    network, the data is already sent to IRIS DMC through the AU network code,
    as well as the Australian Seismometers in Schools array, the data from
    which is also sent to IRIS DMC.

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one
    broad-band station.
    Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open
    access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for
    membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting
    members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN
    will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 31 March 2018 in
    order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives
    Topic home:
    | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • azamat sharshebaev
    2018-03-20 16:18:54
    Dear All,

    the Central Asian Seismic Network of CAIAG supports the FDSN membership of the Australian National University.

    Best regards,
    Azamat Sharshebaev

    17.03.2018 17:08, Michelle Grobbelaar пишет:
    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from The Australian National University - Research School of Earth Sciences.

    They operate the Warraumunga seismic array that is part of the CTBTO network, the data is already sent to IRIS DMC through the AU network code, as well as the Australian Seismometers in Schools array, the data from which is also sent to IRIS DMC.

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station.
    Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 31 March 2018 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at