International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: First version of the Agenda for the WG2 Meeting

Started: 2021-08-20 02:22:26
Last activity: 2021-08-23 09:56:20

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Javier Quinteros
2021-08-20 02:22:26
Dear WG2 members,

Please find attached the first version of the Agenda for the WG2
Meeting. Take into account that the time in the Agenda is expressed in
the Indian Time Zone (IST).
We are still collecting all the information for the Meeting from the
Organizers. A second and final version of the Agenda will follow in the
next hours. Topics will be the same, but we will include more details
about the organization.

Regarding the topic on Metadata for Legacy Data, please find below "as a
preview", the formal proposal that Tim Ahern will present during the

A more formal announcement with more details about the next steps will
be sent after the Meeting.

The same for the topic to be presented by Chad Trabant on the evolution
of miniSEED (e.g. miniSEED 3). This has been already discussed for some
time in the WG and you can check the state-of-the-art before the Meeting

About the topic on GNSS data presented by Angelo Strollo:

Why GNSS@FDSN? Various groups are operating also GNSS stations
co-located with seismic. We see new developments in the GNSS community
with high precision real-time GNSS data streaming. Our wish is to
integrate real-time GNSS data streams in existing seismological
processing pipelines.
The aim of this presentation is to trigger the discussion about how to
integrate GNSS data into standard workflows, current best practices and
short vs long term options.

Looking forward to "meeting" you all on the Meeting.

Javier Quinteros
Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1277
Email: javier<at>

Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg
Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam

  • Javier Quinteros
    2021-08-23 09:56:20
    Dear WG2 members,

    Please, find attached the last version of the Agenda, and below the last
    details to take part in the meeting in some hours.

    Link to the Minutes from Montreal 2019,%202019.pdf

    Yesterday, we had some issues while trying to join another FDSN Meeting.
    Please, feel free to send me a message some minutes before the Meeting
    if you cannot connect.

    Javier Quinteros <javier<at>>

    The Meeting will take place in Hall 14

    20:15 (Indian ST)
    16:45 (Central Europe)
    07:45 PDT (US Pacific)

    Looking forward to seeing you all.


    Javier Quinteros

    On 20.08.21 02:23, Javier Quinteros (via FDSN) wrote:
    Dear WG2 members,

    Please find attached the first version of the Agenda for the WG2
    Meeting. Take into account that the time in the Agenda is expressed in
    the Indian Time Zone (IST).
    We are still collecting all the information for the Meeting from the
    Organizers. A second and final version of the Agenda will follow in the
    next hours. Topics will be the same, but we will include more details
    about the organization.

    Regarding the topic on Metadata for Legacy Data, please find below "as a
    preview", the formal proposal that Tim Ahern will present during the

    A more formal announcement with more details about the next steps will
    be sent after the Meeting.

    The same for the topic to be presented by Chad Trabant on the evolution
    of miniSEED (e.g. miniSEED 3). This has been already discussed for some
    time in the WG and you can check the state-of-the-art before the Meeting

    About the topic on GNSS data presented by Angelo Strollo:

    Why GNSS@FDSN? Various groups are operating also GNSS stations
    co-located with seismic. We see new developments in the GNSS community
    with high precision real-time GNSS data streaming. Our wish is to
    integrate real-time GNSS data streams in existing seismological
    processing pipelines.
    The aim of this presentation is to trigger the discussion about how to
    integrate GNSS data into standard workflows, current best practices and
    short vs long term options.

    Looking forward to "meeting" you all on the Meeting.


    FDSN Working Group II
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    Javier Quinteros
    Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
    Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1277
    Email: javier<at>

    Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
    Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
    Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg
    Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam