International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: miniSEED3 format: Evaluation from the Review Team

Started: 2023-03-03 14:14:41
Last activity: 2023-03-03 14:14:41

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Javier Quinteros
2023-03-03 14:14:41
Dear WG2 Members,

As Chair of the FDSN WG2, I'm contacting you all regarding the proposal
of the "miniSEED 3 format" submitted by Chad Trabant (IRIS) some time ago.

We have recently received the report with the recommendation from the
Evaluation Review Team (see attach).
The outcome is that:

"The team recommends approval of the proposal from a technical perspective."

I will open now a window of *2 weeks* for comments and discussion
considering the positive decision from the Evaluation Review Team. After
that, we will vote following the usual rules:

Voting rules (consistent with current FDSN Terms of Reference):
1 vote per FDSN member (i.e. each network or datacentre)
Votes are agreed with at least 2/3 majority. Quorum for any decision is 5 FDSN member votes.

General discussion is expected to be held on this mailing list, while
more detailed and technical comments can be posted in the Issue Tracker
of the repository.

I paste below again some of the resources you can check while the
discussion is open.

libmseed: (only 3.*, not
the 2.*)

I would like to thank a lot to the members of the Team who have invested
a lot of time to conclude this task. In alphabetical order:
Jarek Bienkowski, Robert Casey, Philip Crotwell, David Easton, Philip
Hill, and Roman Racine. And of course, also to Chad, who was the one
presenting the proposal and was leading this initiative.


P.S.: Please, keep in mind that it is important to express your
constructive opinion in cases in which standards are being defined. Also
taking into account that the final aim is to find solutions for issues
that the community needs to solve in the near future.

Javier Quinteros
Tel.: +49 (0)331/288-1931
Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1277
Email: javier<at>

Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg
Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam