International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Application of authentication methods to all FDSN web services

Started: 2023-07-04 16:09:57
Last activity: 2023-07-05 17:52:14

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Dear WG 3 members,

In 2021 a request was submitted to add an authentication mechanism to the
fdsnws-station service, similar to fdsnws-dataselect via this issue:

This resulted in a proposal at the 2021 meeting to apply the same
fdsnws-dataselect mechanism, aka the *queryauth* endpoint, to all FDSN web
service specifications, as an optional mechanism for data centers to
implement if they wish. A consensus on the topic was not reached at the
meeting. An excerpt from meeting minutes is below for convenience.

*I call for a discussion to determine the appropriate response to the
proposal to include queryauth method in all FDSN web service
specifications, or alternate solutions.* Please respond to this email, or
responses, if possible, to keep the discussion in a single thread.

The *discussion period will end on 27 August* and will be followed by a
vote to adopt a solution, potentially for a small variety of options.

Chad Trabant
Working Group 3 Chair

Relevant discussion from draft 2021 WG meeting minutes
------------- Start of excerpt
Authentication for all FDSN web service specifications

Chad presents a proposal to generalize authentication for all web service

Peter suggests that there is coordination with Javier in their work to
support federated identity management within EIDA.

Tim expressed concern that a center with 100% authentication requirement at
a data center opens the door to exclusion of data being exposed to the
public, even as it helps the CTBTO to make its data available.

Javier indicates that authentication and authorization are different, and
currently the primary goal is to monitor usage patterns through user IDs
and generate usage statistics for funding agencies. First question, do we
want to see authentication for all data access methods at a data center?
Philip asks whether data that is to be freely available should require any
kind of authentication. Marcelo wonders if the “queryauth” method is being
misused for open data requiring login, instead attach authentication for
the query method for open data.

Tim indicates that it is very important for schools that a login
requirement to access data is not complicated and does not impede access to
data repositories.

Peter comments that this proposal to expand the use of queryauth should not
encourage all centers to begin requiring logins, but instead let this open
the door for CTBTO to expose their data using authentication.

Philip indicates the complication of machine to machine connectivity to
information when harvesting from other data centers.

Nick proposed that if "queryauth" is optional, perhaps the standard "query"
can be made mandatory. Chad responded that a datacenter can implement
query, but return nothing.
------------- End of excerpt

  • Dear *,

    On Tue, 04 Jul 2023 23:11:00 -0000 "Chad Trabant (via FDSN)"
    <fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at>> wrote:

    [..] I call for a discussion to determine the appropriate response to the
    proposal to include queryauth method in all FDSN web service specifications,
    or alternate solutions.

    I suggest to drop HTTP Digest Authentication in favor of HTTP Basic
    Authentication over HTTPS.

    - Digest Auth is based on the outdated and insure MD5 algorithm, strong hash
    algorithms may not be used.
    - Digest Auth is valuable to Man-in-the-middle attacks. SSL allows the client to
    verify the server's identity.
    - Basic Auth is easier to implement on the server side and supported by more
    - HTTPS is the default web protocol. Certificates are easy to obtain. The SSL
    part may be handled by a reverse proxy (e.g., NGINX). A reverse proxy setup
    is typically deployed anyway to
    - use one public IP for multiple services
    - implement load balancing, caching, traffic shaping

    Best regards,
    Stephan Herrnkind

    Stephan Herrnkind phone: +49 [0]331 288 1696
    gempa GmbH fax : +49 [0]331 288 2831
    Heinrich-Mann-Allee 18/19 email: herrnkind<at>
    14473 Potsdam web :

    • Hi

      In general I find the trend towards data access requiring login to be
      troubling both for moral and efficiency reasons. Any barrier, however
      small, to data access reduces the usefulness of that data.

      It is still not clear to me why the addition of queryauth for station
      metadata is needed. Can CTBO provide more explanation of why? The issue
      says "There are practical reasons why one may want to not share restricted
      metadata, particularly the precise locations of active temporary deploys."
      but I don't see the distinction between an unauthenticated user seeing a
      precise location for a temporary vs. permanent station. What is the concern?

      This may be a good opportunity to change the common specification to allow
      implementations to support HTTP, HTTPS or both. There are already cases
      where FDSN web services are only available via HTTPS (NCEDC for example)
      and the general requirement to restrict web connection to HTTPS-only for
      institutional web servers is only likely to increase in the future. Also I
      feel that any type of authentication/authorization such as queryauth should
      only be done over HTTPS. Doing security correctly is really hard, and
      trying to do it over an unencrypted protocol is just asking for trouble.

      Lastly, at a more basic level, I wonder if authentication should even be
      part of the specification? Not that it isn't important, but it feels quite
      orthogonal to the "seismic" part of the protocol. There is nothing to
      prevent a client from calling /fdsnws/station/1/query and passing a HTTP
      Authorization header and nothing preventing the server from making use of
      it to restrict or allow access to some data. The current spec would also
      seem to prevent the use of alternatives that may be easier and/or more
      secure in certain cases, bearer tokens instead of digest for example. And
      of course the current spec does not allow HTTPS, and so to be secure a
      server currently must be at least somewhat non-compliant.

      All that said, simply moving queryauth to commonalities and having it
      optional may be the easiest way to address this, so if authentication
      really is needed, I guess I would not oppose that as long as use of HTTPS
      was added to the specification as well.

      This is a useful resource I think:

      Philip Crotwell
      South Carolina Seismic Network

      On Wed, Jul 5, 2023 at 5:10 AM Stephan Herrnkind (via FDSN) <
      fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at>> wrote:

      Dear *,

      On Tue, 04 Jul 2023 23:11:00 -0000 "Chad Trabant (via FDSN)"
      <fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at>> wrote:

      [..] I call for a discussion to determine the appropriate response to the
      proposal to include queryauth method in all FDSN web service
      or alternate solutions.

      I suggest to drop HTTP Digest Authentication in favor of HTTP Basic
      Authentication over HTTPS.

      - Digest Auth is based on the outdated and insure MD5 algorithm, strong
      algorithms may not be used.
      - Digest Auth is valuable to Man-in-the-middle attacks. SSL allows the
      client to
      verify the server's identity.
      - Basic Auth is easier to implement on the server side and supported by
      - HTTPS is the default web protocol. Certificates are easy to obtain. The
      part may be handled by a reverse proxy (e.g., NGINX). A reverse proxy
      is typically deployed anyway to
      - use one public IP for multiple services
      - implement load balancing, caching, traffic shaping

      Best regards,
      Stephan Herrnkind

      Stephan Herrnkind phone: +49 [0]331 288 1696
      gempa GmbH fax : +49 [0]331 288 2831
      Heinrich-Mann-Allee 18/19 email: herrnkind<at>
      14473 Potsdam web :

      FDSN Working Group III
      Topic home: |
      Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg3-products-unsubscribe<at>

      Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
      Update subscription preferences at

      • Hi,

        I directly answered on the issue given by Chad

        From my point of view, usage of http or https shouldn't be part of the
        specification of the webservices as it's already part of the HTTP/HTTPS
        protocol and you may want to use your webservice with or without HTTPS
        depending your usage (for example, only http in an internal network not
        exposed). The only issue I met using HTTPS with dataselect is client not
        supporting it by hardcoding http protocol or client not allowing to
        specify credentials to use BasicAuth.

        Once you have basic auth header in the query, it can be easy to
        implement some form of authorization and waited return code in case of
        denied authorization are already defined by the HTTP protocol.

        So, I follow Stephan Hernkind's position as most of the time, you will
        use a reverse proxy providing HTTPS support and BasicAuth support so
        it'll keep the specification simple and won't ask any change on the
        current dataselect implementation and very few on the clients side. The
        main advantage of basic auth is simple and won't ask much work.

        But one caveat, it's you won't be able to manage users session like
        invalidate them or being able to create program or script without
        knowing the user credentials (one way to bypass this limitation is to
        create a specific account for that usage).

        It's here where tokens come into play to solve that kind of problems but
        they come with complexity, for example, OAuth can be quite difficult to
        implement correctly and can be hard to use by regular users (part of it
        can be hidden by the clients but will make more difficult to use simple
        tools like wget).

        I think we have to think how much we need that overhead in our community

        Have a good day


        BCSF-RENASS / EPOS-France

        On 05/07/2023 17:25, Philip Crotwell (via FDSN) wrote:

        In general I find the trend towards data access requiring login to be
        troubling both for moral and efficiency reasons. Any barrier, however
        small, to data access reduces the usefulness of that data.

        It is still not clear to me why the addition of queryauth for station
        metadata is needed. Can CTBO provide more explanation of why? The
        issue says "There are practical reasons why one may want to not share
        restricted metadata, particularly the precise locations of active
        temporary deploys." but I don't see the distinction between an
        unauthenticated user seeing a precise location for a temporary vs.
        permanent station. What is the concern?

        This may be a good opportunity to change the common specification to
        allow implementations to support HTTP, HTTPS or both. There are
        already cases where FDSN web services are only available via HTTPS
        (NCEDC for example) and the general requirement to restrict web
        connection to HTTPS-only for institutional web servers is only likely
        to increase in the future. Also I feel that any type of
        authentication/authorization such as queryauth should only be done
        over HTTPS. Doing security correctly is really hard, and trying to do
        it over an unencrypted protocol is just asking for trouble.

        Lastly, at a more basic level, I wonder if authentication should even
        be part of the specification? Not that it isn't important, but it
        feels quite orthogonal to the "seismic" part of the protocol. There is
        nothing to prevent a client from calling /fdsnws/station/1/query and
        passing a HTTP Authorization header and nothing preventing the server
        from making use of it to restrict or allow access to some data. The
        current spec would also seem to prevent the use of alternatives that
        may be easier and/or more secure in certain cases, bearer tokens
        instead of digest for example. And of course the current spec does not
        allow HTTPS, and so to be secure a server currently must be at least
        somewhat non-compliant.

        All that said, simply moving queryauth to commonalities and having it
        optional may be the easiest way to address this, so if authentication
        really is needed, I guess I would not oppose that as long as use of
        HTTPS was added to the specification as well.

        This is a useful resource I think:

        Philip Crotwell
        South Carolina Seismic Network

        On Wed, Jul 5, 2023 at 5:10 AM Stephan Herrnkind (via FDSN)
        <fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at>> wrote:

        Dear *,

        On Tue, 04 Jul 2023 23:11:00 -0000 "Chad Trabant (via FDSN)"
        <fdsn-wg3-products-bounce<at>> wrote:

        [..] I call for a discussion to determine the appropriate
        response to the
        proposal to include queryauth method in all FDSN web service
        or alternate solutions.

        I suggest to drop HTTP Digest Authentication in favor of HTTP Basic
        Authentication over HTTPS.

        - Digest Auth is based on the outdated and insure MD5 algorithm,
        strong hash
        algorithms may not be used.
        - Digest Auth is valuable to Man-in-the-middle attacks. SSL allows
        the client to
        verify the server's identity.
        - Basic Auth is easier to implement on the server side and
        supported by more
        - HTTPS is the default web protocol. Certificates are easy to
        obtain. The SSL
        part may be handled by a reverse proxy (e.g., NGINX). A reverse
        proxy setup
        is typically deployed anyway to
        - use one public IP for multiple services
        - implement load balancing, caching, traffic shaping

        Best regards,
        Stephan Herrnkind

        Stephan Herrnkind                   phone:  +49 [0]331 288 1696
        gempa GmbH                          fax  :  +49 [0]331 288 2831
        Heinrich-Mann-Allee 18/19           email: herrnkind<at>
        14473 Potsdam                       web  :

        FDSN Working Group III
        Topic home: |
        Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg3-products-unsubscribe<at>

        Sent from the FDSN Message Center
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        FDSN Working Group III
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