International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: FW: next meeting WG-2 in Cape Town

Started: 2009-01-08 18:08:43
Last activity: 2009-01-08 18:08:43

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Dost, Bernard (KNMI)
2009-01-08 18:08:43
Dear All,

I added all of you who are on my distribution list to the fdsn-wg
listserver (those who did not register to the server yet).

Please find enclosed an additional issue for next weeks meeting




From: Seiji Tsuboi [tsuboi<at>]
Sent: 07 January 2009 09:03
To: Dost, Bernard (KNMI)
Cc: 'Seiji Tsuboi'; 'NAKAMURA Takeshi'
Subject: RE: next meeting WG-2 in Cape Town

Dear Barnard

I am sorry for very late reply to your email. JAMSTEC will install ocean
bottom cable observation system offshore of Japanese Islands by the end
of this year. We hope to use mini-seed format to send realtime data from
the ocean bottom station to the data center. We would like to attach
several new blockettes to the mini-SEED data to monitor the sensor
status. The attached file explains our proposed format to mini-SEED.
Takeshi Nakamura of JAMSTEC will attend the WG meeting and hope to
explain this at the meeting. If you will not be able to attend the
meeting, please let me know. I will forward the email to Tim.

Best regards,

Seiji Tsuboi


From: Dost, Bernard (KNMI) [Bernard.Dost<at>]
Sent: Friday, January 02, 2009 7:12 PM
To: Bernard Dost; Genevieve Roult; Harold Bolton; Jim Lyons; Pete Davis;
Ray Buland; Salvatore Mazza; Seiji Tsuboi; Tim Ahern; Winfried Hanka
Cc: Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI); Eck van, Torild (KNMI)
Subject: next meeting WG-2 in Cape Town

Dear members of FDSN WG-2,

First of all: all the best for 2009 to you all.

According to the distributed schedule, we will have a meeting in Cape
Town on Monday jan 13 13:00-14:30.

As an agenda I propose a similar one as last meeting:

1. SEED issues
2. Real time data exchange- protocols and methods
3. Standard interface to link distributed centers
4. Redistribution of data
5. XML developments (QuakeML)
6. Proposal station codes

I enclose the latest version of the draft on station codes that I
received from Ray Buland.

Also, I enclose a request to discuss the possibility to register a mime
type for SEED data.

If we have too little time for a thorough discussion on the station
coding issue, we might proceed on

Tuesday in a separate meeting that is proposed by Ray.

Although I did book my travel and hotel for the conference, there is a
possibility that I might have to

cancel my trip at the last moment due to personal circumstances. If this
happens I will inform you

and maybe Tim can be the chairperson for the meeting instead.

Hope to see you all soon and sorry for being late with my email.


