International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: fdsn wg2 minutes

Started: 2009-01-21 17:24:08
Last activity: 2009-01-30 19:46:58

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Dost, Bernard (KNMI)
2009-01-21 17:24:08
Dear members of the FDSN WG2,

Please find enclosed a first draft of the minutes of last weeks meeting.
If there are any comments/additions, let me know.

There are a number of actions, especially concerning the SEED issues.

I would appreciate it if you could react within the next three weeks to
the proposal from Doug Neuhauser

on the definition of band code in terms of sample rate and corner
frequency and also on the proposal by Nakamura/Tsuboi.

I would like to ask Ogie if he could help us to reach the vendors of
instrumentation in order to get their comments on the Nakamura/Tsuboi

Best regards


  • Tim Ahern
    2009-01-30 19:46:58
    The minutes seem to be accurate to me. It reminds me that I must get
    out the statistics reporting format as a strawman.

    On Jan 21, 2009, at 12:24 AM, Dost, Bernard (KNMI) wrote:

    Dear members of the FDSN WG2,

    Please find enclosed a first draft of the minutes of last weeks
    meeting. If there are any comments/additions, let me know.

    There are a number of actions, especially concerning the SEED issues.
    I would appreciate it if you could react within the next three weeks
    to the proposal from Doug Neuhauser
    on the definition of band code in terms of sample rate and corner
    frequency and also on the proposal by Nakamura/Tsuboi.

    I would like to ask Ogie if he could help us to reach the vendors of
    instrumentation in order to get their comments on the Nakamura/
    Tsuboi proposal

    Best regards

    <Minutes FDSN WG2_2009.doc>
    fdsn-wg2-data mailing list

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