International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: WG5 Action Items- Status Updates

Started: 2024-09-18 13:58:22
Last activity: 2024-09-19 23:45:09
Joel Simon
2024-09-18 13:58:22
Dear Working Group 5 members,

The 2025 IAGA / IASPEI meeting in Lisbon is set to take place in just under one
year from now so I think it is a good time to check in with the group about
progress on action items.

As I understand it, when I took over as Chair of Working Group 5 there were more
or less four active action items. Below I briefly enumerate each and list the
lead as of the last meeting.

As a refresher, here is a link to past meeting minutes --

(I attempt to maintain the numbering system, which changes throughout the years,
so please respond with corrections where necessary.)

Below I note that it seems Action Items 2021.2 (datalogger state-of-health) and
2021.3 (digital decimation filters) have stagnated with no one leading their
advancement. I ask anyone who is interested in championing those items to
respond to this email and take over as lead. Otherwise, if there is no interest
from the group, I propose we remove those items from the list of active Action
Items. I will leave a discussion open—please respond with your thoughts—but
if I do not hear any objections I will remove those two items in one month.

Please additionally respond with any other updates/notes about the items below,
or others that I may have missed—what I write below is my best understanding
that this time, so please respond to the group if I am not current with the
status of all projects.

Thank you,

Dr. Joel D. Simon (he/him)
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Geosciences
Princeton University


[1] 2021.1

Brief: GeoCSV (really: "rapidly changing metadata") and its merger into StationXML.
Leads: Tim Ahern and Joel Simon
Active: Yes
*GeoCSV file format was adopted by the FDSN at the 2023 meeting of the FDSN.
It is currently being used by the MERMAID project and some PASSCAL
temporary deployments.

*A subset of WG5 has identified 2 possible ways of moving forward,
1) converting the GeoCSV information into XML and basically appending it to
the end of a StationXML file, or
2) embedding the GeoCSV information as new fields in appropriate locations
into the existing StationXML structure which would result in less
voluminous output by eliminating redundancy.
Both approaches are thought to be viable

*Funding is being sought to produce a prototype application that will add
GeoCSV information into a StationXML file using either of the two mentioned
approaches based upon user selection.

*The project remains active but is moving slowly until funding is secured.
Potential consulting groups have been briefed about the project and some
have expressed interest.


[2] 2021.2 (renamed 2023.1)

Brief: Data-logger state of health (SOH) reporting
Leads: Bruce Beaudoin, WG5 Chair and Vice Chair
Active: No
*Documents (attached) compiled by Bruce Beaudoin, to be sent to equipment manufactures.


*My understanding is that attached documents never made it out of the Working
Group/distributed to manufacturers.

*My understanding is all three major equipment manufacturers have released new
dataloggers since SOH first proposed/discussed with them; proposal may need
updating to keep with state-of-art.

*If group expresses interest in reactivation (or if it is active, please respond
and let me know), I can send proposal and questionnaire to manufacturers and help analyze
responses, but I'm hesitant to take the lead with my limited expertise in this area.


[3] 2021.3 (renamed 2023.2)

Brief: Digital filters for data decimation
(establishing standards for data before before delivery to data centers)
Lead: Spearheaded by Wayne Crawford; open as of 2023 Meeting
Active: No / code development ongoing but stagnation within broader WG5
*Proposed and advanced by Wayne Crawford through 2023 meeting
*Codes written by Wayne Crawford, e.g.,,
require validation by committee that was never officially organized


*Wayne has done the work to get this to an evaluation stage but it seems a group
was not organized to see it to completion -- at the 2021 meeting John Collins
offered to participate in the evaluation but to my knowledge no formal group
was ever established, or timeline discussed.

*As with 2021.2 I am happy to help with reactivation, though, like 2021.2 digital
decimation is not my area of expertise so it does not make sense for me to take over lead.

*As I've said, please respond in the positive if there is interest in within the
group of getting this over the finish line.


[4] 2023.4 (and what I consider extension of 2021.4, the former being
code/standards and the former a survey; Wayne please correct me if you prefer to
keep these items separate in the log)

Brief: OBS metadata standards
Lead: Wayne Crawford
Active: Yes
*OBS standards Action Group formed and active.

*Rapid and sustained progress among committee with Wayne Crawford at lead
with regular meetings and an ever-changing git repository --

*2024 AGU abstract submitted.

*On track to have documents ready for validation and vote by Lisbon meeting.

*Next meeting in November (email Wayne Crawford for more details, crawford<at>

  • TIm Ahern
    2024-09-19 23:45:09
    I think removing Action Items that are stagnant and without a lead should be removed. I support your suggestion. Start Fresh.



    On Sep 18, 2024, at 1:59 PM, Joel Simon (via FDSN) <fdsn-wg5-portable-bounce<at>> wrote:

    Dear Working Group 5 members,

    The 2025 IAGA / IASPEI meeting in Lisbon is set to take place in just under one
    year from now so I think it is a good time to check in with the group about
    progress on action items.

    As I understand it, when I took over as Chair of Working Group 5 there were more
    or less four active action items. Below I briefly enumerate each and list the
    lead as of the last meeting.

    As a refresher, here is a link to past meeting minutes --

    (I attempt to maintain the numbering system, which changes throughout the years,
    so please respond with corrections where necessary.)

    Below I note that it seems Action Items 2021.2 (datalogger state-of-health) and
    2021.3 (digital decimation filters) have stagnated with no one leading their
    advancement. I ask anyone who is interested in championing those items to
    respond to this email and take over as lead. Otherwise, if there is no interest
    from the group, I propose we remove those items from the list of active Action
    Items. I will leave a discussion open—please respond with your thoughts—but
    if I do not hear any objections I will remove those two items in one month.

    Please additionally respond with any other updates/notes about the items below,
    or others that I may have missed—what I write below is my best understanding
    that this time, so please respond to the group if I am not current with the
    status of all projects.

    Thank you,

    Dr. Joel D. Simon (he/him)
    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Department of Geosciences
    Princeton University


    [1] 2021.1

    Brief: GeoCSV (really: "rapidly changing metadata") and its merger into StationXML.
    Leads: Tim Ahern and Joel Simon
    Active: Yes
    *GeoCSV file format was adopted by the FDSN at the 2023 meeting of the FDSN.
    It is currently being used by the MERMAID project and some PASSCAL
    temporary deployments.

    *A subset of WG5 has identified 2 possible ways of moving forward,
    1) converting the GeoCSV information into XML and basically appending it to
    the end of a StationXML file, or
    2) embedding the GeoCSV information as new fields in appropriate locations
    into the existing StationXML structure which would result in less
    voluminous output by eliminating redundancy.
    Both approaches are thought to be viable

    *Funding is being sought to produce a prototype application that will add
    GeoCSV information into a StationXML file using either of the two mentioned
    approaches based upon user selection.

    *The project remains active but is moving slowly until funding is secured.
    Potential consulting groups have been briefed about the project and some
    have expressed interest.


    [2] 2021.2 (renamed 2023.1)

    Brief: Data-logger state of health (SOH) reporting
    Leads: Bruce Beaudoin, WG5 Chair and Vice Chair
    Active: No
    *Documents (attached) compiled by Bruce Beaudoin, to be sent to equipment manufactures.


    *My understanding is that attached documents never made it out of the Working
    Group/distributed to manufacturers.

    *My understanding is all three major equipment manufacturers have released new
    dataloggers since SOH first proposed/discussed with them; proposal may need
    updating to keep with state-of-art.

    *If group expresses interest in reactivation (or if it is active, please respond
    and let me know), I can send proposal and questionnaire to manufacturers and help analyze
    responses, but I'm hesitant to take the lead with my limited expertise in this area.


    [3] 2021.3 (renamed 2023.2)

    Brief: Digital filters for data decimation
    (establishing standards for data before before delivery to data centers)
    Lead: Spearheaded by Wayne Crawford; open as of 2023 Meeting
    Active: No / code development ongoing but stagnation within broader WG5
    *Proposed and advanced by Wayne Crawford through 2023 meeting
    *Codes written by Wayne Crawford, e.g.,,
    require validation by committee that was never officially organized


    *Wayne has done the work to get this to an evaluation stage but it seems a group
    was not organized to see it to completion -- at the 2021 meeting John Collins
    offered to participate in the evaluation but to my knowledge no formal group
    was ever established, or timeline discussed.

    *As with 2021.2 I am happy to help with reactivation, though, like 2021.2 digital
    decimation is not my area of expertise so it does not make sense for me to take over lead.

    *As I've said, please respond in the positive if there is interest in within the
    group of getting this over the finish line.


    [4] 2023.4 (and what I consider extension of 2021.4, the former being
    code/standards and the former a survey; Wayne please correct me if you prefer to
    keep these items separate in the log)

    Brief: OBS metadata standards
    Lead: Wayne Crawford
    Active: Yes
    *OBS standards Action Group formed and active.

    *Rapid and sustained progress among committee with Wayne Crawford at lead
    with regular meetings and an ever-changing git repository --

    *2024 AGU abstract submitted.

    *On track to have documents ready for validation and vote by Lisbon meeting.

    *Next meeting in November (email Wayne Crawford for more details, crawford<at>


    FDSN Working Group V
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